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Created June 30, 2022 23:36
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Class OOP exercise JS
// const student = {
// firstName: 'John',
// lastName: 'Doe',
// age: 25,
// };
// class Student {
// constructor(firstName, lastName, age, teacherName) {
// this.firstName = firstName;
// this.lastName = lastName;
// this.age = age;
// this.teachers = [teacherName];
// }
// addTeacher(teacherName) {
// this.teachers.push(teacherName);
// }
// findAllTeachers() {
// return this.teachers;
// }
// getFullName() {
// return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;
// }
// }
// const student1 = new Student('John', 'Doe', 25, 'Peter Smith');
// const student2 = new Student('Jane', 'Doe', 23, 'Zack Smith');
// student1.addTeacher('Zack Smith');
// console.log(student1.teachers);
// console.log(student1.findAllTeachers());
// console.log(student1.getFullName());
// Design a bank account class
// balance, deposit, withdraw, getBalance
// @ts-nocheck
// class BankAccount {
// constructor(balance) {
// this.balance = balance;
// this.history = [];
// }
// deposit(amount) {
// this.balance += amount;
// this.history.push(
// `Deposit of $${amount}, remaining balance: $${this.balance}`,
// );
// }
// withdraw(amount) {
// this.balance -= amount;
// this.history.push(
// `Withdraw of $${amount}, remaining balance: $${this.balance}`,
// );
// }
// getBalance() {
// return this.balance;
// }
// getHistory() {
// return this.history;
// }
// }
// const account = new BankAccount(100);
// account.deposit(50);
// account.withdraw(10);
// console.log(account.getBalance());
// console.log(account.getHistory());
// Shopping cart, add item, remove item by title, get total
// every item: {name, price, quantity}
// Keep an items property in class
class ShoppingCart {
constructor() {
this.items = [];
addItem(item) {
removeItem(name) {
const itemIndex = this.items.findIndex((item) => === name);
if (itemIndex > -1) {
this.items.splice(itemIndex, 1);
getItems() {
return => {
return {
quantity: item.quantity,
getTotal() {
return this.items.reduce(
(acc, item) => acc + item.price * item.quantity,
getReceipt() {
return this.items
.map((item) => {
return `${} * ${item.quantity}: $${
item.price * item.quantity
clearCart() {
this.items = [];
// const cart = new ShoppingCart();
// cart.addItem({
// name: 'Bread',
// price: 1.99,
// quantity: 2,
// });
// cart.addItem({
// name: 'Milk',
// price: 2.99,
// quantity: 1,
// });
// cart.addItem({
// name: 'Eggs',
// price: 3.99,
// quantity: 3,
// });
// console.log(cart.getTotal());
// cart.removeItem('Bread');
// console.log(cart.getTotal());
// console.log(cart.getItems());
// console.log(cart.getReceipt());
// Stock Exchange Account,
// properties
// - cash = int,
// - portfolio = { symbol, quantity, purchasePrice }
// methods
// - buyStock(symbol, quantity)
// - sellStock(symbol, quantity)
// - getPortfolioValue() - returns total value of portfolio
// - getPortfolio - returns list of stock symbols that you own.;
const stocks = {
symbol: 'GOOG',
price: 100,
symbol: 'AAPL',
price: 200,
symbol: 'MSFT',
price: 300,
FB: {
symbol: 'FB',
price: 400,
class StockExchangeAccount {
constructor(cash) { = cash;
this.portfolio = [];
buyStock(symbol, quantity) {
const stock = stocks[symbol];
// const stock = Object.values(stocks).find((item) => item.symbol === symbol);
if (stock) {
const { symbol, price } = stock;
const totalCost = price * quantity;
if ( >= totalCost) {
const foundStockIndex = this.findStockIndex(symbol);
if (foundStockIndex > -1) {
this.portfolio[foundStockIndex].quantity += quantity;
} else {
this.portfolio.push({ symbol, quantity, purchasePrice: price });
} -= totalCost;
} else {
'Sorry you do not have enough cash to create this transaction',
} else {
console.log('Did not find the stock you are looking for');
sellStock(symbol, quantity) {
const foundStockIndex = this.findStockIndex(symbol);
const stock = this.portfolio[foundStockIndex];
if (foundStockIndex > -1 && stock.quantity >= quantity) {
stock.quantity -= quantity;
if (stock.quantity === 0) {
this.portfolio.splice(foundStockIndex, 1);
} += quantity * stock.purchasePrice;
findStockIndex(symbol) {
return this.portfolio.findIndex((item) => item.symbol === symbol);
getPortfolioValue() {
return this.portfolio.reduce(
(acc, item) => acc + item.quantity * item.purchasePrice,
getPortfolio() {
return => item.symbol);
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