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Last active April 1, 2020 03:02
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Download Slack Emoji

✨ Download Slack Emoji ✨

Quick way to export your Slack team's emoji (concurrently!)


  1. Create an API token for your Slack team
  2. Go to the Slack API Tester for emoji.list
  3. Select the team you want to download emoji from in the token dropdown
  4. Click "Test Method"
  5. Right click on "open raw response" and then "Save Link as...". Save the file as emoji.json.
  6. Generate a list of files to download
    ruby -rjson -e 'JSON.parse("emoji.json"))["emoji"].select { |_name, url| url.include?("http") }.each { |name, url| puts "#{url}\n out=#{name}#{File.extname(url)}" }' > emoji.aria2
  7. Download the files
    aria2c --input-file=emoji.aria2 --max-concurrent-downloads=16

🎉 That's it! 🎉

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