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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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  • Save mxhold/ba3549afd20db90ae2f1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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require 'open3'
command = '$stderr.puts("X" * 70_000); $stdout.puts("X" * 70_000)'
full_command = "ruby -e '#{command}'"
Open3.popen3(full_command) do |_in, out, err, _t|
out.each { |line| $stdout.puts line }
err.each { |line| $stderr.puts line }
require 'open3'
command = '$stderr.puts("E" * 70_000); $stdout.puts("o" * 70_000)'
full_command = "ruby -e '#{command}'"
Open3.popen3(full_command) do |_in, out, err, _t|
threads = []
threads << { out.each { |line| $stdout.puts line }}
threads << { err.each { |line| $stderr.puts line }}
threads.each { |t| t.join }
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