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Created April 11, 2017 11:08
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Upload a gzip-compressed mysql dump to google drive via pipes, generate an email on any failure
#!/usr/bin/env python
import datetime
import mandrill
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import time
class GDriveUploadError(Exception):
class DbDumpError(Exception):
def send_warning_email(subject, message):
mandrill_client = mandrill.Mandrill(mandrill_api_key)
print "sending warning email to %s with subject: %s" % (admin_email, subject)
message = {
'from_email': bot_email,
'from_name': bot_name,
'text' : message,
'subject' : subject,
'to': [{'email': admin_email,
'type': 'to'}]
return mandrill_client.messages.send(message)
except mandrill.Error, e:
print 'A mandrill error occurred: %s - %s' % (e.__class__, e)
admin_email = ""
bot_email = ""
bot_name = "My backup bot"
database = "mydb"
gdrive_folder_id = "<google drive folder id>"
mandrill_api_key = "<mandrill api key>"
timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
dump_file = "%s-%s.sql.gz" % (database, timestamp)
dump_command = "mysqldump --skip-extended-insert %s" % database
upload_command = "gdrive upload - --parent %s %s" % (gdrive_folder_id, dump_file)
print "dumping database: %s through gzip" % (database)
print "uploading database dump to google drive as %s" % dump_file
dump_process = subprocess.Popen(dump_command.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
gzip_process = subprocess.Popen("gzip --stdout".split(), stdin=dump_process.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
upload_process = subprocess.Popen(upload_command.split(), stdin=gzip_process.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
dump_return_code = dump_process.wait()
if dump_return_code != 0:
raise DbDumpError(
gzip_return_code = gzip_process.wait()
if gzip_return_code != 0:
raise DbDumpError(
# upload the compressed database dump to google drive
upload_return_code = upload_process.wait()
if upload_return_code != 0:
raise GDriveUploadError(
print "upload successful"
except DbDumpError as e:
print "database dump failed - sending email"
send_warning_email("Failed to write database dump: %s" % database, str(e))
except GDriveUploadError as e:
print "gdrive upload failed - sending email"
send_warning_email("Failed to upload to google drive: %s" % database, str(e))
except Exception as e:
print "unknown error - sending email"
send_warning_email("Database backup general error for: %s" % database, str(e))
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