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Milkii Brewster mxmilkiib

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mxmilkiib / lv2-over1200-uri-list
Last active January 10, 2025 10:06
Over 1200 LV2 plugins. Almost all are available in the AUR for Arch Linux/Manjaro/pacman distributions. Note URIs are normally only used internally in hosts.
# IFS=$'\n' arr=($(lv2ls)) && IFS=$'\n' arr2=($(lv2ls -n)) && for (( i=0; i<${#arr[*]}; ++i)); do printf "%s|%s\n" "${arr[$i]}" "${arr2[$i]}"; done | column -t -s "|"
file:///usr/lib/lv2/audio_to_audio.ingen/main.ttl audio_to_audio
file:///usr/lib/lv2/control_to_control.ingen/main.ttl control_to_control
file:///usr/lib/lv2/cv_to_cv.ingen/main.ttl cv_to_cv
file:///usr/lib/lv2/event_to_event.ingen/main.ttl event_to_event
file:///usr/lib/lv2/gen_amsynth_filte_out.ingen/main.ttl gen_amsynth_filte_out
file:///usr/lib/lv2/MonoEffect.ingen/MonoEffect.ttl Ingen Mono Effect Template
file:///usr/lib/lv2/MonoInstrument.ingen/MonoInstrument.ttl Ingen Mono Instrument Template
file:///usr/lib/lv2/StereoEffect.ingen/StereoEffect.ttl Ingen Stereo Effect Template
mxmilkiib / LaunchpadProMK3.js
Last active January 8, 2025 07:03
Launchpad Pro MK3 MIDI mapping for Mixxx, WIP
//// Launchpad Pro MK3 MIDI mapping for Mixxx
//// by Milkii
//// DEBUG stuff
// Terminal colour codes for DEBUG messages
const COLOURS = {
RED: "\x1b[31m",
GREEN: "\x1b[32m",
ORANGE: "\x1b[33m",
BLUE: "\x1b[34m",
mxmilkiib / launchpadpromk3.js
Last active November 3, 2024 12:07
Launchpad Pro MK3 MIDI mapping
var LaunchpadProMK3 = {}
// console.log("LOG channel " + channel + " control " + control + " value " + value + " status " + status + " group " + group)
LaunchpadProMK3.sleep = function(time) {
var then =;
while (true) {
var now =;
if (now - then > time) {
mxmilkiib / arg.js
Created July 29, 2024 19:21
// working title
var arg = {}
mxmilkiib / mpv_playerctl_firefox_mpris_pause-play.desktop
Last active October 8, 2023 17:02
A desktop entry to allow Linux users to open a directory containing audio files in mpv whilst pausing then unpause any Firefox media playing upon opening and exit. Requires: playerctl, Firefox Mpris integration extension, and ZSH as the current shell. Also sets the volume to 80%, starts at 30 second in, and sets an unobtrusive window size https:…
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=bash -c 'playerctl pause -p firefox; mpv --geometry=600x300 --volume=80 --start=30 --player-operation-mode=pseudo-gui --script-opts=autoload-disabled=yes -- %U/**/*.{flac,mp3,oga,ogg,vobis,opus,aac,m4a,wav,mod,med,it,xm,s3m} %U/*.{flac,mp3,oga,ogg,vobis,opus,aac,m4a,wav,mod,med,it,xm,s3m} ; playerctl play-pause -p firefox'
Name=mpv (mpris ⏯)
mxmilkiib /
Last active March 6, 2021 17:55
quick jack audio to waterfall spectrgraph (ffmpeg showcqt filter in mpv)
# fixed to 800x600 atm. todo; migrate calculations from other projects
# basic, no data image
mpv --config=no --quiet --lavfi-complex="[aid1] asplit [ao], afifo, aformat = channel_layouts = stereo, firequalizer = gain = '1.4884e8 * f*f*f / (f*f + 424.36) / (f*f + 1.4884e8) / sqrt(f*f + 25122.25)': scale = linlin : wfunc = tukey: zero_phase = on: fft2 = on, showcqt = size = 800x600 : count= 2.5 : csp = bt709 : bar_g = 2: sono_g = 4 : bar_v= 9 : sono_v = 17 : font = 'Nimbus Mono L,Courier New,mono' : fontcolor = 'st(0, (midi(f)-53.5)/12); st(1, 0.5 - 0.5 * cos(PI*ld(0))); r(1-ld(1)) + b(ld(1))' : tc = 0.33 : attack = 0.033 : tlength= 'st(0,0.17); 384*tc / (384 / ld(0) + tc*f /(1-ld(0))) + 384*tc / (tc*f / ld(0) + 384 /(1-ld(0)))', format = yuv420p [vo]" av://jack:"mpv JACK"
# silly long, includes data image for horizontal axis note/octave labels
mpv --config=no --quiet --lavfi-complex="[aid1] asplit [a
Sep 29 21:57:44 rose.local pulseaudio[4179]: W: [pulseaudio] module-jack-source.c: JACK error >Connect: can't connect named futex name = jack_sem.1000_default_Syncrose Granular Synthesizer err = Too many open files<
Sep 29 21:57:44 rose.local pulseaudio[4179]: W: [pulseaudio] module-jack-source.c: JACK error >Connect: can't connect named futex name = jack_sem.1000_default_Syncrose Granular Synthesizer err = Too many open files<
Sep 29 21:57:44 rose.local pulseaudio[4179]: W: [pulseaudio] module-jack-source.c: JACK error >Connect: can't connect named futex name = jack_sem.1000_default_Simple Scope (4 channel) err = Too many open files<
Sep 29 21:57:44 rose.local pulseaudio[4179]: W: [pulseaudio] module-jack-source.c: JACK error >Connect: can't connect named futex name = jack_sem.1000_default_Simple Scope (4 channel) err = Too many open files<
Sep 29 21:57:45 rose.local pulseaudio[4179]: W: [pulseaudio] module-jack-source.c: JACK error >Connect: can't connect named futex name = jack_sem.1000_default_Lead Gain 1
18:24:02 milk@rose:~ 130 % mtr -s 1000 -r -c 1000
Start: 2020-08-22T18:24:02+0100
HOST: rose.local Loss% Snt Drop Rcv Last Avg Best Wrst StDev Gmean Jttr Javg Jmax Jint
1. AS??? _gateway (192.168.1 0.0% 1000 0 1000 0.6 0.4 0.4 1.5 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.1 1.1 0.8
2. AS??? 0.1% 1000 1 999 28.7 29.1 27.3 222.8 7.6 28.7 0.6 2.2 194. 9.3
3. AS??? 0.0% 1000 0 1000 28.9 29.9 28.0 200.7 6.6 29.6 0.5 2.8 172. 39.6
4. AS??? 0.1% 1000 1 999 29.7 34.7 28.6 199.0 13.2 33.4 0.6 6.2 168. 20.2
5. AS??? 0.1% 1000 1 999 29.8 33.4 28.6 197.8 13.3 32.2 0.1 6.1 168. 78.8
6. AS6939 10ge2-3.core1.lon2. 0.1% 1000 1 999 28.6 32.5 27.6 181.3 8.2 31.8 0.1 2.3 153. 41.5
7. AS6939 100ge7-1.core1.fra1 0.1% 1000 1 999 40.2 40.0 39.1 202.7 5.3 39.9 0.7 1.2 163. 6.3
strace element
execve("/usr/bin/element", ["element"], 0x7ffc37b82180 /* 82 vars */) = 0
brk(NULL) = 0x55b82f17d000
arch_prctl(0x3001 /* ARCH_??? */, 0x7ffc348c69c0) = -1 EINVAL (Invalid argument)
access("/etc/", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/etc/", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 3
fstat(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=344516, ...}) = 0
mmap(NULL, 344516, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 3, 0) = 0x7f82fc66b000
close(3) = 0
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/lib/", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 3
adlplug ambix ams-lv2 ams-mod-lv2-git amsynth artyfx avldrums.lv2 bchoppr-git beatslash-lv2 bg-plugins.lv2-git bjumblr.lv2-git blop.lv2 bsequencer-git bshapr-git bslizr-git calf caps-lv2-git carla-debug-git deteriorate-lv2 distrho-extra-lv2-git distrho-ports dpf-plugins-git dragonfly-reverb-git drmr-falktx-git drumkv1 eq10q eteroj.lv2 fabla fluidplug-git fogpad.lv2-git fomp.lv2 geonkick gmsynth.lv2 gula-plugins-git gxplugins-lv2-git helm-synth infamousplugins ingen-git intersect.lv2-git invada-studio-plugins-lv2 ir.lv2 kapitonov-plugins-pack-lv2-git linuxsampler liquidsfz lsp-plugins lv2-git lvtk matrixmixer32.lv2-git mclk.lv2 mda.lv2 mephisto.lv2 midi_matrix.lv2 midimsg-lv2 midiomatic midi-trigger.lv2-git mod-cv-plugins-git moony-lv2-git mystery.lv2-git nanoinvaders.lv2-git newtonator ninjas2-git ninjas-git njl.lv2-git noise-repellent omins.lv2-git omnifono.lv2 opnplug padthv1 plujain-ramp-git qmidiarp-git regrader.lv2-git remid.lv2-git rkr.lv2-git samplv1 screcord.lv2-git sherlock.lv2 shiru.lv2-git sooperlo