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Last active December 15, 2023 10:02
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Image Delentropy
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Trying to reproduce:
from urllib.request import urlopen
from scipy import misc,ndimage,signal
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import urllib.request, json
np.random.seed( 5739751 )
images = []
images += [ ( "Racoon", misc.face( gray = True ).astype( int ) ) ]
images += [ ( "Blurred Racoon", ( ndimage.gaussian_filter( misc.face( gray = True ), 100 ) ).astype( int ) ) ]
images += [ ( "Uniform random noise (8 bit)" , ( 255 * np.random.rand( 256 , 256 ) ).astype( int ) ) ]
images += [ ( "Uniform random noise (16 bit)", ( 65535 * np.random.rand( 1024, 1024 ) ).astype( int ) ) ]
images += [ ( "Blurred random noise (16 bit)", ( ndimage.gaussian_filter( 65535 * np.random.rand( 1024, 1024 ), 100 ) ) ) ]
#images += [ ( "Barbara", misc.imread( "barbara.png" ).astype( int ) ) ]
# varying the smoothing and animating the 2D histogram over that should look interesting
# Physical quantum random data
if True:
print( "Getting random data online from" )
qrngData = json.load( urllib.request.urlopen( '' ) )
uint8Data = np.array( [ np.frombuffer( bytearray.fromhex( line ), dtype = np.uint8 ) for line in qrngData['data'] ] ).astype( int )
images += [ ( "", uint8Data ) ]
misc.imsave( "qrng.png", uint8Data )
images += [ ( "", misc.imread( "qrng.png" ).astype( int ) ) ]
# Linear Gradients
images += [ ( "Horizontal Gradient", np.outer( np.ones ( 256 ), np.arange( 256 ) ) ) ]
images += [ ( "Vertical Gradient" , np.outer( np.arange( 256 ), np.ones ( 256 ) ) ) ]
# Better physical quantum random data from:
width,height = 256,256
images += [ ( "", np.frombuffer( bytearray( open('quRNG_sample_file.bin', 'rb').read() ), dtype = np.uint8 )[:width*height].reshape( height, width ).astype( int ) ) ]
def createGaussian( width, height ):
x = np.outer( np.ones ( width ), np.arange( height ) ) - height / 2.
y = np.outer( np.arange( width ), np.ones ( height ) ) - width / 2.
return ( 256 * np.exp( -( x**2 + y**2 ) / ( 2 * ( min( width, height )/4. )**2 ) ) ).astype( float )
images += [ ( "Gaussian (256x256, float)", createGaussian( 256, 256 ) ) ]
images += [ ( "Gaussian (256x256, int)" , createGaussian( 256, 256 ).astype( int ) ) ]
images += [ ( "Gaussian (128x128, float)", createGaussian( 128, 128 ) ) ]
images += [ ( "Gaussian (128x128, int)" , createGaussian( 128, 128 ).astype( int ) ) ]
for i,imagePair in zip( range(len(images)), images ):
label, image = imagePair
fig = plt.figure( figsize = ( 9,8 ) )
fig.suptitle( label )
print( "=== " + label + " ===" )
# Using a 2x2 difference kernel [[-1,+1],[-1,+1]] results in artifacts!
# In tests the deldensity seemed to follow a diagonal because of the
# assymetry introduced by the backward/forward difference
# the central difference correspond to a convolution kernel of
# [[-1,0,1],[-1,0,1],[-1,0,1]] and its transposed, produces a symmetric
# deldensity for random noise.
if True:
# see paper eq. (4)
fx = ( image[:,2:] - image[:,:-2] )[1:-1,:]
fy = ( image[2:,:] - image[:-2,:] )[:,1:-1]
# throw away last row, because it seems to show some artifacts which it shouldn't really
# Cleaning this up does not seem to work
kernelDiffY = np.array( [ [-1,-1],[1,1] ] )
fx = signal.fftconvolve( image, kernelDiffY.T ).astype( image.dtype )[:-1,:-1]
fy = signal.fftconvolve( image, kernelDiffY ).astype( image.dtype )[:-1,:-1]
print( "fx in [{},{}], fy in [{},{}]".format( fx.min(), fx.max(), fy.min(), fy.max() ) )
diffRange = np.max( [ np.abs( fx.min() ), np.abs( fx.max() ), np.abs( fy.min() ), np.abs( fy.max() ) ] )
if diffRange >= 200 and diffRange <= 255 : diffRange = 255
if diffRange >= 60000 and diffRange <= 65535: diffRange = 65535
# see paper eq. (17)
# The bin edges must be integers, that's why the number of bins and range depends on each other
nBins = min( 1024, 2*diffRange+1 )
if image.dtype == np.float:
nBins = 1024
print( "Bins = {}, Range of Diff = {}".format( nBins, diffRange ) )
# Centering the bins is necessary because else all value will lie on
# the bin edges thereby leading to assymetric artifacts
dbin = 0 if image.dtype == np.float else 0.5
r = diffRange + dbin
delDensity, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d( fx.flatten(), fy.flatten(), bins = nBins, range = [ [-r,r], [-r,r] ] )
if nBins == 2*diffRange+1:
assert( xedges[1] - xedges[0] == 1.0 )
assert( yedges[1] - yedges[0] == 1.0 )
# Normalization for entropy calculation. np.sum( H ) should be ( imageWidth-1 )*( imageHeight-1 )
# The -1 stems from the lost pixels when calculating the gradients with non-periodic boundary conditions
#assert( np.product( np.array( image.shape ) - 1 ) == np.sum( delDensity ) )
delDensity = delDensity / np.sum( delDensity ) # see paper eq. (17)
delDensity = delDensity.T
# "The entropy is a sum of terms of the form p log(p). When p=0 you instead use the limiting value (as p approaches 0 from above), which is 0."
# The 0.5 factor is discussed in the paper chapter "4.3 Papoulis generalized sampling halves the delentropy"
H = - 0.5 * np.sum( delDensity[ delDensity.nonzero() ] * np.log2( delDensity[ delDensity.nonzero() ] ) ) # see paper eq. (16)
print( "H =", H )
# gamma enhancements and inversion for better viewing pleasure
delDensity = np.max(delDensity) - delDensity
gamma = 1.
delDensity = ( delDensity / np.max( delDensity ) )**gamma * np.max( delDensity )
ax = [
fig.add_subplot( 221, title = "Example image " + str(i) + ", H=" + str( np.round( H, 3 ) ) ),
fig.add_subplot( 222, title = "x gradient of image (color range: [" +
str( np.round( -diffRange, 3 ) ) + "," + str( np.round( diffRange, 3 ) ) + "])" ),
fig.add_subplot( 223, title = "y gradient of image (color range: [" +
str( np.round( -diffRange, 3 ) ) + "," + str( np.round( diffRange, 3 ) ) + "])" ),
fig.add_subplot( 224, title = "Histogram of gradient (gamma corr. " + str(gamma) + " )" )
ax[0].imshow( image, )
ax[1].imshow( fx ,, vmin = -diffRange, vmax = diffRange )
ax[2].imshow( fy ,, vmin = -diffRange, vmax = diffRange )
ax[3].imshow( delDensity ,, vmin = 0, interpolation='nearest', origin='low',
extent = [ xedges[0], xedges[-1], yedges[0], yedges[-1] ] )
fig.subplots_adjust( top = 0.92 )
fig.savefig( label + "-delentropy.png" )
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