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Last active September 10, 2023 19:02
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Game Graph with python visitor pattern
class Player:
def visit(self, tree_node):
# tree_node should be of type TreeNode
if not tree_node.choices:
# returning 'None' will be used to signal the end of traversal
return None
# use a lambda to keep it DRY
prompter = lambda : input("Enter 1 or 2 to continue the story: ")
choice = prompter()
while choice not in ["1", "2"]:
print("Invalid choice. Try again.")
choice = prompter()
chosen_index = int(choice) - 1
return tree_node.choices[chosen_index]
def main():
# initialize the player (as a "Visitor")
player = Visitor()
# play
current_node = story_data
while current_node:
current_node = player.visit(current_node)
# this will make it clear when the game ends as expected
print("no more choices, game over")
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
from tree import TreeNode
story_data = TreeNode("start- choose:\n1: A,\n2: B")
story_a = TreeNode("A- choose:\n1: A1,\n2: A2")
story_a1 = TreeNode("A1: true/best ending! yay!")
story_a2 = TreeNode("A2: worst ending T.T")
story_b = TreeNode("B: bad ending :(")
# story_a and story_b are outcomes from the root story
# story_a1 and story_a2 are outcomes from story_a
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, story_piece, choices=None):
self.story_piece = story_piece
self.choices = choices or []
def add_child(self, node):
def play(self, player):
# allows us to separate gameplay implementation from story implementation
return player.visit(self)
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For demonstrative purposes answering stackoverflow post

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