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Forked from mattritchie/gist:1776748
Created February 9, 2012 02:48
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Save mxriverlynn/1776847 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
BBCloneMail fork
//this is using your latest marionette version v0.4.3
BBAdmin.MailApp = (function(BBAdmin, Backbone){
var MailApp = {};
// Email Model And Collection
// --------------------------
MailApp.Group = Backbone.Model.extend({});
MailApp.GroupCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: MailApp.Group,
//WCF WEBAPI call - returns json same as options.managers
url: "/WesleyForms/lookups/managementgroups",
console.log("initalize GroupCollection");
// due to the "options.managers" json data being returned,
// you have to provide a parse method to get the data you need.
// Backbone expects the json to be [{..}, {...}, {...}] directly,
// not hanging off another attribute
parse: function(json){
// if this comes back as {managers: [{...}, {...}]}
return json.managers;
// or if this comes back as {options: {managers: [...]}}
// return json.options.managers;
//Same as your sample code, except addition of logs. checking that the data isn't being filtered
forCategory: function(category){
if (!category){
console.log("Not Filtered");
"Not Filtered"
return this;
var filteredMailItems = this.filter(function(email){
var categories = email.get("categories");
var found = categories.indexOf(category) >= 0;
return found;
console.log("Return Filtered Items");
return new MailApp.GroupCollection(filteredMailItems);
// Mail App Helper Methods
// -----------------------
// Filter the mail by the category, if one was specified
var showFilteredEmailList = function(category){
var filteredMail = MailApp.groupList.forCategory();
console.log("Contents of filteredMail");
// Mail App Public API
// -------------------
MailApp.showInbox = function(){
MailApp.showCategory = function(category){
MailApp.showMessage = function(messageId){
var email = MailApp.groupList.get(messageId);
// Mail App Event Handlers
// -----------------------
BBAdmin.vent.bind("mail:category:show", function(category){
//Not worried about this case
// When the mail app is shown or `inbox` is clicked,
// show all the mail.
BBAdmin.vent.bind("mail:show", function(){
// Mail App Initializer
// --------------------
// Initializes the email collection object with the list
// of emails that are passed in from the call to
// `BBAdmin.start`.
console.log("GroupApp Initialiser - Begin");
//Works with this json from the index.html page
"id" : "d8bb926f-7921-4f96-b04c-2ba5dd7d451e",
"name" : "General Managers"
}, {
"id" : "14105e4d-34e3-418e-a113-3ac7ef374f4f",
"name" : "Group Managers"
}, {
"id" : "c0adf5da-5aa9-4349-9aec-4d5a6efcd9e4",
"name" : "Operation Managers"
}, {
"id" : "b5b9e682-6c9a-4a4b-bf40-280216af1795",
"name" : "Superintendent"
}, {
"id" : "bb7a6368-5a2d-412c-8f78-50d8a1c7af63",
"name" : "Supervisors"
//And this call with that hardcoded json
//MailApp.groupList = new MailApp.GroupCollection(options.managers);
//Assumed that this would be a good place for this
MailApp.groupList = new MailApp.GroupCollection();
console.log("GroupApp Initialiser - End");
return MailApp;
})(BBAdmin, Backbone);
// The Mailbox is a sub-app of the Mail App. It controls the
// display of the mail list and the individual emails.
BBAdmin.MailApp.MailBox = (function(BBAdmin, Backbone, $){
var MailBox = {};
// Mail Box Views
// --------------
// The the full contents of the email.
var EmailView = BBAdmin.ItemView.extend({
tagName: "ul",
className: "email-list email-view",
template: "#email-view-template",
onRender: function(){
onShow: function(){
// Show a preview of the email in the list. Clicking
// on it will show the full contents of the email.
var EmailPreview = BBAdmin.ItemView.extend({
tagName: "li",
template: "#email-preview-template",
initialize: function(){
console.log("email-preview-template INITIALISED")
onRender: function(){
console.log("email-preview-template RENDERED")
events: {
"click": "showEmail"
showEmail: function(e){
BBAdmin.vent.trigger("mail:message:show", this.model);
// The actual mail box view, which renders each
// of the individual email items.
var EmailListView = BBAdmin.CollectionView.extend({
tagName: "ul",
className: "email-list",
itemView: EmailPreview,
onRender: function(){
console.log("email-list RENDERED");
// A method to display a list of supplied email messages.
MailBox.showMail = function(emailList){
var emailListView = new EmailListView({
collection: emailList
console.log("contents of emailListView");
// Mail Box Event Handlers
// -----------------------
// Handle the selection of an email message by displaying
// it in the main area of the application.
BBAdmin.vent.bind("mail:message:show", function(message){
return MailBox;
})(BBAdmin, Backbone, jQuery);
//Console.log output
bbadmin.groupapp.js:108 GroupApp Initialiser - Begin
bbadmin.groupapp.js:16 initalize GroupCollection
bbadmin.groupapp.js:139 GroupApp Initialiser - End
bbadmin.groupapp.js:50 showFilteredEmailList
bbadmin.groupapp.js:23 forCategory
bbadmin.groupapp.js:26 Not Filtered
bbadmin.groupapp.js:54 Contents of filteredMail
bbadmin.groupapp.js:55 child //SHOWS 5 results
bbadmin.groupapp.mailbox.js:75 MailBox.showMail
bbadmin.groupapp.mailbox.js:81 contents of emailListView
bbadmin.groupapp.mailbox.js:82 child //OuterHtml = "<ul class="email-list"></ul>"
bbadmin.groupapp.mailbox.js:68 email-list RENDERED
//Doesn't ever show email-preview-template rendering at all
//With hard coded JSON this is what i get
x5 -bbadmin.groupapp.mailbox.js:44 email-preview-template INITIALISED
x1 - bbadmin.groupapp.mailbox.js:68 email-list RENDERED
x5 - bbadmin.groupapp.mailbox.js:48 email-preview-template RENDERED
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this is my raw response inside chrome. from the MailApp.GroupCollection fetch()

[{"id":"d8bb926f-7921-4f96-b04c-2ba5dd7d451e","name":"General Managers"},{"id":"14105e4d-34e3-418e-a113-3ac7ef374f4f","name":"Group Managers"},{"id":"c0adf5da-5aa9-4349-9aec-4d5a6efcd9e4","name":"Operation Managers"},{"id":"b5b9e682-6c9a-4a4b-bf40-280216af1795","name":"Superintendent"},{"id":"bb7a6368-5a2d-412c-8f78-50d8a1c7af63","name":"Supervisors"}]

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from inside mailapp initialiser

MailApp.groupList = new MailApp.GroupCollection();

length = 0;

with the hardcoded json length =5;

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that code will never return a count correctly because .fetch() is asynchronous

try this

MailApp.groupList = new MailApp.GroupCollection();
  success: function(){

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