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Created December 4, 2013 21:54
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Returns sample
/// <returns>
/// ## Successfull Requests
/// Will have information about the User this information is broken down in the following. The return code will
/// be **200 OK**. The following breakdown of user entity information will be provided to the user.
/// | Element Name | Friendly Name | Description |
/// | -------------- | ------------- | -------------------------------- |
/// | userName | User Name |The name of the user in the system|
/// | firstName | First Name | The first name of the user in the system (if availble from authentication provider) |
/// | lastName | Last Name | The last name of the user in the system (if availble from the authentication provider) |
/// | fullName | Full Name | Is a calculated property that combines the returned first name and last name property.|
/// | email | Email | The email address associated with the account authenticating. |
/// | additionalProperties | Additional Properties | These are additional claims that are availble that we have not sectioned off into specific fields.
/// These items returned will be jagged and items availble on a particiular user may not be availble on another user in the system.|
///> In order to avoid problems with desearialization assume that anything in AdditionalProperties could be
/// removed **at any time for any reason**.
/// ## Unsuccessfull Requests
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