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Created February 5, 2014 02:09
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Move Enviroment Build Script
$enum = "
namespace Deployment
public enum Enviroment{
if (-not ("Deployment.Enviroment" -as [type])){
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $enum -Language CSharpVersion3
$devKeys = @{WebPath="D:\Playground\Dev\";ExePath="D:\Playground\DevTest"}
$qaKeys = @{WebPath="D:\Playground\QA\";ExePath="D:\Playground\Dev-QA"}
$integrationKeys = @{WebPath="D:\Playground\Integration";ExePath="D:\Playground\Dev-Integration"}
$dev = new-object psobject -Property $devKeys
$qa = new-object psobject -Property $qaKeys
$integration = New-Object psobject $integrationKeys
$enviroments = @{[Deployment.Enviroment]::Dev=$dev;
$exclusions = @("*.config", "Logs");
$archiveDir = "D:\Backups"
function Move-Build
if ($FromEnviroment -gt $ToEnviroment){
throw "Can not move a build that is older to a downlevel enviroment, use last restore"
if ($FromEnviroment -eq $ToEnviroment){
throw "Can not move a bulid to an existing build level"
if ($Backup.IsPresent){
$todaysDate = $(get-date).ToString("yyyy.MM.dd.fffff")
if ($(test-path -Path "$archiveDir\$ToEnviroment") -eq $false){
mkdir -Path "$archiveDir\$ToEnviroment"
Write-ArchiveFile -ZipFileName "$archiveDir\$ToEnviroment\Web-$" -SourceDirectory $enviroments[$ToEnviroment].WebPath
Write-ArchiveFile -ZipFileName "$archiveDir\$ToEnviroment\App-$" -SourceDirectory $enviroments[$ToEnviroment].ExePath
#$filesToCopy = Get-ChildItem -Path $enviroments[$FromEnviroment].WebPath -Exclude $exclusions -Recurse
$copyPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($enviroments[$FromEnviroment].WebPath, "*");
$delPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($enviroments[$ToEnviroment].WebPath, "*")
Remove-Item $delPath -Exclude $exclusions -Recurse
Copy-Item $copyPath $enviroments[$ToEnviroment].WebPath -Exclude $exclusions -Recurse
$copyPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($enviroments[$FromEnviroment].ExePath, "*")
$delPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($enviroments[$ToEnviroment].ExePath, "*")
Remove-Item $delPath -Exclude $exclusions -Recurse
Copy-Item $copyPath $enviroments[$ToEnviroment].ExePath -Exclude $exclusions -Recurse
# post file rename on exepath
$pathToExe = Get-ChildItem $enviroments[$ToEnviroment].ExePath -filter "*.exe"
Rename-Item $pathToExe[0].FullName -NewName "$ToEnviroment.TMZ.Middleware.MessageProcessor.exe"
function Write-ArchiveFile
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory( $SourceDirectory, $ZipFileName, $compressionLevel, $false )
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