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Created February 13, 2014 18:18
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$cats = Invoke-RestMethod -uri ""
$coupons = $null
foreach ($cat in $cats){
$catName = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlEncode($cat.CategoryName)
$couponSet = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$($cat.CategoryCount)&currentPage=1&filter=$($cat.CategoryId)&sort=1&couponType=AllBrands&brandName=AllBrands&_=1392271883366"
$coupons += $couponSet.CouponsGrid | Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty CouponCategory $catName
$coupons | Get-Member
$coupons = $coupons | Select-Object @{name="Name";Expression={[System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlEncode($_.Name)}}, @{name="Details";expression={[System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlEncode($_.Details)}}, Discount, ImageUrl, Disclaimer, CouponTypeValue, Id, CouponCategory
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