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Created May 15, 2018 23:03
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function parseUri(s) {
if(typeof s === 'object')
return s;
var re = /^(sips?):(?:([^\s>:@]+)(?::([^\s@>]+))?@)?([\w\-\.]+)(?::(\d+))?((?:;[^\s=\?>;]+(?:=[^\s?\;]+)?)*)(?:\?(([^\s&=>]+=[^\s&=>]+)(&[^\s&=>]+=[^\s&=>]+)*))?$/;
var r = re.exec(s);
if(r) {
return {
schema: r[1],
user: r[2],
password: r[3],
host: r[4],
port: +r[5],
params: (r[6].match(/([^;=]+)(=([^;=]+))?/g) || [])
.map(function(s) { return s.split('='); })
.reduce(function(params, x) { params[x[0]]=x[1] || null; return params;}, {}),
headers: ((r[7] || '').match(/[^&=]+=[^&=]+/g) || [])
.map(function(s){ return s.split('=') })
.reduce(function(params, x) { params[x[0]]=x[1]; return params; }, {})
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