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Created May 31, 2014 03:02
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sealed trait Shape[P]
case class Void[P]() extends Shape[P]
case class Unit[P]() extends Shape[P]
case class Value[P, A](a: A) extends Shape[P]
case class Meta[P, T <: Tag](shape: Shape[P]) extends Shape[P]
sealed trait Sum[P] extends Shape[P] {
val shape: Shape[P]
case class Left[P](shape: Shape[P]) extends Sum[P]
case class Right[P](shape: Shape[P]) extends Sum[P]
case class Product[P](left: Shape[P], right: Shape[P]) extends Shape[P]
sealed trait Tag
trait Datatype extends Tag
trait Constructor extends Tag
trait RecordSelector extends Tag
// inu
sealed trait Dog
case class ShibaInu(name: String) extends Dog
case object NotInu extends Dog
object Main {
def genericDogFrom(dog: Dog) = dog match {
case ShibaInu(name) => Meta[Dog, Datatype](Left[Dog](Meta[Dog, Constructor](Meta[Dog, RecordSelector](Value[Dog, String](name)))))
case NotInu => Meta[Dog, Datatype](Right[Dog](Meta[Dog, Constructor](Unit[Dog]())))
// json
def toJSON[A](rep: Shape[A]): String = rep match {
case Void() => "{}"
case Unit() => "{}"
case Value(x) => "\"" ++ x.toString ++ "\""
case Meta(v) => toJSON(v)
case Left(s) => s"[false, ${toJSON(s)}]"
case Right(s) => s"[true, ${toJSON(s)}]"
case Product(l, r) => s"[${toJSON(l)}, ${toJSON(r)}]"
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