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Created December 18, 2020 19:24
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  • Save mySYSMON/513059e917a150c561aad665fcdfded3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mySYSMON/513059e917a150c561aad665fcdfded3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#free bugs, use for reference only
#free bugs, use for reference only
Function poc-dns1 {
#[bool]$ = $false
# POC-DomainRank requires Sysmon
# Download link:
# -DomainRank requires the commonCrawl domain rank file
#Download link:'
$numDomains = 151000000 # 151 million
$continue = $true
write-host -NoNewline 'Checking for C:\Windows\sysmon*.exe... '
if (test-path "C:\Windows\sysmon*.exe")
write-host 'yes' -ForegroundColor Green
$continue = $false
write-host 'no' -ForegroundColor Red
write-host 'POC-DomainRank requires Sysmon' -ForegroundColor Red
write-host 'Sysmon is not installed on this system.' -ForegroundColor Red
write-host 'Download link:' -ForegroundColor Red
write-host -NoNewline 'Checking if sysmon* is running... '
if (Get-Process "sysmon*")
write-host 'yes' -ForegroundColor Green
$continue = $false
write-host 'no' -ForegroundColor Red
write-host 'Sysmon is not running' -foregroundcolor red
write-host -NoNewline 'Please start Sysmon before installing -DomainRank' -foregroundcolor red
if ($CommonCrawlFilePath -eq "" -or $CommonCrawlFilePath -eq $null)
#write-host -NoNewline 'Checking for '$home'\Downloads\cc-main*-host-ranks.txt... '
write-host -NoNewline 'Checking for D:\data\cc-main*-host-ranks.txt'
#if (test-path "$home\Downloads\cc-main*-host-ranks.txt")
if (test-path "D:\data\cc-main*-host-ranks.txt")
write-host 'yes' -ForegroundColor Green
$CommonCrawlFilePath = Get-ChildItem("D:\data\cc-main*-host-ranks.txt")
#$CommonCrawlFilePath = Get-ChildItem("$home\Downloads\cc-main*-host-ranks.txt")
$continue = $false
write-host 'no' -ForegroundColor Red
write-host 'Checking for '$home'\Downloads\cc-main*-host-ranks.txt.gz '
if (test-path "$home\Downloads\cc-main*-host-ranks.txt.gz")
write-host 'yes' -ForegroundColor Green
write-host 'Error, please unzip cc-main*-host-ranks.txt.gz using 7zip' -foregroundcolor red
$continue = $false
write-host 'Unable to find cc-main*-host-ranks.txt.gz or cc-main*-host-ranks.txt' -foregroundcolor red
write-host 'Download link:' -foregroundcolor red
write-host ''
write-host 'Checking CommonCrawlFilePath' $CommonCrawlFilePath
if (!($CommonCrawlFilePath.EndsWith('.txt')))
$continue = $false
write-host 'CommonCrawlFilePath should be a txt file' -foregroundcolor red
if ($continue)
$i = 0
write-host -NoNewline 'Reading file ' $CommonCrawlFilePath'...'
$domains1 = new-object system.collections.generic.List[string]
$domains2 = new-object system.collections.generic.List[string]
$streamreader = New-Object IO.StreamReader $CommonCrawlFilePath
while(($line = $streamreader.ReadLine()) -ne $null)
if ($i -eq 1) {continue} #skip header
$tmp = $line.split("`t")
$numberOfDots = $tmp[4].Split(".").GetUpperBound(0)
#write-host $tmp[4]
$tmp = $tmp[4] + "," + $tmp[0]
#$t = $mylist.Add($tmp)
if ($numberOfDots -lt 4)
if ($i -lt ($numDomains / 2))
$t = $domains1.Add($tmp)
$t = $domains2.Add($tmp)
if ($i -gt $numDomains)
write-host 'DONE' -ForegroundColor Green
del $home\Downloads\BigDomainList.txt
write-host -NoNewline 'Writing to file '$home'\Downloads\BigDomainList.txt...'
$streamwriter = New-Object IO.StreamWriter $home\Downloads\BigDomainList.txt, $true
foreach ($domain in $domains1)
$domains1 = ''
foreach ($domain in $domains2)
write-host 'DONE' -ForegroundColor Green
write-host 'DONE' -ForegroundColor Green
#del $home\Downloads\
#write-host 'Zipping file...'
#Compress-Archive -Path $home'\Downloads\cc-main-tmp-temp.txt -DestinationPath' $home'\Downloads\
#Compress-Archive -LiteralPath "$home\Downloads\cc-main-tmp-temp.txt" -DestinationPath "$home\Downloads\"
######Compress-7Zip -CompressionLevel Fast -Path "$home\Downloads\cc-main-tmp-temp.txt" -ArchiveFileName "$home\Downloads\"
Function GetBestMatch ([string]$querynameReversed, [string]$datafile,[int]$print)
$out = ''
$ripgrep = "$home\Downloads\ripgrep.exe"
$out = .\ripgrep.exe -m 1 $querynameReversed $datafile
if (($out.length -gt 0 -or ([regex]::Matches($querynameReversed,"\.").count -lt 1)))
if ($print -gt 0)
write-host $querynameReversed
write-host $out
write-host 12
write-host $out
return $out
if ([regex]::Matches($querynameReversed,"\.").count -gt 1)
if ($print -gt 0) {write-host 18;write-host $querynameReversed}
$querynameReversed = $querynameReversed.Substring(0, $querynameReversed.lastIndexOf('\.'))
$querynameReversed = $querynameReversed + ','
if ($print -gt 0) {write-host 21;write-host $querynameReversed}
if ($print -eq 0)
{GetBestMatch $querynameReversed $datafile 0} #Recursive}
{GetBestMatch $querynameReversed $datafile 99} #Recursive}
function GetPartialMatch ([string]$querynameReversed, [string]$datafile) #, [int]$level)
$out = ''
# using -m 1 to get first match only.
# this prevents many matches.
$ripgrep = "$home\Downloads\ripgrep.exe"
$out = .\ripgrep.exe -m 1 $querynameReversed $datafile
#if (($out.length -gt 0 -or ([regex]::Matches($querynameReversed,"\.").count -lt 2)))
if (($out.length -gt 0 -or ([regex]::Matches($querynameReversed,"\.").count -lt 2)))
if ($out.length -lt 1)
write-host $querynameReversed
write-host $out
write-host 45
write-host $out
return $out
if ([regex]::Matches($querynameReversed,"\.").count -gt 2)
write-host $querynameReversed
$querynameReversed = $querynameReversed.Substring(0, $querynameReversed.lastIndexOf('\.'))
$querynameReversed = $querynameReversed.Substring(0, $querynameReversed.lastIndexOf('\.'))
$querynameReversed = $querynameReversed + '\.'
GetPartialMatch $querynameReversed $datafile #Recursive
return $out
cls;$d = date;write-host $d
$events = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{logname='Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational';id=22;StartTime=(Get-Date).AddHours(-1);EndTime=get-date}
#$events = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{logname='Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational';id=22;StartTime=(Get-Date).AddDays(-20);EndTime=(Get-Date).AddHours(-5)} #-MaxEvents 10
write-host $events.Count
$d = date;write-host $d
$UniqDomains = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$AlreadySearched = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
if (test-path $home\Downloads\poc-dnsrank-matches.txt)
{del $home\Downloads\poc-dnsrank-matches.txt}
if (test-path $home\Downloads\try-exact-match.txt)
{del $home\Downloads\try-exact-match.txt}
if (test-path $home\Downloads\try-partial-match.txt)
{del $home\Downloads\try-partial-match.txt}
$eventcount = 0
foreach ($log in $events)
[xml]$xmllog = $log.toXml()
$queryname = $ | where Name -eq 'queryname' | select '#text'
$querynameStr = $queryname.'#text'.ToString().ToLower()
#write-host $querynameStr
#dns queries must have at least 1 letter
$pattern = ".*[a-zA-Z].*"
if ($querynameStr -match $pattern)
#for our checks dns queries must have at least 1 dot
if ([regex]::Matches($querynameStr,"\.").count -gt 0)
$tokens = $querynameStr.Split('.')
$querynameReversed = '^'
foreach($token in $tokens)
$querynameReversed = $querynameReversed + $token + '\.'
#remove trailing '\.'
$querynameReversed = $querynameReversed -replace “\\\.$”
$querynameReversed = $querynameReversed -replace '\\\.www$',''
if (!($UniqDomains.Contains("$querynameReversed,")))
Add-Content -Path $home\Downloads\try-exact-match.txt `
-Value "$querynameReversed,"
#write-output "1"
if (([regex]::Matches($querynameReversed,"\.")).count -eq 1)
#comma is delimiter in file between domain name and rank
#comma "," is similar to regex "$" in this case
if (!($UniqDomains.Contains("$querynameReversed,")))
Add-Content -Path $home\Downloads\try-exact-match.txt `
-Value "$querynameReversed,"
#write-output "1"
elseif (([regex]::Matches($querynameReversed,"\.")).count -eq 2)
if (!($UniqDomains.Contains("$querynameReversed,")))
Add-Content -Path $home\Downloads\try-exact-match.txt `
-Value "$querynameReversed,"
#write-output "2"
$querynameReversed = $querynameReversed.Substring(0, $querynameReversed.lastIndexOf('\.'))
$querynameReversed = $querynameReversed + '\.'
if (!($UniqDomains.Contains("$querynameReversed")))
Add-Content -Path $home\Downloads\try-partial-match.txt `
-Value "$querynameReversed"
#write-output "3"
#remove trailing '\.' in search for "exact" partial match
#IE missing on * so match on
#comma is delimiter in file between domain name and rank
$querynameReversed = $querynameReversed -replace “\\\.$”
if (!($UniqDomains.Contains("$querynameReversed,")))
Add-Content -Path $home\Downloads\try-exact-match.txt `
-Value "$querynameReversed,"
Add-Content -Path $home\Downloads\try-partial-match.txt `
-Value "$querynameReversed,"
#write-output "4"
write-host -NoNewline "INFO: "
write-host "no dots " $querynameStr
write-host -NoNewline "INFO: "
write-host "no letters " $querynameStr
$d = date
$out1 = 'j'
$out2 = 'j'
write-host $d
$ripgrep = "$home\Downloads\ripgrep.exe"
if (test-path $home\Downloads\try-exact-match.txt)
$out1 = .\ripgrep.exe -f $home\Downloads\try-exact-match.txt $home\Downloads\BigDomainList.txt
Add-Content -Path $home\Downloads\poc-dnsrank-matches.txt -Value $out1
Add-Content -Path $home\Downloads\Xpoc-dnsrank-matches.txt -Value $out1
foreach ($item in $out1)
$tmpItem = "^" + $item.Split(',')[0] + ","
$tmpItem = $tmpItem -replace '\.', '\.'
#write-host $tmpItem
if (test-path $home\Downloads\try-partial-match.txt)
$out2 = .\ripgrep.exe -f $home\Downloads\try-partial-match.txt $home\Downloads\try-exact-match.txt
Add-Content -Path $home\Downloads\poc-dnsrank-matches.txt -Value $out2
$d = date
write-host $d
$datafile = "$home\Downloads\poc-dnsrank-matches.txt"
$bigDomainList = $datafile = "$home\Downloads\BigDomainList.txt"
$MediumDomainList = $datafile = "$home\Downloads\MediumDomainList.txt"
foreach ($log in $events)
#write-host 265
[xml]$xmllog = $log.toXml()
$eventrecordid = $log.RecordId
$computer = $log.MachineName
$userid = $log.UserId
$timecreated = $log.TimeCreated
$utctime = $ | where Name -eq 'utctime' | select '#text'
$processguid = $ | where Name -eq 'processguid' | select '#text'
$processid = $ | where Name -eq 'processid' | select '#text'
#$queryname = $ | where Name -eq 'queryname' | select '#text'
$querystatus = $ | where Name -eq 'querystatus' | select '#text'
$queryresults = $ | where Name -eq 'queryresults' | select '#text'
$image = $ | where Name -eq 'image' | select '#text'
#$querynameStr = $queryname.'#text'.ToString()
#$userid_querynameStr = $userid.ToString() + ':' + $querynameStr + 'END'
$queryname = $ | where Name -eq 'queryname' | select '#text'
$querynameStr = $queryname.'#text'.ToString().ToLower()
$pattern = ".*[a-zA-Z].*"
if ($querynameStr -match $pattern)
#for our checks dns queries must have at least 1 dot
if ([regex]::Matches($querynameStr,"\.").count -gt 0)
$tokens = $querynameStr.Split('.')
$querynameReversed = '^'
foreach($token in $tokens)
$querynameReversed = $querynameReversed + $token + '\.'
#edge case cleanup
$querynameReversed = $querynameReversed -replace '\^\\\.','^'
#remove trailing '\.'
$querynameReversed = $querynameReversed -replace '\\\.$'
#remove trailing '\.www'
$querynameReversed = $querynameReversed -replace '\\\.www$',''
if (([regex]::Matches($querynameReversed,"\.")).count -lt 20) #number of dots less than 20! :)
$out1 = ''
$outdot = ''
$level = 0
#write-host 309
#$querynameReversed = '^com\.associates-amazon'
$querynameReversed = $querynameReversed + ','
#write-host '---'
#write-host $querynameReversed
if (!($AlreadySearched.Contains("$querynameReversed")))
write-host 328
$out1 = GetBestMatch $querynameReversed $datafile 0 # $level
write-host -NoNewline 'line 331'
#write-host $querynameReversed
#sleep 2
if ($out1.length -eq 0)
write-host -NoNewline 'line 338'
#remove trailing comma and dot
$querynameReversed = $querynameReversed -replace “,$”
$querynameReversed = $querynameReversed + '\.'
write-host $querynameReversed
$outdot = GetPartialMatch $querynameReversed $datafile
#$outdot = $home\Downloads\ripgrep.exe -m 1 $querynameReversed $home\Downloads\poc-dnsrank-matches.txt
if ($out1.length -eq 0 -and $outdot.length -eq 0)
write-host -NoNewline 'line 514'
#remove trailing dot
$querynameReversed = $querynameReversed -replace '\\\.$'
write-host 'GetBestMatch with MediumDomainList'
write-host $querynameReversed
#write-output 'GetBestMatch with MediumDomainList'
#write-output $querynameReversed
$out1 = GetBestMatch $querynameReversed $MediumDomainList 99
if ($out1.length -eq 0 -and $outdot.length -eq 0)
write-host -NoNewline 'line 525'
#remove trailing dot
$querynameReversed = $querynameReversed -replace '\\\.$'
write-host 'GetBestMatch with bigDomainList'
write-host $querynameReversed
#write-output 'GetBestMatch with bigDomainList'
#write-output $querynameReversed
$out1 = GetBestMatch $querynameReversed $bigDomainList 99
if ($out1.length -eq 0 -and $outdot.length -eq 0)
write-host -NoNewline 'line 536'
write-host 'GetPartialMatch with MediumDomainList'
write-host $querynameReversed
#write-output 'GetPartialMatch with MediumDomainList'
#write-output $querynameReversed
$outdot = GetPartialMatch $querynameReversed $MediumDomainList
write-host 'return ok'
if ($out1.length -eq 0 -and $outdot.length -eq 0)
write-host -NoNewline 380
write-host 'GetPartialMatch with bigDomainList'
write-host $querynameReversed
#write-output 'GetPartialMatch with bigDomainList'
write-output $querynameReversed
$outdot = GetPartialMatch $querynameReversed $bigDomainList
write-host 'return ok'
if ($out1.length -gt 0)
write-host 355
Add-Content -Path $home\Downloads\poc-dnsrank-matches.txt -Value $out1
write-host 'line 567'
write-host $querynameReversed
write-host 'out1 is empty'
if ($outdot.length -gt 0)
write-host 'line 575'
write-host $outdot
Add-Content -Path $home\Downloads\poc-dnsrank-matches.txt -Value $outdot
write-host -NoNewline '.'
write-host "many dots #"
write-output $querynameReversed
$d = date
write-host $d
#free bugs, use for reference only
#free bugs, use for reference only
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