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Last active September 26, 2020 15:41
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;;;; heap
(defstruct (binary-heap (:conc-name bh-))
(predicate #'>=)
(nodes (make-array (list 1024) :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)))
(defun bh-empty (binary-heap)
(= (length (bh-nodes binary-heap)) 0))
(defun bh-tail (binary-heap)
(1- (length (bh-nodes binary-heap))))
(defun bh-invalid-index (binary-heap index)
(> index (bh-tail binary-heap)))
(defun bh-parent (index)
(when (> index 0)
(1- (ceiling index 2))))
(defun bh-left (index)
(+ (* index 2) 1))
(defun bh-right (index)
(+ (* index 2) 2))
(defun bh-ref (binary-heap index)
(if (bh-invalid-index binary-heap index)
(aref (bh-nodes binary-heap) index)))
(defun bh-ref (binary-heap index)
(when (<= index (bh-tail binary-heap))
(aref (bh-nodes binary-heap) index)))
(defsetf bh-ref (binary-heap index) (value)
`(setf (aref (bh-nodes ,binary-heap) ,index) ,value))
(defun bh-compare (binary-heap p c)
(cond ((bh-invalid-index binary-heap p)
((bh-invalid-index binary-heap c)
(funcall (bh-predicate binary-heap) (bh-ref binary-heap p) (bh-ref binary-heap c)))))
(defun bh-rotate (binary-heap a b)
(rotatef (bh-ref binary-heap a) (bh-ref binary-heap b)))
(defun up-heap (value binary-heap)
(vector-push-extend value (bh-nodes binary-heap))
(let* ((c (bh-tail binary-heap))
(p (bh-parent c)))
(loop :while p
:until (bh-compare binary-heap p c)
:finally (return binary-heap)
:do (bh-rotate binary-heap p c)
:do (setf c p)
:do (setf p (bh-parent c))))
(defun down-heap (binary-heap)
(when (not (bh-empty binary-heap))
(prog1 (bh-ref binary-heap 0)
(bh-rotate binary-heap 0 (bh-tail binary-heap))
(vector-pop (bh-nodes binary-heap))
(when (not (bh-empty binary-heap))
(let* ((c 0))
(loop :for l := (bh-left c)
:for r := (bh-right c)
:until (and (bh-compare binary-heap c l) (bh-compare binary-heap c r))
:do (cond ((bh-compare binary-heap l r)
(bh-rotate binary-heap c l)
(setf c l))
(bh-rotate binary-heap c r)
(setf c r)))))))))
;;;; Eratosthenes
(defun sieve (n)
(let ((table (make-array (list (1+ n)))))
(loop :for i :from 1 :to n
:do (setf (aref table i) i))
(loop :for i :from 2 :to n
:do (loop :for j :from (* i 2) :to n :by i
:if (= (aref table j) j)
:do (setf (aref table j) i)))
;;;; mod
(let ((p 1000000007))
(defun mod+ (a b)
(mod (+ a b) p))
(defun mod* (a b)
(mod (* a b) p))
(defun mod_expt (a z)
(loop :with ans := 1
:with pow := a
:while (> z 0)
:do (multiple-value-bind (x y) (floor z 2)
(setf z x)
(if (= y 1) (setf ans (mod* ans pow)))
(setf pow (mod* pow pow)))
:finally (return ans)))
(defun mod_inv (a)
; TODO use Euclidean
(mod_expt a (- p 2))))
;;;; queue
(defstruct queue (entrance nil) (exit nil))
(defun enqueue (item queue)
(let ((cell (list item)))
(if (queue-entrance queue)
(setf (cdr (queue-entrance queue)) cell)
(setf (queue-exit queue) cell))
(setf (queue-entrance queue) cell)))
(defun dequeue (queue)
(when (queue-exit queue)
(prog1 (pop (queue-exit queue))
(unless (queue-exit queue)
(setf (queue-entrance queue) nil)))))
;;;; union find tree
(defpackage :union-find-tree
(:nicknames :uft)
(:use :cl)
(:shadow :find :union :set)
(:export :make :find :union :same))
(in-package :union-find-tree)
(defun make (n)
(let ((parent (make-array (list (1+ n))))
(rank (make-array (list (1+ n)))))
(loop :for i :from 0 :to n
:do (setf (aref parent i) i))
(cons parent rank)))
(defun parent (uft x)
(aref (car uft) x))
(defun set (uft x r)
(setf (aref (car uft) x) r))
(defun rank (uft x)
(aref (cdr uft) x))
(defun rank-up (uft x)
(incf (aref (cdr uft) x)))
(defun find (uft x)
(loop :with (p . stack) := '(nil . nil)
:while (/= (parent uft x) x)
:do (push x stack)
:do (setf x (parent uft x))
:finally (return (prog1 (setf p x)
(loop :for y :in stack
:do (set uft y p))))))
(defun union (uft x y)
(let* ((x-root (find uft x))
(y-root (find uft y))
(x-rank (rank uft x-root))
(y-rank (rank uft y-root)))
(cond ((< y-rank x-rank)
(set uft y-root x-root))
((< x-rank y-rank)
(set uft x-root y-root))
((/= x-root y-root)
(set uft y-root x-root)
(rank-up uft x-root)))))
(defun same (uft x y)
(= (find uft x) (find uft y)))
(in-package :cl-user)
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