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Created March 26, 2013 07:41
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[C#] メールアドレス検証
using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace ValidationHelpers
[AttributeUsage( AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field , AllowMultiple = false )]
sealed public class EmailAddressValidationAttribute : ValidationAttribute
static EmailAddressValidationAttribute()
RxEmailAddress = CreateEmailAddressRegex();
private static Regex CreateEmailAddressRegex()
// references: RFC 5321, RFC 5322, RFC 1035, plus errata.
string atom = @"([A-Z0-9!#$%&'*+\-/=?^_`{|}~]+)" ;
string dot = @"(\.)" ;
string dotAtom = "(" + atom + "(" + dot + atom + ")*" + ")" ;
string dnsLabel = "([A-Z]([A-Z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Z0-9])?)" ;
string fqdn = "(" + dnsLabel + "(" + dot + dnsLabel + ")*" + ")" ;
string localPart = "(?<localpart>" + dotAtom + ")" ;
string domain = "(?<domain>" + fqdn + ")" ;
string emailAddrPattern = "^" + localPart + "@" + domain + "$" ;
Regex instance = new Regex( emailAddrPattern , RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase );
return instance;
private static Regex RxEmailAddress;
public override bool IsValid( object value )
string s = Convert.ToString( value ) ;
bool fValid = string.IsNullOrEmpty( s ) ;
// we'll take an empty field as valid and leave it to the [Required] attribute to enforce that it's been supplied.
if ( !fValid )
Match m = RxEmailAddress.Match( s ) ;
if ( m.Success )
string emailAddr = m.Value ;
string localPart = m.Groups[ "localpart" ].Value ;
string domain = m.Groups[ "domain" ].Value ;
bool fLocalPartLengthValid = localPart.Length >= 1 && localPart.Length <= 64 ;
bool fDomainLengthValid = domain.Length >= 1 && domain.Length <= 255 ;
bool fEmailAddrLengthValid = emailAddr.Length >= 1 && emailAddr.Length <= 256 ; // might be 254 in practice -- the RFCs are a little fuzzy here.
fValid = fLocalPartLengthValid && fDomainLengthValid && fEmailAddrLengthValid ;
return fValid ;
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