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Created April 9, 2015 14:43
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Small multithreaded malloc() benchmark
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "algorithm.h"
void fill(char* elements, size_t sz) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < sz; ++i)
elements[i] = rand() & 0xFF;
void discard(el_root_t* elr) {
el_bucket_t* root = elr->root;
el_bucket_t* next = root->next;
int count = 0;
do {
root = next;
next = root->next;
} while(next != NULL);
printf("Discarded: %d entries\n", count);
void multiply_one(char* elements, size_t sz, int i, el_root_t* elr) {
size_t bsz = sizeof(el_bucket_t);
el_bucket_t* b = malloc(bsz);
el_bucket_t* b2 = NULL;
int j;
b->chr1 = elements[i];
for(j = 0; j < (sz - i); ++j) {
/* Clone b as b2 and add elements[j + i] as last element */
b2 = malloc(bsz + sizeof(el_descr_t));
memcpy(b2, b, bsz);
b->next = NULL;
b->chr2 = elements[j + i];
b->descr[j].chr = elements[j + i];
b->descr[j].count = 0;
/* Insert b2 into bucket */
if(elr->last == NULL) {
if(elr->root == NULL)
elr->root = b;
elr->last = b;
} else {
elr->last->next = b;
elr->last = b;
/* Update counters */
bsz += sizeof(el_descr_t);
b = b2;
#ifndef ALGORITHM_H_
#define ALGORITHM_H_
typedef struct {
char chr;
int count;
} el_descr_t;
typedef struct el_bucket {
char chr1;
char chr2;
struct el_bucket* next;
el_descr_t descr[1];
} el_bucket_t;
typedef struct el_root {
el_bucket_t* root;
el_bucket_t* last;
} el_root_t;
void fill(char* elements, size_t sz);
void discard(el_root_t* elr);
void multiply_one(char* elements, size_t sz, int i, el_root_t* elr);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "common.h"
void print_tm_diff(struct timespec* start, struct timespec* end) {
start->tv_nsec = end->tv_nsec - start->tv_nsec;
if(start->tv_nsec < 0) {
start->tv_nsec += 1000000000;
end->tv_sec -= 1;
start->tv_sec = end->tv_sec - start->tv_sec;
printf("%llus %lluns\n", (long long) start->tv_sec, (long long) start->tv_nsec);
void parse_cmdline(int argc, char* argv[], int* p_num_elements, int* p_num_threads) {
const char* usage_uni = "Usage: %s num_elements\n";
const char* usage_multi = "Usage: %s num_elements num_threads\n";
const char* usage_fmtstr = (p_num_elements == NULL) ? usage_uni : usage_multi;
if(p_num_threads == NULL && argc != 2)
goto usage;
if(p_num_threads != NULL && argc != 3)
goto usage;
*p_num_elements = atoi(argv[1]);
if(*p_num_elements < 0)
goto usage;
*p_num_threads = atoi(argv[2]);
if(*p_num_threads < 1)
goto usage;
fprintf(stderr, usage_fmtstr, argv[0]);
#ifndef COMMON_H_
#define COMMON_H_
#include <time.h>
void print_tm_diff(struct timespec* start, struct timespec* end);
void parse_cmdline(int argc, char* argv[], int* p_num_elements, int* p_num_threads);
CC = gcc
LDFLAGS = -lrt
OBJS = common.o algorithm.o libptmalloc3.a
algorithm.o: algorithm.c algorithm.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c algorithm.c
common.o: common.c common.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c common.c
unithread: unithread.c $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o unithread.o -c unithread.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ unithread.o $(OBJS)
multithread: multithread.c $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -pthread -o multithread.o -c multithread.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ multithread.o $(OBJS) -pthread
all: unithread multithread
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "algorithm.h"
typedef struct {
int tid;
int start;
int offset;
el_root_t elr;
char* elements;
size_t sz;
pthread_t thr;
pthread_attr_t thr_attr;
} el_thread_t;
void* multiply_thread(void* arg) {
el_thread_t* thr = (el_thread_t*) arg;
int i;
char* elements = thr->elements;
size_t sz = thr->sz;
for(i = thr->start; i < sz; i += thr->offset) {
multiply_one(elements, sz, i, &thr->elr);
return NULL;
el_thread_t* multiply_start(char* elements, size_t sz, int num_threads) {
el_thread_t* threads = (el_thread_t*) malloc(sizeof(el_thread_t) * num_threads);
el_thread_t* thr = threads;
int tid;
for(tid = 0; tid < num_threads; ++tid) {
thr->tid = tid;
thr->offset = num_threads;
thr->start = tid;
thr->elements = elements;
thr->sz = sz;
thr->elr.root = NULL;
thr->elr.last = NULL;
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&thr->thr_attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
pthread_attr_setstacksize(&thr->thr_attr, 16384);
pthread_create(&thr->thr, &thr->thr_attr, multiply_thread, (void*) thr);
return threads;
void multiply_wait(el_thread_t* threads, int num_threads) {
void* retval;
int tid;
el_thread_t* thr = threads;
for(tid = 0; tid < num_threads; ++tid) {
pthread_join(thr->thr, &retval);
void multiply_finalize(el_thread_t* threads, int num_threads) {
int tid;
el_thread_t* thr = threads;
for(tid = 0; tid < num_threads; ++tid) {
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int num_elements, num_threads;
char* elements;
el_thread_t* threads;
struct timespec start;
struct timespec end;
parse_cmdline(argc, argv, &num_elements, &num_threads);
elements = (char*) malloc(num_elements);
fill(elements, num_elements);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);
threads = multiply_start(elements, num_elements, num_threads);
multiply_wait(threads, num_threads);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end);
print_tm_diff(&start, &end);
multiply_finalize(threads, num_threads);
return 0;
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "algorithm.h"
el_root_t elr = { NULL, NULL };
void multiply(char* elements, size_t sz) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
multiply_one(elements, sz, i, &elr);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int num_elements;
char* elements;
struct timespec start;
struct timespec end;
parse_cmdline(argc, argv, &num_elements, NULL);
elements = (char*) malloc(num_elements);
fill(elements, num_elements);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);
multiply(elements, num_elements);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end);
print_tm_diff(&start, &end);
return 0;
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