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Created June 2, 2016 06:43
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Example use of spawnSync
'use strict'
const spawn = require('child_process').spawnSync
// object returned when process has completely exited
const child = spawn('which', ['node'] )
// view status
console.log( child.status )
// view output (stdout & stderr combined)
// must convert buffer to string
console.log (child.output.toString('utf8') )
// e.g. function that uses spawnSync
// which: displays user path to specified binary
// @param command
// @return object
function which(cmd){
return spawn('which', [cmd])
console.log( which('npm').stdout.toString('utf8') )
// piping
spawn('grep', ['node'], { input: spawn('ps', ['aux'] ).stdout })
process.on('exit', function() { console.log('bye') } )
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