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Created September 8, 2018 07:05
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Boggle Solver in Ruby
class Trie < Hash
def initialize
def build(string)
string << '.' #Terminator indicating end of a complete word
string.chars.inject(self) do |h, char|
h[char] ||= { }
# Build the trie from all the words in the list
@trie =
File.foreach('wordlist.txt') {|w| }
# Possible directions from a space and their x/y deltas:
DIRS = { n: [0, -1], ne: [1, -1], e: [1, 0], se: [1, 1], s: [0, 1], sw: [-1, 1], w: [-1, 0], nw: [-1, -1] }.freeze
# Sample board we want to solve; we could create a random board with
# the known configuration of the cubes.
# For 'Qu' on the Boggle board, only 'Q' is entered in @board, because the traversion routine
# has special handling for 'Q' by adding a 'U' each time
@board = [
%w[ N P E R ],
%w[ P L R O ],
%w[ I U N T ],
%w[ J E G V ]
# This method determines the next position based on the currend position
# and direction. If the position is out of bounds, it returns nil
def next_pos(position, direction)
npos = [
position[0] + DIRS[direction][0],
position[1] + DIRS[direction][1]
return nil if (npos[0] < 0) || (npos[1] < 0) ||
(npos[0] > 3) || (npos[1] > 3)
@stack = [] # Stack containing the positions traversed
@found_words = [] # Words found
def traverse(cpos, trie)
# If the subsection of the trie has no children, return
#return if trie.keys.empty?
# Push current position and letters collected so far on the respective stacks
@stack << cpos
letters ={|p|@board[p[0]][p[1]]}
letters << "U" if letters.last == "Q"
# From 3 letters onwards, check if the word is in the dictionary
if @stack.length >= 3
word = letters.join
@found_words << word if trie.keys.include?('.') and !@found_words.include?(word)
# If the trie node has no further children, abandon further search
if trie.keys.empty?
# Try each direction in succession from the current position
DIRS.keys.each do |dir|
npos = next_pos(cpos, dir) # Calculate next pos from current pos
next unless npos # Check it is not out of bounds
next if @stack.include?(npos) # Skip the new position if it had been visited
ntrie = trie[@board[npos[0]][npos[1]]] # Child node of trie based on next letter
next unless ntrie # Skip if the trie node has no such child with such a letter
traverse(npos, ntrie) # Continue looking from next position
# Take the last position off the stack before returning
# Traverse from every square on the board do |x| do |y|
pos = [x,y]
traverse(pos, @trie[@board[x][y]])
puts @found_words.sort
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