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Created July 19, 2017 14:53
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A UILayoutGuide that follows the Keyboard on iOS
import Foundation
import UIKit
/// Used to create a layout guide that pins to the top of the keyboard
final class KeyboardLayoutGuide {
private let notificationCenter: NotificationCenter
private let bottomConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint
// MARK: - Properties
let topGuide: UILayoutGuide
// MARK: - Lifecycle
init(parentView: UIView, notificationCenter: NotificationCenter = .default) {
self.notificationCenter = notificationCenter
self.topGuide = UILayoutGuide()
self.topGuide.identifier = "Keyboard Layout Guide"
self.bottomConstraint = parentView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.topGuide.bottomAnchor)
self.topGuide.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 1.0),
parentView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.topGuide.leadingAnchor),
parentView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.topGuide.trailingAnchor),
notificationCenter.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(keyboardWillChangeFrame), name: .UIKeyboardWillChangeFrame, object: nil)
notificationCenter.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(keyboardWillHide), name: .UIKeyboardWillHide, object: nil)
deinit {
// MARK: - Private
private extension KeyboardLayoutGuide {
func keyboardWillChangeFrame(_ notification: Notification) {
guard let owningView = self.topGuide.owningView else { return }
guard let window = owningView.window else { return }
guard let keyboardInfo = KeyboardInfo(userInfo: notification.userInfo) else { return }
// convert own frame to window coordinates, frame is in superview's coordinates
let owningViewFrame = window.convert(owningView.frame, from: owningView.superview)
// calculate the area of own frame that is covered by keyboard
var coveredFrame = owningViewFrame.intersection(keyboardInfo.endFrame)
// might be rotated, so convert it back
coveredFrame = window.convert(coveredFrame, to: owningView.superview)
keyboardInfo.animateAlongsideKeyboard {
self.bottomConstraint.constant = coveredFrame.height
func keyboardWillHide(_ notification: Notification) {
self.bottomConstraint.constant = 0.0
private struct KeyboardInfo {
let endFrame: CGRect
let animationOptions: UIViewAnimationOptions
let animationDuration: TimeInterval
init?(userInfo: [AnyHashable: Any]?) {
guard let userInfo = userInfo else { return nil }
guard let endFrame = userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as? CGRect else { return nil }
self.endFrame = endFrame
// UIViewAnimationOption is shifted by 16 bit from UIViewAnimationCurve, which we get here:
if let animationCurve = userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey] as? UInt {
self.animationOptions = UIViewAnimationOptions(rawValue: animationCurve << 16)
} else {
self.animationOptions = .curveEaseInOut
if let animationDuration = userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey] as? Double {
self.animationDuration = animationDuration
} else {
self.animationDuration = 0.25
func animateAlongsideKeyboard(_ animations: @escaping () -> Void) {
UIView.animate(withDuration: self.animationDuration, delay: 0.0, options: self.animationOptions, animations: animations)
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