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Created July 14, 2014 19:44
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## Side Kick
You helped a fellow Treehouse member in our forum. You're a helpful person, like a superhero's side kick!
Number of learners with this badge: 19
## Accessibility
Accessibility is the practice of making websites available to all people, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.
Number of learners with this badge: 687
## PHP
Number of learners with this badge: 0
## Console Foundations
The console is an important skill for any developer. Many programs can only be used via a command line interface, and often the only access you have to a server will be over a command line interface. Once you are familiar with the basics of the console, you will be able to perform very powerful tasks quickly and easily.
Number of learners with this badge: 1
## Sass Foundations
Sass is a powerful language that extends CSS with features like nested rules, variables, mixins, operations, and more, in a CSS-compatible syntax. Because of this, many of today's popular websites, applications, and frameworks are built using Sass. In this Deep Dive, we'll be coding along with Hampton Catlin, our guest teacher and inventor of Sass!
Number of learners with this badge: 0
## Logo Design 101
Before earning this badge you will need to understand what a logo is, what makes a great logo and know the typical process of creating logos.
Number of learners with this badge: 5681
## The Logo Sprint
Unlike the typical logo design process which can be long and tedious, the Logo Sprint is intended to be quick and effective. In this stage you will follow the process of the Logo Sprint and see how you can apply it to your future logo designs.
Number of learners with this badge: 4842
## WordPress for Website Owners Cover
When you own a website, it’s important to think about how the site will serve you and your community in the long term. To do this you want to have clear goals for your site that you can monitor and assess over time. You will also want to keep the content fresh and the look and feel up to date. Finally, you will want to set yourself up so that when you don’t understand something related to WordPress you know where to turn to find the answer yourself or get help from the right WordPress professional.
Number of learners with this badge: 0
## Starting the App
We have a lot of work to do for this app, but we'll start by setting up our project and talking about its design from a functional standpoint. Then we'll start coding by adding Activities and layouts for logging in and signing up.
Number of learners with this badge: 626
## Adding Users Using
In this stage we are going to switch gears and talk about the back-end of our app. We will learn what offers as a "backend-as-a-service" platform and why we are using it. We will explore the user account management APIs provided by and write the code to create and save a new user in our data store. If something goes wrong, we will display a friendly error message in an alert box known as a AlertDialog. Once we have some users, we will work on our login page to login and save user information on the device.
Number of learners with this badge: 504
## Using Fragments for Tabs
Fragments are used in Android apps to provide different ways of organizing the screen for different devices. As reusable components, they are perfect for tabs, and in this stage we'll explore how to setup and configure Fragments as tabs that can be tapped on and swiped left and right.
Number of learners with this badge: 465
## Relating Users in
Continuing with users, we will add the concept of "friends" in our app, which means we will relate Parse user objects with each other. First we will add a new screen to get all the available users and let us add or delete them as friends. Then we will populate the main Friends screen with our newly edited list of friends.
Number of learners with this badge: 386
## Capturing Photos and Videos
Now for the fun stuff! We will start by adding a button in the ActionBar to present a list of choices for the user about photos or videos. We will see how to take a photo using the camera via an Intent and then save the captured media. Then we will see how to do the same thing with videos, and finally we will learn how to let the user select existing photos or videos from their device.
Number of learners with this badge: 324
## Sending Messages
We have seen how to capture or select a photo or video, but now we need the rest of the pieces to send a message. We need the recipients of the message, as well as some additional details. Once we have all this we will see how to upload the message to our back-end on
Number of learners with this badge: 273
## Retrieving and Viewing Messages
Now that there are messages sitting on the server, we will see how to download and display them in our app. First we will query to get all the unseen messages for the logged in user. Then we will add code to view photos on a simple Activity with the help of an open-source library called Picasso, and we will finish by viewing videos using an Intent.
Number of learners with this badge: 260
## Self-Destruction
We have everything implemented to send and receive messages, so the only thing left for us to do is make the messages "self-destruct" after the user views them. To do this we need to delete the message both locally on the user's device and in our back-end on Parse.
Number of learners with this badge: 257
## Flexbox Layout
Learn how we can start using Flexbox today in our projects. We'll also be providing fallbacks with Modernizr for those browsers that do not support Flexbox.
Number of learners with this badge: 2904
## Build a Diary App using Core Data
The course teaches you how to build a Diary App using Core Data. It picks up from the Mobile App Design for iOS course where Sarah teaches you how to create the user interface for a Diary App. Understand the basics of what Core Data is and how we can use it to persist data between application launches. Once you learn how to create, update and delete data, we will implement the designs that have been created for us.
Number of learners with this badge: 0
## Placeholder badge
Used as a placeholder while waiting for badge images
Number of learners with this badge: 0
## WordPress User role - TEMP
WordPress User role - TEMP
Number of learners with this badge: 1
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