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<http://wwwThread 0x7ffff7a5c7 In: fread L?? PC: 0x7ffff7ad6df5
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff7ad6df5 in fread () from /usr/lib/
(gdb) bt
#0 0x00007ffff7ad6df5 in fread () from /usr/lib/
#1 0x000055555559723a in stbtext::setup_font () at /home/myf/wwrmsd/modules/rmkit/src/rmkit/fb/stb_text.cpy:32
#2 0x0000555555597390 in stbtext::get_text_size (text="tools", font_size=24) at /home/myf/wwrmsd/modules/rmkit/src/rmkit/fb/stb_text.cpy:55
#3 0x00005555555a0e53 in ui::Text::render (this=0x555556e35840) at /home/myf/wwrmsd/modules/rmkit/src/rmkit/ui/text.cpy:39
#4 0x00005555555a454c in ui::Button::render (this=0x555556e354a0) at /home/myf/wwrmsd/modules/rmkit/src/rmkit/ui/button.cpy:108
#5 0x00005555555a0a87 in ui::InnerScene::redraw (widgets=std::vector of length 9, capacity 16 = {...})
22:50:22.957 Statistics reset.
22:50:22.959 ALSA connection change.
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
22:50:22.981 ALSA connection graph change.
22:50:38.407 JACK is starting...
22:50:38.407 /usr/bin/jackd -dalsa -r48000 -p128 -n2 -D -Chw:bdwrt5677 -Phw:bdwrt5677
04-07 21:49:54.800 2455 2493 I JitsiMeetSDK: AudioDeviceHandlerGeneric Available audio devices: [EARPIECE, SPEAKER]
04-07 21:49:54.801 2455 2493 I JitsiMeetSDK: AudioMode Update audio route for mode: 0
04-07 21:49:54.801 972 3101 I Codec2Client: Creating a Codec2 client to service "software"
04-07 21:49:54.802 972 4449 D GenericSource: FileSource remote
04-07 21:49:54.803 2930 14766 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false
04-07 21:49:54.804 972 3101 I Codec2Client: Client to Codec2 service "software" created
04-07 21:49:54.804 972 3101 I Codec2Client: Creating a Codec2 client to service "default"
04-07 21:49:54.806 972 3101 I Codec2Client: Client to Codec2 service "default" created
04-07 21:49:54.809 972 4452 D GenericSource: FileSource remote
04-07 21:49:54.811 972 3101 D NuPlayerDriver: NuPlayerDriver(0xe7e63380) created, clientPid(2455)
const scan = (mat) => {
let islands = 0;
for (let x = 0; x < mat.length; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < mat[0].length; y++) {
for (let x = mat.length - 1; x >= 0 ; x--) {
for (let y = mat[0].length -1; y >= 0 ; y--) {
if (mat[x][y] === 1) {
islands ++;
class Solution:
def change(self, amount: int, coins: List[int]) -> int:
return, coins,0, {})
def cc(self, amount, coins, i,cache):
if amount == 0 or i >= len(coins):
return 1
if amount < 0:
return 0
if (amount, i) not in cache:
const Med = function() {
// assuming from 10 to 60 is the possibility
this.range = Array(50).fill(0);
}; = function(num) {
const num_index = num - 10; // from 10 ot 60 but using 0 - 50 as template
this.range[num_index] += 1;
Initializing daemon...
Adjusting current ulimit to 2048...
Successfully raised file descriptor limit to 2048.
Write at 0x00c42014b520 by goroutine 40:
/home/steb/projects/go/src/gx/ipfs/QmTnsezaB1wWNRHeHnYrm8K4d5i9wtyj3GsqjC3Rt5b5v5/go-multistream/multistream.go:189 +0x34a
Previous read at 0x00c42014b520 by goroutine 145:
myf / err
Created December 13, 2017 04:08
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
Initializing daemon...
Adjusting current ulimit to 2048...
Successfully raised file descriptor limit to 2048.
Swarm listening on
Swarm listening on
Swarm listening on
Swarm listening on
Swarm listening on
Swarm listening on
Swarm listening on
$(function () {
var exportUrl = 'http://localhost:7801/';
function testPOST() {
var options = {
"xAxis": {