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Forked from RoelN/gist:8e3e7ecda723dfdfa590
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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words = ['SEM',
'lean in',
'tee off',
'big data',
'next gen',
'level up',
'reach out',
'fail fast',
'face time',
'real time',
'knee deep',
'deep dive',
'slam dunk',
'the cloud',
'long tail',
'tiger team',
'next level',
'heads down',
'high level',
'sea change',
'touch base',
'top of mind',
'soft launch',
'make it pop',
'data mining',
'bottom line',
'bounce rate',
'growth hack',
'social proof',
'social media',
'create value',
'action items',
'change agent',
'in the weeds',
'fail forward',
'herding cats',
'stealth mode',
'over the top',
'game changer',
'lizard brain',
'come to Jesus',
'out of pocket',
'team building',
'exit strategy',
'first or best',
'bleeding edge',
'best of breed',
'public facing',
'on the runway',
'digital divide',
'close the loop',
'design pattern',
'best practices',
'moving forward',
'boil the ocean',
'below the fold',
'thought leader',
'paradigm shift',
'social currency',
'qualified leads',
'digital natives',
'stealth startup',
'glamour metrics',
'take it offline',
'cross the chasm',
'open the kimono',
'outside the box',
'marketing funnel',
'proof of concept',
'pull the trigger',
'brand evangelist',
'content strategy',
'push the envelope',
'low hanging fruit',
'sweat your assets',
'do more with less',
'what is our solve',
'peeling the onion',
'bricks and clicks',
'value proposition',
'drink the Kool Aid',
'bring to the party',
'reinvent the wheel',
'bring to the table',
'social media expert',
'make the logo bigger',
'at the end of the day',
'patent pending design',
'scratch your own itch',
'eat your own dog food']
plop = {}
for word in words:
length = len(word)
yooniecode = 'uniE601'
string = ''
glue = ''
firstletter = ''
if length < 6:
yooniecode = 'uniE602'
if length > 11:
yooniecode = 'uniE600'
for i, letter in enumerate(word):
if i == 0:
firstletter = letter
# TODO: 5 ---> five etc.
if letter is ' ':
letter = 'space'
string += glue + str(letter)
glue = ','
line = ' <Ligature components="' + string + '" glyph="' + yooniecode + '"/>' + "\n"
if firstletter in plop:
plop[firstletter] += line
plop[ firstletter ] = line
for ltr in plop:
print '<LigatureSet glyph="' + ltr + '">' + "\n"
print plop[ltr]
print '</LigatureSet>' + "\n"
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