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napcs /
Created May 6, 2011 04:10
Deploying Rails to Linode

Deploying Rails to Linode

Installing Ruby Enterprise Edition, Apache, MySQL, and Passenger for deploying Rails 3.0 applications.

Get a Linode, and set it up with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS so that you have till April 2013 to get updates. Once the Linode is formatted, boot it and continue on.

Set up an 'A' record in your DNS, pointing to the IP of your Linode. I'm using here.

Initial setup

jeffkistler /
Created May 11, 2011 20:30
GeoJSON Django GeoQuerySet Serializer
from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from StringIO import StringIO
import datetime
import decimal
from django.core.serializers.python import Serializer as PythonSerializer
from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder
from django.utils.encoding import is_protected_type, smart_unicode
phpdude / nginx.conf
Last active February 28, 2024 04:36
Nginx image filter + caching of results.
location /resize {
alias /tmp/nginx/resize;
set $width 150;
set $height 100;
set $dimens "";
if ($uri ~* "^/resize_(\d+)x(\d+)/(.*)" ) {
set $width $1;
set $height $2;
set $image_path $3;
Mikke /
Created March 13, 2012 20:35
Rails 3 has_many use checkboxes and multiple select in the form
rails g scaffold Book title:string description:text
rails g scaffold Pubhouse title:string address:text
rails g model BookPubhouse book_id:integer pubhouse_id:integer
rake db:migrate
def run_pg_fouine():
info = host_info[env.host_string]
db_name = info.tags.get('Name')
sudo('perl -pi -e "s/log_min_duration_statement = .*/log_min_duration_statement = 0/" /etc/postgresql/9.*/main/postgresql.conf')
sudo('/etc/init.d/postgresql reload')
sudo('perl -pi -e "s/log_min_duration_statement = .*/log_min_duration_statement = 500/" /etc/postgresql/9.*/main/postgresql.conf')
sudo('/etc/init.d/postgresql reload')
run('tail -n 100000 /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-9.*-main.log > /tmp/pgfouine.txt')
run('gzip -f /tmp/pgfouine.txt')
valberg /
Created April 20, 2012 14:55
Django create thumbnail form ImageField and save in a different ImageField - now with updating!
# Extension of
# Note: image_folder and thumbnail_folder are both a callable (ie. a lambda that does a '/'.join())
class Image(Media):
image = models.ImageField(
thumbnail = models.ImageField(
bluemont / url_validator.rb
Created June 25, 2012 04:27
ActiveModel URL Validator
class UrlValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
valid = begin
rescue URI::InvalidURIError
unless valid
record.errors[attribute] << (options[:message] || "is an invalid URL")
mikhailov / 0.
Last active June 29, 2024 23:43
NGINX+SPDY with Unicorn. True Zero-Downtime unless migrations. Best practices.
# Nginx+Unicorn best-practices congifuration guide. Heartbleed fixed.
# We use latest stable nginx with fresh **openssl**, **zlib** and **pcre** dependencies.
# Some extra handy modules to use: --with-http_stub_status_module --with-http_gzip_static_module
# Deployment structure
# /etc/init.d/nginx (1. nginx)
# /home/app/public_html/app_production/current (Capistrano directory)
Atem18 / gist:4696071
Last active April 19, 2024 11:18 — forked from evildmp/gist:3094281
Tutorial to seting up a django website in production.

Set up Django, Nginx and Gunicorn in a Virtualenv controled by Supervisor

Steps with explanations to set up a server using:

  • Virtualenv
  • Virtualenvwrapper
  • Django
  • Gunicorn