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Last active November 24, 2023 10:43
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AOC2022 day24
// AOC 2022, Day 24: Blizzard Basin
// Move round a map avoiding blizzards
// 1) once
// 2) there and back and there again
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
//import 'package:more/more.dart';
extension IntegerRangeExtension on int {
List<int> to(int end, {int step = 1}) =>
List.generate((end - this + (step - 1)) ~/ step, (i) => i * step + this);
extension MathNumberExtension on num {
bool between(num min, num max) => min <= this && this <= max;
extension LcmIntegerExtension on int {
int lcm(int other) => this ~/ gcd(other) * other;
class Point3 {
final int x, y, z;
const Point3(this.x, this.y, this.z);
Point3 operator +(Point3 o) => Point3(o.x + x, o.y + y, o.z + z);
bool get isSafe =>
Point(x, y) == start ||
Point(x, y) == end ||
x.between(0, width - 1) &&
y.between(0, height - 1); //don't worry about time dimension
int get hashCode => Object.hash(x, y, z);
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
other is Point3 && other.x == x && other.y == y && other.z == z;
class Blizzard {
Point<int> pos, dir;
Blizzard(this.pos, this.dir);
move() => pos = Point((pos.x + dir.x) % width, (pos.y + dir.y) % height);
const headings = {
'N': Point3(0, -1, 1),
'W': Point3(-1, 0, 1),
'E': Point3(1, 0, 1),
'S': Point3(0, 1, 1),
'F': Point3(0, 0, 1), // just sit here for a round
//'B': Point3(0, 0, -1) Can't go back in time!
var n6 = headings.values;
const bDirs = {
'^': Point(0, -1),
'<': Point(-1, 0),
'>': Point(1, 0),
'v': Point(0, 1),
var cameFrom = <Point3, Point3>{};
// Returns map of Points examined and their distances from the start.
Map<Point3, int> dijkstra(Point3 start, Point<int> end) {
cameFrom = {start: const Point3(-1, -1, -1)};
var bestCost = {start: 0};
var frontier = ListQueue<Point3>();
while (frontier.isNotEmpty) {
var here = frontier.removeFirst();
if (here.x == end.x && here.y == end.y) break;
var ns = => here + e).where((e) => e.isSafe && !blocked(e));
for (var next in ns) {
var newCost = bestCost[here]! + 1;
if (!bestCost.containsKey(next) || newCost < bestCost[next]!) {
bestCost[next] = newCost;
cameFrom[next] = here;
return bestCost;
// Doesn't help much
int heuristic(Point3 a, Point<int> b) => (a.x - b.x).abs() + (a.y - b.y).abs();
Point3 start, Point<int> end, int Function(Point3, Point<int>) heuristic) {
// Build a lookup table of priorities for cells.
var heur = <Point3, int>{};
var frontier = PriorityQueue<Point3>((a, b) => heur[a]!.compareTo(heur[b]!));
cameFrom = {start: const Point3(-1, -1, -1)};
var costSoFar = {start: 0};
while (frontier.isNotEmpty) {
var here = frontier.removeFirst();
if (here.x == end.x && here.y == end.y) break;
var ns = => here + e).where((e) => e.isSafe && !blocked(e));
for (var next in ns) {
var newCost = costSoFar[here]! + 1;
if (!costSoFar.containsKey(next) || newCost < costSoFar[next]!) {
costSoFar[next] = newCost;
heur[next] = newCost + heuristic(next, end);
cameFrom[next] = here;
return costSoFar;
blocked(Point3 p3) => blocks.contains(Point3(p3.x, p3.y, p3.z % duration));
void buildBlocks(List<String> lines) {
var bs = => e.split('')).toList();
height = bs.length - 2;
width = bs.first.length - 2;
start = Point(bs.first.indexOf('.') - 1, -1);
end = Point(bs.last.indexOf('.') - 1, height);
var blizzards = <Blizzard>{};
for (var y in - 1)) {
for (var x in - 1).where((x) => bs[y][x] != '.')) {
// Don't ever need to look at the walls, so offset the co-ords by 1.
blizzards.add(Blizzard(Point(x - 1, y - 1), bDirs[bs[y][x]]!));
// Blizzards will all cycle after this time.
duration = width.lcm(height);
blocks = <Point3>{};
for (var t in {
for (var b in blizzards) {
blocks.add(Point3(b.pos.x, b.pos.y, t));
late int height, width;
late Point<int> start, end;
late Set<Point3> blocks;
var duration = 1000;
part1(List<String> lines) {
var pp = dijkstra(Point3(start.x, start.y, 0), end);
return pp.keys.firstWhere((e) => e.x == end.x && e.y == end.y).z;
part2(List<String> lines) {
// travel three times: there, back, there again.
var pp = dijkstra(Point3(start.x, start.y, 0), end);
var t = pp.keys.firstWhere((e) => e.x == end.x && e.y == end.y).z;
pp = dijkstra(Point3(end.x, end.y, t), start);
t = pp.keys.firstWhere((e) => e.x == start.x && e.y == start.y).z;
pp = dijkstra(Point3(start.x, start.y, t), end);
return pp.keys.firstWhere((e) => e.x == end.x && e.y == end.y).z;
const testdata = [
void main(List<String> args) {
var dt =;
assert(part1(testdata) == 18);
assert(part2(testdata) == 54);
var rt =;
print('tests succeeded in $rt ms');
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