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Last active November 22, 2023 09:47
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AOC2022 day22
// AOC 2022, Day 22: Monkey Map
// Navigate your way around a grid.
// 1) Following instructions.
// 2) But first, wrap it round a cube.
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
extension MathNumberExtension on num {
bool between(num min, num max) => min <= this && this <= max;
const headings = [Point(0, -1), Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(-1, 0)];
late int width, height;
late List<List<String>> grid;
late Point<int> pos;
late int heading;
void buildGrid(List<String> lines) {
width = => e.length).max;
height = lines.length;
grid = => e.padRight(width).split('')).toList();
void runRules(String navRules, {required void Function(int) moveFunction}) {
heading = 1;
var nr = navRules.replaceAll('R', ' R ').replaceAll('L', ' L ').split(' ');
for (var r in nr) {
if (r == 'L') {
heading = (heading - 1) % headings.length;
if (r == 'R') {
heading = (heading + 1) % headings.length;
// Otherwise move forward.
void moveForward(int step) {
var h = headings[heading];
while (step > 0) {
var np = pos + h;
np = Point(np.x % width, np.y % height);
while (grid[np.y][np.x] == ' ') {
np += h;
np = Point(np.x % width, np.y % height);
if (grid[np.y][np.x] == '#') break;
pos = np;
step -= 1;
/// Our ideal cube is laid out like this:
/// T
/// W - S - E - N
/// B
/// `transforms` shows what you will see in each direction from the cube as
/// laid out above. NOTE !!!! 0 = N, 1 = E...
/// SO 'S':0 shows that North of S is a T in the same orientation.
var transforms = {
'S': {0: Tf('T', 0), 1: Tf('E', 0), 2: Tf('B', 0), 3: Tf('W', 0)},
'E': {0: Tf('T', 1), 1: Tf('N', 0), 2: Tf('B', 3), 3: Tf('S', 0)},
'N': {0: Tf('T', 2), 1: Tf('W', 0), 2: Tf('B', 2), 3: Tf('E', 0)},
'W': {0: Tf('T', 3), 1: Tf('S', 0), 2: Tf('B', 1), 3: Tf('N', 0)},
'B': {0: Tf('S', 0), 1: Tf('E', 1), 2: Tf('N', 2), 3: Tf('W', 3)},
'T': {0: Tf('N', 2), 1: Tf('E', 3), 2: Tf('S', 0), 3: Tf('W', 1)},
class Face {
String name;
int orientation;
Point<int> origin;
Face(, this.orientation, this.origin);
int get hashCode => name.hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) => other is Face && == name;
class Tf {
String name;
int rotation;
Tf(, this.rotation);
late Face face;
late int faceSize;
late Map<String, Face> faces;
void moveForwardOnCube(int step) {
while (step > 0) {
var np = pos + headings[heading];
//HERE COMES THE MAGIC. We're moving to another face -- recalibrate!!!
if (!np.x.between(face.origin.x, face.origin.x + faceSize - 1) ||
!np.y.between(face.origin.y, face.origin.y + faceSize - 1)) {
var tf = transforms[]![(heading - face.orientation) % 4]!;
var nf = faces[]!;
// Base case -- the point relative to the old face
var tnp = Point(np.x % faceSize, np.y % faceSize);
var relOrient = (nf.orientation - face.orientation - tf.rotation) % 4;
var theading = (heading + relOrient) % 4;
if (relOrient == 0) {
// Same orientation, so nothing to do
} else if (relOrient == 1) {
tnp = Point(faceSize - 1 - tnp.y, tnp.x);
} else if (relOrient == 2) {
tnp = Point(faceSize - 1 - tnp.x, faceSize - 1 - tnp.y);
} else if (relOrient == 3) {
tnp = Point(tnp.y, faceSize - 1 - tnp.x);
// now index it relative to the new face.
tnp = tnp + nf.origin;
// is it about to hit a '#' on the new face? Stop on this face instead.
if (grid[tnp.y][tnp.x] == '#') break;
//Otherwise make the move.
face = faces[]!;
np = tnp;
heading = theading;
if (grid[np.y][np.x] == '#') break;
// Just a normal move.
pos = np;
step -= 1;
/// find a face, call it `T`, push its neighbours into a queue with their
/// directions and transforms
void buildFaces(
int x, int faceSize, int width, int height, List<List<String>> grid) {
var queue = [Face('T', 0, Point(x, 0))];
faces = <String, Face>{};
//var dirs = [Point(0, -1), Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(-1, 0)];
while (queue.isNotEmpty) {
var face = queue.removeAt(0);
if (faces.containsKey( continue;
faces[] = face;
for (var n in [1, 2, 3]) {
// right, down, left
var d = face.origin + headings[n] * faceSize;
if (d.x < 0 || d.x + faceSize > width || d.y + faceSize > height) {
if (grid[d.y][d.x] == ' ') continue;
var nextFace = transforms[]![(n - face.orientation) % 4]!;
var nextName =;
var nextOrient = (nextFace.rotation + face.orientation) % 4;
var nextOrigin = d;
queue.add(Face(nextName, nextOrient, nextOrigin));
part1(List<String> ls) {
var lines = ls.toList();
var navRules = lines.removeLast();
var x = [grid.first.indexOf('.'), grid.first.indexOf('#')].min;
pos = Point(x, 0);
runRules(navRules, moveFunction: moveForward);
return 1000 * (pos.y + 1) + 4 * (pos.x + 1) + (heading - 1);
part2(List<String> ls) {
var lines = ls.toList();
var navRules = lines.removeLast();
faceSize = (width > height) ? width ~/ 4 : width ~/ 3;
var x = [grid.first.indexOf('.'), grid.first.indexOf('#')].min;
pos = Point(x, 0);
buildFaces(x, faceSize, width, height, grid);
//Now have all the faces in `faces` with the origin and required tranforms
//Define the topmost face to be T, and work from there.
face = faces['T']!;
runRules(navRules, moveFunction: moveForwardOnCube);
return 1000 * (pos.y + 1) + 4 * (pos.x + 1) + ((heading - 1) % 4);
var testdata = [
" ...#",
" .#..",
" #...",
" ....",
" ...#....",
" .....#..",
" .#......",
" ......#.",
void main(List<String> args) {
var dt =;
assert(part1(testdata) == 6032);
assert(part2(testdata) == 5031);
var rt =;
print('tests succeeded in $rt ms');
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