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Last active November 23, 2023 11:48
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AOC day23
// AOC 2022, Day 23: Unstable Diffusion
// Move some elves around according to odd rules
// 1) See how much they spread out after 10 moves.
// 2) How long does it take for them to all get stuck?
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
extension IntegerRangeExtension on int {
List<int> to(int end, {int step = 1}) =>
List.generate((end - this + (step - 1)) ~/ step, (i) => i * step + this);
const headings = {
'NW': Point(-1, -1),
'N': Point(0, -1),
'NE': Point(1, -1),
'W': Point(-1, 0),
'E': Point(1, 0),
'SW': Point(-1, 1),
'S': Point(0, 1),
'SE': Point(1, 1)
var n8 = headings.values;
const rules = {
'N': ['N', 'NE', 'NW'],
'S': ['S', 'SE', 'SW'],
'W': ['W', 'NW', 'SW'],
'E': ['E', 'NE', 'SE'],
var looks = rules.keys.toList();
late Set<Point<int>> elfPositions;
Set<Point<int>> positionElves(List<String> lines) => lines.indexed
.map((r) => r.$2
.where((c) => c.$2 == '#')
.map((c) => Point(c.$1, r.$1)))
bool moveElves(int dir) {
// planned location is the key, old location is the value.
var moves = <Point<int>, Point<int>>{};
var badMoves = <Point<int>>{};
for (var pos in elfPositions
.where((e) => n8.any((n) => elfPositions.contains(n + e)))) {
for (var offset in {
var look = looks[(dir + offset) % 4];
if (rules[look]!.any((e) => elfPositions.contains(pos + headings[e]!))) {
var np = pos + headings[look]!;
if (moves.containsKey(np)) {
} else {
moves[np] = pos;
var goodMoves = moves.entries.where((m) => !badMoves.contains(m.key));
for (var m in goodMoves) {
return goodMoves.isNotEmpty;
part1(List<String> lines) {
elfPositions = positionElves(lines); => moveElves(dir % 4));
var xs = => e.x);
var ys = => e.y);
return (1 + xs.max - xs.min) * (1 + ys.max - ys.min) - elfPositions.length;
part2(List<String> lines) {
elfPositions = positionElves(lines);
for (var round in {
if (!moveElves(round % 4)) return round + 1;
return -1;
const testdata = [
void main(List<String> args) {
var dt =;
assert(part1(testdata) == 110);
assert(part2(testdata) == 20);
var rt =;
print('tests succeeded in $rt ms');
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