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Created July 15, 2023 10:53
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  • Save mykdavies/62de414cc49131b18927e527c3115d72 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mykdavies/62de414cc49131b18927e527c3115d72 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"@@locale": "cy",
"settings": ">>>Settings",
"general": ">>>General",
"accounts": ">>>Accounts",
"blocks": ">>>Blocks",
"appearance": ">>>Appearance",
"post_style": ">>>Post Style",
"comment_style": ">>>Comment Style",
"add_account": ">>>Add account",
"password": ">>>Password",
"email_or_username": ">>>Email or Username",
"totp_2fa_token": ">>>TOTP 2FA Token (if enabled)",
"verification_email_sent": ">>>Verification email sent",
"registration_application_sent": ">>>Registration application sent",
"select_instance": ">>>select_instance",
"sign_in": ">>>Sign in",
"register": ">>>Register",
"posts": "Postiadau",
"comments": "Sylwadau",
"modlog": ">>>Modlog",
"modlog_reason": ">>>Reason",
"modlog_removed": ">>>removed",
"modlog_restored": ">>>restored",
"modlog_locked": ">>>locked",
"modlog_unlocked": ">>>unlocked",
"modlog_stickied": ">>>stickied",
"modlog_unstickied": ">>>unstickied",
"modlog_banned": ">>>banned",
"modlog_unbanned": ">>>unbanned",
"modlog_appointed": ">>>appointed",
"modlog_transferred": ">>>transferred",
"modlog_post_separator": ">>>post",
"modlog_comment_separator": ">>>comment",
"modlog_community_separator": ">>>community",
"modlog_appointed_separator": ">>>as mod of",
"modlog_transferred_separator": ">>>to",
"modlog_banned_separator": ">>>from community",
"modlog_admin_separator": ">>>as admin",
"modlog_nologs": ">>>No more logs to show.",
"modlog_by": ">>>by",
"community": ">>>Community",
"url": ">>>URL",
"title": ">>>Title",
"body": ">>>Body",
"nsfw": ">>>NSFW",
"post": "post",
"save": ">>>save",
"subscribed": ">>>Subscribed",
"local": ">>>Local",
"all": ">>>All",
"replies": ">>>Replies",
"mentions": ">>>Mentions",
"from": ">>>from",
"to": ">>>to",
"deleted_by_creator": ">>>deleted by creator",
"more": ">>>more",
"mark_as_read": ">>>mark as read",
"mark_as_unread": ">>>mark as unread",
"reply": ">>>reply",
"edit": ">>>edit",
"delete": ">>>delete",
"restore": ">>>restore",
"yes": ">>>yes",
"no": ">>>no",
"avatar": ">>>Avatar",
"banner": ">>>Banner",
"display_name": ">>>Display name",
"bio": ">>>Bio",
"email": ">>>Email",
"matrix_user": ">>>Matrix User",
"sort_type": ">>>Post Sort type",
"comment_sort_type": ">>>Comment Sort type",
"type": ">>>Type",
"show_everything_feed": ">>>Show EVERYTHING feed",
"show_everything_feed_explanation": ">>>This will combine content from all instances, even those you're not signed into, so you may see posts you can't vote on or reply to.",
"use_in_app_browser": ">>>Use in-app browser",
"convert_webp_to_png": ">>>Convert webp images to png",
"other_settings": ">>>Other",
"disable_animations": ">>>Disable animations",
"hide_nsfw": ">>>Hide NSFW content",
"hide_nsfw_explanation": ">>>Content in NSFW posts will be hidden until clicked.",
"show_nsfw": ">>>Show NSFW content",
"send_notifications_to_email": ">>>Send notifications to Email",
"remove_account": ">>>Remove account",
"delete_account": ">>>Delete account",
"saved": ">>>Saved",
"communities": ">>>Communities",
"users": ">>>Users",
"theme": ">>>Theme",
"amoled_dark_mode": ">>>AMOLED dark mode",
"primary_color": ">>>Primary Color",
"reset_to_default": ">>>reset to default",
"post_view": ">>>Post View",
"show_scores": ">>>Show Scores",
"font": ">>>Font",
"preview": ">>>Preview",
"choose_language": ">>>Choose Language",
"language": ">>>Language",
"hot": ">>>Hot",
"new_": ">>>New",
"old": ">>>Old",
"top": ">>>Top",
"chat": ">>>Chat",
"admin": ">>>admin",
"pinned": ">>>pinned",
"by": ">>>by",
"view_on": ">>>View on another instance",
"foreign_community_info": ">>>Loading the community in the other instance. Note that if this is the first time the community is being viewed in the instance, this process may take a while.",
"federated_post_info": ">>>Loading the post in the other instance. Note that if this is the first time the post is being viewed in the instance, this process may take a while.",
"not_found": ">>>Not found",
"error": ">>>Error: {error_text}",
"not_a_mod_or_admin": ">>>Not a moderator or admin.",
"not_an_admin": ">>>Not an admin.",
"couldnt_find_post": ">>>Couldn't find post.",
"not_logged_in": ">>>Not logged in.",
"site_ban": ">>>You have been banned from the site",
"community_ban": ">>>You have been banned from this community.",
"downvotes_disabled": ">>>Downvotes disabled",
"invalid_url": ">>>Invalid URL.",
"locked": ">>>locked",
"couldnt_create_comment": ">>>Couldn't create comment.",
"couldnt_like_comment": ">>>Couldn't like comment.",
"couldnt_update_comment": ">>>Couldn't update comment.",
"no_comment_edit_allowed": ">>>Not allowed to edit comment.",
"couldnt_save_comment": ">>>Couldn't save comment.",
"couldnt_get_comments": ">>>Couldn't get comments.",
"report_reason_required": ">>>Report reason required.",
"report_too_long": ">>>Report too long.",
"couldnt_create_report": ">>>Couldn't create report.",
"couldnt_resolve_report": ">>>Couldn't resolve report.",
"invalid_post_title": ">>>Invalid post title",
"couldnt_create_post": ">>>Couldn't create post.",
"couldnt_like_post": ">>>Couldn't like post.",
"couldnt_find_community": ">>>Couldn't find community.",
"couldnt_get_posts": ">>>Couldn't get posts",
"no_post_edit_allowed": ">>>Not allowed to edit post.",
"couldnt_save_post": ">>>Couldn't save post.",
"site_already_exists": ">>>Site already exists.",
"couldnt_update_site": ">>>Couldn't update site.",
"invalid_community_name": ">>>Invalid name.",
"community_already_exists": ">>>Community already exists.",
"community_moderator_already_exists": ">>>Community moderator already exists.",
"community_follower_already_exists": ">>>Community follower already exists.",
"not_a_moderator": ">>>Not a moderator.",
"couldnt_update_community": ">>>Couldn't update Community.",
"no_community_edit_allowed": ">>>Not allowed to edit community.",
"system_err_login": ">>>System error. Try logging out and back in.",
"community_user_already_banned": ">>>Community user already banned.",
"couldnt_find_that_account": ">>>Couldn't find that account.",
"couldnt_find_that_username_or_email": ">>>Couldn't find that username or email.",
"password_incorrect": ">>>Password incorrect.",
"registration_closed": ">>>Registration closed",
"invalid_password": ">>>Invalid password. Password must be <= 60 characters.",
"passwords_dont_match": ">>>Passwords do not match.",
"captcha_incorrect": ">>>Captcha incorrect.",
"invalid_username": ">>>Invalid username.",
"bio_length_overflow": ">>>User bio cannot exceed 300 characters.",
"couldnt_update_user": ">>>Couldn't update user.",
"couldnt_update_private_message": ">>>Couldn't update private message.",
"couldnt_update_post": ">>>Couldn't update post",
"couldnt_create_private_message": ">>>Couldn't create private message.",
"no_private_message_edit_allowed": ">>>Not allowed to edit private message.",
"post_title_too_long": ">>>Post title too long.",
"email_already_exists": ">>>Email already exists.",
"user_already_exists": ">>>User already exists.",
"number_of_users_online": ">>>{formattedCount,plural, =1{{formattedCount} user online} other{{formattedCount} users online}}",
"number_of_comments": ">>>{formattedCount,plural, =1{{formattedCount} comment} other{{formattedCount} comments}}",
"number_of_posts": ">>>{formattedCount,plural, =1{{formattedCount} post} other{{formattedCount} posts}}",
"number_of_subscribers": ">>>{formattedCount,plural, =1{{formattedCount} subscriber} other{{formattedCount} subscribers}}",
"number_of_users": ">>>{formattedCount,plural, =1{{formattedCount} user} other{{formattedCount} users}}",
"number_of_communities": ">>>{formattedCount,plural, =1{{formattedCount} community} other{{formattedCount} communities}}",
"unsubscribe": ">>>unsubscribe",
"subscribe": ">>>subscribe",
"pending": ">>>pending",
"messages": ">>>Messages",
"banned_users": ">>>Banned users",
"add_user_or_instance": ">>>Add a user account or an instance",
"add_user": ">>>Add user account",
"remove_user": ">>>Remove user account",
"remove_user_confirm": ">>>Remove user account?",
"remove_user_confirm_explanation": ">>>Are you sure you want to remove {user_at_instance}?",
"set_as_default": ">>>Set as default",
"import_settings": ">>>Import settings to Liftoff",
"import_successful": ">>>Import successful",
"instance_url": ">>>instance url",
"add_instance": ">>>Add instance",
"instance_not_found": ">>>instance not found",
"instance_added": ">>>Instance successfully added",
"remove_instance": ">>>Remove instance",
"remove_instance_confirm": ">>>Remove instance?",
"remove_instance_confirm_explanation": ">>>Are you sure you want to remove {instance}?",
"block": ">>>Block",
"block_user": ">>>Block user",
"no_users_blocked": ">>>No users blocked",
"block_community": ">>>Block community",
"no_communities_blocked": ">>>No communities blocked",
"unblock": ">>>Unblock",
"unblock_user": ">>>Unblock user",
"unblock_community": ">>>Unblock community",
"remove_account_confirm": ">>>This will delete your account and data from this app. Your account and data will remain on the instance.",
"delete_account_confirm": ">>>Warning: this will permanently delete your account and all of your data from the app AND instance. Your data may not be deleted on other, existing instances. Enter your password to confirm.",
"new_password": ">>>New password",
"verify_password": ">>>Verify password",
"old_password": ">>>Old password",
"show_avatars": ">>>Show Avatars",
"show_thumbnails": ">>>Show Thumbnails",
"post_style_compact": ">>>Compact View",
"post_title_size": ">>>Title Size",
"post_header_size": ">>>Header Size",
"post_body_size": ">>>Body Size",
"post_style_rounded_corners": ">>>Rounded Corners",
"post_style_shadow": ">>>Card Shadow",
"comment_title_size": ">>>Title Size",
"comment_indent_width": ">>>Indent Width",
"comment_pill_size": ">>>Pill Size",
"comment_body_size": ">>>Body Size",
"comment_time_stamp": ">>>Time Stamp Size",
"search": ">>>search",
"send_message": ">>>Send message",
"top_hour": ">>>Top Hour",
"top_six_hour": ">>>Top Six Hour",
"top_twelve_hour": ">>>Top Twelve Hour",
"top_day": ">>>Top Day",
"top_week": ">>>Top Week",
"top_month": ">>>Top Month",
"top_year": ">>>Top Year",
"top_all": ">>>Top All Time",
"most_comments": ">>>Most Comments",
"new_comments": ">>>New Comments",
"active": ">>>Active",
"view_all_comments": ">>>View all comments",
"show_context": ">>>Show context",
"bot_account": ">>>Bot Account",
"show_bot_accounts": ">>>Show Bot Accounts",
"show_read_posts": ">>>Show Read Posts",
"site_not_set_up": ">>>This site has not yet been set up",
"nerd_stuff": ">>>Nerd stuff",
"open_in_browser": ">>>Open in browser",
"share_text": ">>>Share text",
"share_url": ">>>Share URL",
"translate": ">>>Translate",
"make_text_selectable": ">>>Make text selectable",
"make_text_unselectable": ">>>Make text unselectable",
"show_fancy_text": ">>>Show fancy text",
"show_raw_text": ">>>Show raw text",
"delete_comment": ">>>Delete comment",
"restore_comment": ">>>Restore comment",
"report_comment": ">>>Report comment",
"delete_post": ">>>Delete post",
"restore_post": ">>>Restore post",
"report_post": ">>>Report post",
"cannot_open_in_browser": ">>>Can't open in browser",
"about": ">>>About",
"see_all": ">>>See all",
"admins": ">>>Admins",
"trending_communities": ">>>Trending communities",
"communities_of_instance": ">>>Communities of {instance}",
"day": ">>>day",
"week": ">>>week",
"month": ">>>month",
"six_months": ">>>6 months",
"required_field": ">>>required field",
"no_communities_found": ">>>No communities found",
"network_error": ">>>Network error",
"editor_bold": ">>>bold",
"editor_italics": ">>>italics",
"editor_link": ">>>insert link",
"editor_image": ">>>insert image",
"editor_user": ">>>link user",
"editor_community": ">>>link community",
"editor_header": ">>>insert header",
"editor_strikethrough": ">>>strikethrough",
"editor_quote": ">>>quote",
"editor_list": ">>>list",
"editor_code": ">>>code",
"editor_subscript": ">>>subscript",
"editor_superscript": ">>>superscript",
"editor_spoiler": ">>>spoiler",
"editor_help": ">>>markdown guide",
"insert_text_here_placeholder": ">>>[write text here]",
"select_user": ">>>Select User",
"select_community": ">>>Select Community",
"add_link": ">>>Add link",
"cancel": ">>>Cancel",
"editor_add_link_label": ">>>label",
"failed_to_upload_image": ">>>Failed to upload image",
"instance_error": ">>>Hmm... it seems like your instance is having trouble responding.",
"instance_record_notfound": ">>>Hmm... it seems like your instance couldn't find what you were looking for.",
"try_again": ">>>Try Again",
"kbin_instances_not_supported": ">>>Please note that kbin instances are not supported at present.",
"pick_a_photo": ">>>Pick a photo",
"use_this_image": ">>>Use this image",
"photo_picker_explanation": ">>>Pick an image, then adjust the crop box to the right shape.\n\nYou can then drag the image until it's in the right place. \n\nResizing the crop box will zoom the selection in and out.",
"accounts_explanation": ">>>The first instance on this screen will be treated as your default in other screens, and the marked account will be the default on that instance.\n\nPress and hold on an account to make it your default on that instance.\n\nPress and hold an instance or account to remove it from this app. You can add it back later. You may lose some local settings but your bookmarks, subscriptions etc will still be held on your instance.",
"comment_tag_op": ">>>OP",
"comment_tag_you": ">>>YOU",
"code_of_conduct_clickthrough": ">>>By accessing the Lemmy network using Liftoff! you agree to adhere to our Code of Conduct"
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