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Last active November 19, 2023 11:51
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AOC2022 day19
// AOC 2022, Day 19: Not Enough Minerals
// Produce some machines that produce resources in a horrible network :-)
// 1) Find best results for a long list.
// 2) Now for a short list over a longer time.
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
extension IntegerRangeExtension on int {
List<int> to(int end, {int step = 1}) =>
List.generate((end - this + (step - 1)) ~/ step, (i) => i * step + this);
var ore = 0, clay = 1, obsidian = 2, geode = 3;
class Blueprint {
int number;
List<List<int>> costs = [[], [], [], []];
Blueprint(this.number, this.costs);
class State {
int time;
List<int> robots = [1, 0, 0, 0];
List<int> stocks = [0, 0, 0, 0];
List<bool> wasIdleInstead = [false, false, false, false];
State.copyFrom(State other)
: time = other.time,
robots = other.robots.toList(),
stocks = other.stocks.toList();
canBuildRobot(int r, Blueprint bp) =>
!wasIdleInstead[r] && => stocks[i] >= bp.costs[r][i]);
buildRobot(int r, Blueprint bp) {
robots[r] += 1;
for (var i in {
stocks[i] -= bp.costs[r][i];
int get hashCode => Object.hash(time, robots, stocks);
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
(other is State) &&
time == other.time && => robots[e] == other.robots[e]) && => stocks[e] == other.stocks[e]);
var debug = false;
Blueprint read(String line) {
var reD = RegExp(r'\d+');
var ms = reD.allMatches(line).map((m) => int.parse(m[0]!)).toList();
return Blueprint(ms[0], [
[ms[1], 0, 0, 0],
[ms[2], 0, 0, 0],
[ms[3], ms[4], 0, 0],
[ms[5], 0, ms[6], 0]
List<int> sums(List<int> a, List<int> b) =>
[0, 1, 2, 3].map((e) => a[e] + b[e]).toList();
int getMaxGeodes(Blueprint bp, int timeLimit) {
var best = 0;
var q = QueueList.from([State(timeLimit)]);
var seen = <int>{};
while (q.isNotEmpty) {
var curr = q.removeFirst();
if (seen.contains(curr.hashCode)) {
if (curr.time == 0) {
if (curr.stocks[geode] > best) {
best = curr.stocks[geode];
// can we prune?
//if we magically made geode bots every round, could we catch up with best?
if (curr.stocks[geode] +
curr.time * curr.robots[geode] +
max((curr.time - 1) * (curr.time - 2) ~/ 2, 0) <
best) {
var nextState = State.copyFrom(curr)
..time -= 1
..stocks = sums(curr.stocks, curr.robots);
// What should we build next?
//Always build geode
var buildGeode = curr.canBuildRobot(geode, bp);
if (buildGeode) {
q.add(State.copyFrom(nextState)..buildRobot(geode, bp));
// Geode >>> Obs, plus don't need too many
var buildObs = !buildGeode &&
curr.robots[obsidian] < bp.costs[geode][obsidian] &&
curr.canBuildRobot(obsidian, bp);
if (buildObs) {
q.add(State.copyFrom(nextState)..buildRobot(obsidian, bp));
// Only build clay if we need it to feed obsidians
var buildClay = !buildGeode &&
!buildObs &&
curr.robots[clay] < bp.costs[obsidian][clay] &&
curr.canBuildRobot(clay, bp);
if (buildClay) {
q.add(State.copyFrom(nextState)..buildRobot(clay, bp));
// Only build clay if we need it to feed any of the others
var buildOre = !buildGeode &&
!buildObs &&
// Next line based on
// may be data dependent
curr.robots[clay] < 2 &&
(curr.robots[ore] < bp.costs[geode][ore] ||
curr.robots[ore] < bp.costs[obsidian][ore] ||
curr.robots[ore] < bp.costs[clay][ore]) &&
curr.canBuildRobot(ore, bp);
if (buildOre) {
q.add(State.copyFrom(nextState)..buildRobot(ore, bp));
// Dunno about these numbers... May be data-dependent
var canIdle = !buildGeode &&
(curr.stocks[ore] < 1 * bp.costs[geode][ore] ||
curr.stocks[ore] < 1 * bp.costs[obsidian][ore] ||
curr.stocks[ore] < 2 * bp.costs[clay][ore]) &&
curr.stocks[clay] < 3 * bp.costs[obsidian][clay];
if (canIdle) {
nextState.wasIdleInstead = [buildOre, buildClay, buildObs, buildGeode];
return best;
part1(List<String> lines) => => getMaxGeodes(e, 24) * e.number).sum;
part2(List<String> lines) =>
lines.take(3).map((e) => getMaxGeodes(read(e), 32)).reduce((s, t) => s * t);
var testdata = [
"Blueprint 1: Each ore robot costs 4 ore. Each clay robot costs 2 ore. Each obsidian robot costs 3 ore and 14 clay. Each geode robot costs 2 ore and 7 obsidian.",
"Blueprint 2: Each ore robot costs 2 ore. Each clay robot costs 3 ore. Each obsidian robot costs 3 ore and 8 clay. Each geode robot costs 3 ore and 12 obsidian."
void main(List<String> args) {
var dt =;
assert(part1(testdata) == 33);
assert(part2(testdata) == 3348);
var rt =;
print('tests succeeded in $rt ms');
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