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Last active November 17, 2023 14:44
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AOC2022 day17
// AOC 2022, Day 17: Pyroclastic Flow
// Drop simple tetris pieces that get moved sideways by jets of air.
// Both cycle forever. Measure the height of the resulting stack.
// 1) after 2022 pieces.
// 2) after 1000000000000 pieces.
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
extension IntegerRangeExtension on int {
List<int> to(int end, {int step = 1}) =>
List.generate((end - this + (step - 1)) ~/ step, (i) => i * step + this);
extension MathNumberExtension on num {
bool between(num min, num max) => min <= this && this <= max;
typedef P = Point<int>;
// Starring, in order of appearance.
const rocks = {
'dash': [P(0, 0), P(1, 0), P(2, 0), P(3, 0)],
'plus': [P(1, 0), P(0, 1), P(1, 1), P(2, 1), P(1, 2)],
'bend': [P(0, 0), P(1, 0), P(2, 0), P(2, 1), P(2, 2)],
'pole': [P(0, 0), P(0, 1), P(0, 2), P(0, 3)],
'cube': [P(0, 0), P(1, 0), P(0, 1), P(1, 1)],
late List<List<String>> grid;
var width = 7;
isInBounds(Point p) =>
p.x.between(0, grid.first.length - 1) && p.y.between(0, grid.length - 1);
canMove(List<P> rock, P offset) => => e + offset).every((e) => isInBounds(e) && cellAt(e) == '.');
String cellAt(P p) => grid[p.y][p.x];
String cellAtSet(P p, String v) => grid[p.y][p.x] = v;
int solve(List<String> lines, int targetRock) {
var shortCutRun = false;
// Let a decent number of rows build up before checking.
var nLinesToCheck = 50;
var jets =
lines.first.split('').map((e) => e == '>' ? const P(1, 0) : const P(-1, 0)).toList();
// Generously big. Don't link this to `targetRock` because of part 2 :-)
grid = List.generate(10000, (index) => List.generate(width, (i) => '.'));
var topRow = -1;
// rocks fall upwards...
var fall = const P(0, -1);
var rockSource = rocks.keys.iterator;
// loop through the index rather than the values, for later cycle check.
var jetSource =;
var seen = <int, List<int>>{};
var rockCount = 0;
var topAdd = 0;
// loop manually to allow adjustment to rockCount for part 2
while (true) {
// We want to drop rock infinitely, so restart if at end.
if (!rockSource.moveNext()) rockSource = rocks.keys.iterator..moveNext();
var rock = rockSource.current;
var row = topRow + 4;
var col = 2;
var pos = P(col, row);
while (true) {
// Get next jet (infinitely)
if (!jetSource.moveNext()) {
jetSource =;
var jet = jets[jetSource.current];
// blow
if (canMove(rocks[rock]!, pos + jet)) pos += jet;
// can we still fall?
if (!(canMove(rocks[rock]!, pos + fall))) {
pos += fall;
topRow = [topRow, rocks[rock]!.map((e) => e.y).max + pos.y].max;
// ignore: avoid_function_literals_in_foreach_calls
rocks[rock]!.forEach((e) => cellAtSet(e + pos, '#'));
if (!shortCutRun && jetSource.current == 0 && topRow > nLinesToCheck) {
var key = (topRow - nLinesToCheck)
.map((e) => grid[e].join(''))
// Handle the large number of cycles in part two.
if (!seen.containsKey(key)) {
seen[key] = [rockCount, topRow];
} else {
//we have a repeat
shortCutRun = true;
var rDiff = rockCount - seen[key]!.first;
var topDiff = topRow - seen[key]!.last;
var mult = (targetRock - rockCount) ~/ rDiff;
rockCount += rDiff * mult;
topAdd += topDiff * mult;
// updated rock count means we will break out of loop just below.
rockCount += 1;
if (rockCount >= targetRock) break;
return topRow + 1 + topAdd;
part1(List<String> lines) => solve(lines, 2022);
part2(List<String> lines) => solve(lines, 1000000000000);
var testdata = r""">>><<><>><<<>><>>><<<>>><<<><<<>><>><<>>""".split('\n');
void main(List<String> args) {
var dt =;
assert(part1(testdata) == 3068);
assert(part2(testdata) == 1514285714288);
var rt =;
print('tests succeeded in $rt ms');
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