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Created April 24, 2017 11:10
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lucky :: Integral a => a -> String
lucky 7 = "THAT'S SEVEN!"
lucky x = "Not a seven"
factorial :: Integral a => a -> a
factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial (n - 1)
addVectors :: Integral a => (a, a) -> (a, a) -> (a, a)
addVectors (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = ((x1 + x2), (y1 + y2))
firstOfThree :: Integral a => (a, a, a) -> a
firstOfThree (a, _, _) = a
secondOfThree :: Integral a => (a, a, a) -> a
secondOfThree (_, a, _) = a
thirdOfThree :: Integral a => (a, a, a) -> a
thirdOfThree (_, _, a) = a
head' :: [a] -> a
head' [] = error "No way"
head' (x:_) = x
tell :: Show a => [a] -> String
tell [] = "Empty"
tell (a:[]) = "One element, " ++ show a
tell (a:b:[]) = "Two elements, " ++ show a ++ ", " ++ show b
tell all@(a:b:_) = "A lot of elements in " ++ show all ++ ": " ++ show a ++ ", " ++ show b
-- sum' :: Num a => [a] -> String
-- sum' xs = "Sum is " ++
-- let calculate xs = case xs of [] -> 0 -- як змусити це працювати?
-- (x:xs) -> x + sum' xs;
-- result = calculate xs
-- in show result
bmiTell :: RealFloat a => a -> a -> String
bmiTell w h
| bmi w h < skinny = "Skinny"
| bmi w h < ok = "Ok"
| bmi w h < fat = "Lil fat"
| otherwise = "Fat"
where bmi w' h' = w' / h' ^ 2
(skinny, ok, fat) = (18.5, 20, 30)
max' :: Ord a => a -> a -> a
max' a b
| b > a = b
| otherwise = a
myC :: Ord a => a -> a -> Ordering
a `myC` b
| a > b = GT
| a == b = EQ
| otherwise = LT
initials :: String -> String -> String -- чому не працює String a => a -> a -> a
initials fn ln = [f] ++ " " ++ [l]
where (f:_) = fn
(l:_) = ln
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