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Last active December 15, 2016 06:19
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Scaling Elasticsearch
req_body_for_patient_a = {
routing: 'PatientA',
filter: {
term: { patient_name: 'PatientA' }
req_body_for_patient_b = {
routing: 'PatientB',
filter: {
term: { patient_name: 'PatientB' }
raw_put 'patients/_alias/PatientA', req_body_for_patient_a
raw_put 'patients/_alias/PatientB', req_body_for_patient_b
client.indices.exists_alias? name: 'PatientA' # => true
client.indices.exists_alias? name: 'PatientB' # => true
# It's a good idea to disable refresh when indexing documents to improve performance
client.indices.put_settings index: 'PatientA', body: { refresh_interval: -1 }
client.indices.put_settings index: 'PatientB', body: { refresh_interval: -1 }
# Now index (store) the documents
patient_a_doc1 = {
patient_name: 'PatientA',
content: 'The quick brown fox'
patient_a_doc2 = {
patient_name: 'PatientA',
content: 'It was a dark and stormy night'
patient_b_doc1 = {
patient_name: 'PatientB',
content: 'Two roads diverged in a yellow wood'
patient_b_doc2 = {
patient_name: 'PatientB',
content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
bulk_index_body = [
{ index: { _index: 'PatientA', _type: 'patient_type', data: patient_a_doc1 } },
{ index: { _index: 'PatientA', _type: 'patient_type', data: patient_a_doc2 } },
{ index: { _index: 'PatientB', _type: 'patient_type', data: patient_b_doc1 } },
{ index: { _index: 'PatientB', _type: 'patient_type', data: patient_b_doc2 } }
client.bulk body: bulk_index_body
# Don't forget to enable refresh
client.indices.put_settings index: 'PatientA', body: { refresh_interval: '30s' }
client.indices.put_settings index: 'PatientB', body: { refresh_interval: '30s' }
def raw_put(path, body)
conn = url: 'http://localhost:9200'
conn.put(path) do |req|
req.body = body.to_json
req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
# Create primary index
req_body = {
settings: {
index: {
number_of_shards: 5, # In production, this number would be much larger
number_of_replicas: 1
mappings: {
patient_type: {
properties: {
patient_name: { index: 'not_analyzed', type: 'string' },
content: { index: 'not_analyzed', type: 'string' }
raw_put 'patients', req_body
client.indices.exists? index: 'patients' # => true
pry(main)> index: 'patients', q: 'content:The quick brown'
=> {"took"=>4,
"_shards"=>{"total"=>5, "successful"=>5, "failed"=>0},
"_source"=>{"patient_name"=>"PatientA", "content"=>"The quick brown fox"}}]}}
pry(main)> index: 'PatientA', q: 'content:The quick brown'
=> {"took"=>2,
"_shards"=>{"total"=>1, "successful"=>1, "failed"=>0},
"_source"=>{"patient_name"=>"PatientA", "content"=>"The quick brown fox"}}]}}
require 'json'
require 'elasticsearch'
client = hosts: 'http://localhost:9200'
# Test that Elasticsearch is up
=> {"name"=>"Dredmund Druid",
"tagline"=>"You Know, for Search"}
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