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Last active January 18, 2017 13:52
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  • Save mylamour/e1422aa5e86db54734fdf1d357210f5b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mylamour/e1422aa5e86db54734fdf1d357210f5b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Regex USEFUL Regex FROM : , different programe language was uncompelete support the regex features, you should take care about it.
  • name="UniProt+Fastaheader"
`/^>[^\|]*\|([^\|]*)\|.*OS=([^=]*).*GN=([^ ]*).*$/g`

Matches UniProt accessionnumber, genename and organism in a UniProt fasta header

  • name="E-mail+validator+for+International+Domain"

It's an E-mail validator that supports International Domains with Country codes

  • name="0x+HexColor"

Matches a 24 or 32 bit hex color in the format 0xFFFFFF or 0xFFFFFFFF.

  • name="Byte"

To find bytes in a string. Bytes consists of 8 digits of 0s and 1s

  • name="Telephone+Digits+Pattern"

Validation for different ways of writing 10 digit telephone number

  • name="UK+Driving+licence+-+v.2"

a code to check the legitimacy of UK driving licence numbers Version 2

  • name="UK+Postcode+Validation"
`/\b(GIR ?0AA|SAN ?TA1|(?:[A-PR-UWYZ](?:\d{0,2}|[A-HK-Y]\d|[A-HK-Y]\d\d|\d[A-HJKSTUW]|[A-HK-Y]\d[ABEHMNPRV-Y])) ?\d[ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2})\b/gim`

This regex matches all valid, current UK Postcodes, including Girobank and non-geographic postcodes, irrespective of whether they contain a space. It does not include overseas territories. Adapted from the BS7666 postcode rules at:

  • name="Phone+Number+Match"

Matches all 10-digit phone numbers.

  • name="Thousand+Separator"

Separates every 3 digits. Replace with a period, comma, space, etc.

  • name="Hex+Color+(3+or+6+hexdigit,+#+optional)"

Matches valid hexadecimal colors, 3 or 6 hexdigits only. # sign is optional. Matches both lower and upper case.

  • name="Find+Hex+Val+without+(00|FF)"

Find Hex Val without (00|FF). Separators not needed.

  • name="Skype+Username"

Validates usernames for Skype's format following these rules:

  • name="dns+validation"

(a-zA-Z0-9?.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6} [Matches]

  • name="(?<=href=")[^]+?(?=")"

Estrapola i link dentro gli href

  • name="SQL+to+Java+String"

Wraps a SQL string with double quotes and concatenates them together to form a valid Java String.

  • name="XML/HTML+tags"

Version 1.0. Supports:

  • name="URL+Similar"

Matches things that look like URLs, even small things.

  • name="Get+Text+Between+HTML+Tags+with+attributes"

Will grab text between 2 HTML tags(ex. will get "hello" hello)

  • name="Skype+Username+2.0"


  • name="Email+Validator"

="3.27896" rated="89" author="Robert" dateAdded="2013-04-17" categoryID="4"> /[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,}@([a-zA-Z\.])?[a-zA-Z]{1,}\.[a-zA-Z]{1,4}/gi

Privet Russkie)) Kto uchilsya u Evgenia Popova stavte layk!! Regulyarka dlya poiska email.

  • name="Non-word+chars"
`/[^\w \xC0-\xFF]/g`

everything that isn't an alphanumeric char [\w] or a char with accent [\xCO-\xFF] or a space [ ] char.

  • name="Image+URL+Match+(fixed)"

Matches a image url/link like:

  • name="Advanced+URL+v5"

RegExp, that splits your URL into protocoll, user, password, subdomain, domain, topleveldomain, path, filename, filetype and GET-parameters (with/without value).

  • name="Google+Docs+Viewer+link+creator"
`/<[ ]*a.*href="(.*\.pdf)".*>.*<[ ]*/a[ ]*>/g`

Adds a google docs viewer link to anchors with .PDF in their href.

  • name="CSV+Grouper:+""+or+,+inside+"string""

Matches and groups:

  • name="ip+address"

ip address

  • name="Multiline+Comment"

Will match all multiline (/* */) comments.

  • name="Strong+password+validator"
  • minimum one [a-z]
  • name="SRT+subtitles+parser"

Parse an SRT subtitle file and extract each caption.

  • name="Double+Quoted+String"

Will match any string in double quotes.

  • name="Remove+BBML"

Remove BBML (Bulletin Board Markup Language)

  • name="CSS+Property+Match"

Search any CSS property and the value returned in any Stylesheet or embedded CSS.

  • name="Parse+all+inline+JS+(<script>)+from+HTML"

This pattern will find all inline JS code within the current HTML page.

  • name="Optimize+SVG+coordinates+V2"

Reduces the number of deciaml places in SVG coordinates. Usefull for compressing SVGs.

  • name="JSON+parser+2"

Accepts valid JSON-strings

  • name="Windows+File+Path+Validation"

Validates a windows file path allowing for both UNC and Standard windows Drive references. File allowed to have an extention length of 3 to 4 chars.

  • name="YouTube+video+ID+(improved+&+fixed)"

This will get the ID for YouTube links, written in 3 different formats, and even if the "v=" it's not right after the slash.

  • name="Two+decimals+number"

Usefull for texinput number restriction

  • name="YouTube+ID+(works+all)"

Select the video ID from YouTube. Works with all

  • name="Strict+Canadian+Postal+Code"

must be letters and numbers.

  • name="Image+Url"

Captures image url

  • name="JavaScript+Floating+Number"

Integer Numbers: 1 2 3 987 +4 -8

  • name="Replace+&+if+no+valid+entity"

This RE replaces all & characters which are not part of a valid HTML entity with &

  • name="Date+Validator+DD/MM/YYYY+includes+leap+years"

^(((0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])- /.|(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|30)- /.|(0[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8])[- /.]02)[- /.]\d{4}|29[- /.]02- /.)$ This will match valid dates in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

  • name="CSV+Split+(MS+Excel+dialect)"

Seperate fields in an MS Excel dialect CSV. O'Reilly's 'Regular Expressions Cookbook', p.466 and available from, was a v.good starting point.

  • name="US+Numbers+and+Money"

$ is optional.

  • name="Better+Canadian+Postal+Code+Validator"

Case-insensitive Canadian postal code validator.

  • name="URL+validator(with+subdomains)"

This will match urls of following types:-

  • name="ip+address:++extra+preceding+0s+allowed"

Rule 1:

  • name="All+HTML+tags"

Complete and bullet-proof HTML tags detection.It's not mine, it was posted by Phil Haack on his blog

  • name="Dutch+Postal+Code"

Matches Dutch postal codes, with or without single space and with lower- or uppercase letters.

  • name="METAR+Extractor"
`/^(METAR |SPECI )?([A-Z]{4})(?: ([0-3]\d)([012]\d)([0-5]\d)Z)(?: (COR))?(?: (\d{3}|VRB)(\d?\d{2})G?(\d?\d{2})?(KT|MPH|MPS|KPH)(?:( \d{3})V(\d{3}))?)(?: (?:(?:(\d?\d ?)?(M?[13]/[24])?(SM))|(\d{4}))) ?(?:(?:(.*?)(RMK)(.*))|(.*))/gm`

This reads the first 5 elements from a METAR. Works with AFMAN15-111 Chapter 14.

  • name="Hyperlinks+to+Text"

Converts hyperlink tags to text, with the link in brackets.

  • name="non-ascii+characters+(imporoper+unicode)"

Find all characters greater than 127 from a string. Trying to find characters that aren't properly unicode encoded.

  • name="Web+detector"

URL detector with capture groups.

  • name="/\d{5}[+]?+\d{6}/g"
`/\d{5}[ ]? \d{6}/g`

Uk mobile Number Validation

  • name="Single+line+comment"

Will match all single line (// ..) comments

  • name="Password+Validator"

(?!^[0-9]$)(?!^[a-zA-Z!@#$%^&()+=<>?]$)^([a-zA-Z!@#$%^&()+=<>?0-9]{6,15})$ Matches the good password strings. Must contains a number and an alphabet and should be more than 6 characters long. String can also contain special characters

  • name="HTTP+URL"

Looks for the URL string starting with http://g

  • name="regular+function+declaration.+php,+java,+etc."

Searches for functions in a script.

  • name="Detect+phone+numbers"
`/(?!:\A|\s)(?!(\d{1,6}\s+\D)|((\d{1,2}\s+){2,2}))(((\+\d{1,3})|(\(\+\d{1,3}\)))\s*)?((\d{1,6})|(\(\d{1,6}\)))\/?(([ -.]?)\d{1,5}){1,5}((\s*(#|x|(ext))\.?\s*)\d{1,5})?(?!:(\Z|\w|\b\s))/gm`

This will detect number patterns that appear to be phone numbers. This is a very general (although comprehensive) regex that should work with both US & International phone numbers.

  • name="link+grabber"


  • name="CPF+-+Brasil"

Binary file ./tes.xml.txt matches

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