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Created July 11, 2017 19:25
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Fabric File for deploying a Laravel website
import datetime
from fabric.api import cd, env, task, run
from fabric.contrib.project import rsync_project
from fabric.utils import puts
env.hosts = ['']
env.user = 'serverpilot'
env.app_dir = '~/apps/laravel/'
env.releases_dir = '~/.releases/laravel'
env.db_backup_dir = '~/.backups/laravel' =':', '-')
def versions():
What is the current version of PHP running.
Used for testing access to the server.
run('php -v')
run('composer -V')
def backup():
Backup the current version.
run('cp -r {app_dir} {releases_dir}/{now}'.format(**env))
run('mysqldump -uuser -ppasswod database > '
def push():
Push the source code from local to the server.
extra_opts="--filter=':- ./.gitignore'",
exclude=['.git', '.gitignore', '.gitattributes',
'', 'fabfile.pyc', 'bootstrap/cache/',
def composer_install():
Install the PHP dependecies with composer.
with cd(env.app_dir):
run('composer install')
def migrate():
Migrate the database to the latest version.
with cd(env.app_dir):
run('php artisan migrate --force')
def cleanup():
Cleanup cached files.
with cd(env.app_dir):
run('php artisan view:clear')
run('composer dump-autoload')
def ship_it(hard=False):
Deploy the application.
if hard:
# Draw a ship
puts(" | | | ")
puts(" )_) )_) )_) ")
puts(" )___))___))___)\ ")
puts(" )____)____)_____)\\ ")
puts(" _____|____|____|____\\\__ ")
puts(" ---------\ /--------- ")
puts(" ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ")
puts(" ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ")
puts(" ^^^^ ^^^ ")
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