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Created May 24, 2021 15:16
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Parses Candid strings returned from the Internet Computer into Records, which are maps of Strings to Strings, Doubles, Vectors or other Records
class CandidValue {}
class EntryValue extends CandidValue {
final String key;
final CandidValue value;
EntryValue(this.key, this.value);
class NumberValue extends CandidValue {
final double number;
class StringValue extends CandidValue {
final String string;
class RecordValue extends CandidValue {
// A map of the record's keys to their values. Values might be simple
// strings, other records or vectors of records.
final Map<String, CandidValue> record;
class VectorValue extends CandidValue {
final List<RecordValue> vector;
class CandidResult<V extends CandidValue> {
final V value;
final String remainingCandid;
CandidResult(this.value, this.remainingCandid);
static String getString(CandidValue candidValue,
[List<String> path, String defaultValue]) {
String unescape(String str) => str.replaceAll('\\\"', '\"');
if (candidValue is StringValue) {
return candidValue.string;
if (candidValue == null) {
throw 'Null CandidValue';
if (!(candidValue is RecordValue)) {
throw 'Can only get a string from a StringValue or a RecordValue with a path to a StringValue';
final lastKey = path.removeLast();
final terminalRecord = getRecord(candidValue, path);
if (!terminalRecord.containsKey(lastKey)) {
// print('Key not found: $lastKey');
// return defaultValue;
throw 'Key not found: $lastKey';
candidValue = terminalRecord[lastKey];
if (candidValue is StringValue) {
return unescape(candidValue.string);
throw 'Value is not a StringValue';
static double getNumber(CandidValue candidValue,
[List<String> path, double defaultValue]) {
if (candidValue is NumberValue) {
return candidValue.number;
if (candidValue == null) {
throw 'Null CandidValue';
if (!(candidValue is RecordValue)) {
throw 'Can only get a number from a NumberValue or a RecordValue with a path to a NumberValue';
final lastKey = path.removeLast();
final terminalRecord = getRecord(candidValue, path);
if (!terminalRecord.containsKey(lastKey)) {
print('Key not found: $lastKey');
return defaultValue;
// throw 'Key not found: $lastKey';
candidValue = terminalRecord[lastKey];
if (candidValue is NumberValue) {
return candidValue.number;
throw 'Value is not a NumberValue';
static List<RecordValue> getVector(CandidValue candidValue,
[List<String> path]) {
if (candidValue is VectorValue) {
return candidValue.vector;
if (!(candidValue is RecordValue)) {
throw 'Can only get a vector from a VectorValue or a RecordValue with a path to a VectorValue';
final lastKey = path.removeLast();
final terminalRecord = getRecord(candidValue, path);
candidValue = terminalRecord[lastKey];
if (candidValue is VectorValue) {
return candidValue.vector;
throw 'Value is not a VectorValue';
static Map<String, CandidValue> getRecord(RecordValue recordValue,
[List<String> path]) {
if (recordValue == null) {
throw 'Cannot get record from a null RecordValue';
if (path == null || path.isEmpty) {
return recordValue.record;
for (var key in path) {
if (!(recordValue is RecordValue)) {
throw 'Encountered non-record value in path';
if (!recordValue.record.containsKey(key)) {
throw 'Record does not contain key "$key"';
recordValue = recordValue.record[key];
if (recordValue is RecordValue) {
return recordValue.record;
throw 'Value is not a RecordValue';
static const stringSignifier = '"';
static const recordSignifier = 'record {';
static const vectorSignifier = 'vec {';
static String removeUnnecessaryLeadingCandid(String candid) {
if (candid.trimLeft().startsWith('(')) {
candid = candid.substring(candid.indexOf('(') + 1);
if (candid.trimLeft().startsWith('opt ')) {
candid = candid.substring(candid.indexOf('opt ') + 4);
return candid;
// Recursive function that, given a candid string, returns a result
// representing the records within.
static CandidResult parseCandid(String candid) {
var sanitizedCandid = removeUnnecessaryLeadingCandid(candid);
final firstRecord = sanitizedCandid.indexOf(recordSignifier);
final firstVector = sanitizedCandid.indexOf(vectorSignifier);
final firstEntry = sanitizedCandid.indexOf('=');
final firstString = sanitizedCandid.indexOf(stringSignifier);
final firstNumber = sanitizedCandid.indexOf(RegExp(r'\d'));
// Find the first of those
final first = [
].where((element) => element >= 0).reduce(min);
if (firstRecord == first) {
// Record
return parseCandidAsRecord(sanitizedCandid);
} else if (firstVector == first) {
// Vector
return parseCandidAsVector(sanitizedCandid);
} else if (firstEntry == first) {
// Entry
return parseCandidAsEntry(sanitizedCandid);
} else if (firstString == first) {
// String
return parseCandidAsString(sanitizedCandid);
} else if (firstNumber == first) {
// Number
return parseCandidAsNumber(sanitizedCandid);
} else {
throw 'Unable to parse line starting with ${sanitizedCandid.substring(20)}';
static CandidResult<EntryValue> parseCandidAsEntry(String candid) {
final match =
RegExp(r'^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*$)', dotAll: true).firstMatch(candid);
if (match == null) {
throw ('Candid string does not begin with an entry. Candid starts with: ${candid.substring(0, 50)}');
final key =;
final rest =;
final valueResult =
parseCandid(rest); // should leave end quote in remainingcandid
if (valueResult.value is EntryValue) {
throw ('Invalid: Found an entry as the value of another entry.');
return CandidResult(
EntryValue(key, valueResult.value), valueResult.remainingCandid);
static CandidResult<StringValue> parseCandidAsString(String candid) {
if (!candid.startsWith('"')) {
throw ('Cannot parse candid as a string when the candid does not start with double quotes. Candid begins with: ${candid.substring(10)}');
// Select everything after the first quote and before the next quote,
// (ignoring escaped quotes). Also select the rest (throwing out an
// optional ending space/semicolon)
final match = RegExp(
r'"(.*?)(?<!\\)"\s*[ ;]\s*(.*$)',
dotAll: true,
if (match == null) {
throw ('Failed to find string in candid. Must be surrounded by non-escaped double quotes followed by a semicolon. Candid: $candid');
final str =;
final rest =;
return CandidResult(StringValue(str), rest);
static CandidResult<NumberValue> parseCandidAsNumber(String candid) {
if (!candid.startsWith(RegExp(r'\d'))) {
throw ('Cannot parse candid as a number when the candid does not start with a number. Candid begins with: ${candid.substring(10)}');
// Select everything that is either a digit or an underscore. Also select
// the rest (throwing out a semicolon and any whitespace at the end if
// found) to pass along with the result
final match = RegExp(
dotAll: true,
if (match == null) {
throw ('Failed to find number in candid. Candid: $candid');
final str ='_', '');
final rest =;
final num = double.parse(str);
return CandidResult(NumberValue(num), rest);
static CandidResult<RecordValue> parseCandidAsRecord(String candid) {
if (!candid.trimLeft().startsWith(recordSignifier)) {
throw ('Candid is not a record. Candid begins with: ${candid.substring(0, 50)}');
final record = Map<String, dynamic>();
var remainingCandid = candid
.substring(candid.indexOf(recordSignifier) + recordSignifier.length);
while (remainingCandid.trimLeft().isNotEmpty) {
final entryResult = parseCandid(remainingCandid);
if (!(entryResult.value is EntryValue)) {
throw 'Non-entry item found in candid record: $remainingCandid';
final entry = entryResult.value as EntryValue;
// Add the entry
record[entry.key] = entry.value;
remainingCandid = entryResult.remainingCandid;
if (remainingCandid.trimLeft().startsWith('}')) {
// This is the end of the record. We need to figure out how much else
// to remove before we return the record, which varies depending on
// whether the record was in a vector or not.
// Records in vectors end in ; or };
remainingCandid = removeLeading(remainingCandid, ['}', ';']);
// These occur for single records. We'll have already removed the end
// curly brace from the call above.
remainingCandid = removeLeading(remainingCandid, [',', ')']);
return CandidResult(RecordValue(Map<String, CandidValue>.from(record)),
throw 'Reached end of candid record without encountering closing brace';
static CandidResult<VectorValue> parseCandidAsVector(String candid) {
if (!candid.trimLeft().startsWith(vectorSignifier)) {
throw ('Candid is not a vector. Candid begins with: ${candid.substring(10)}');
final vector = [];
var remainingCandid = candid
.substring(candid.indexOf(vectorSignifier) + vectorSignifier.length);
while (remainingCandid.trimLeft().isNotEmpty) {
final recordResult = parseCandid(remainingCandid);
if (!(recordResult.value is RecordValue)) {
throw 'Non-record item found in candid vector: $remainingCandid';
final recordValue = recordResult.value as RecordValue;
// Add the entry
remainingCandid = recordResult.remainingCandid;
if (remainingCandid.trimLeft().startsWith('}')) {
remainingCandid = removeLeading(remainingCandid, ['}', ';']);
return CandidResult(
VectorValue(List<RecordValue>.from(vector)), remainingCandid);
throw 'Reached end of candid vector without encountering closing bracket';
// Removes tokens from the beginning of the string, one at a time in order,
// stopping immediately when one isn't found
static String removeLeading(String str, List<String> tokens) {
tokens.forEach((token) {
if (str.trimLeft().startsWith(token)) {
str = str.substring(str.indexOf(token) + token.length);
} else {
return str;
return str;
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