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Created November 17, 2011 06:09
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Double-forking Unix daemon
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# == Double-forking Unix daemon
# Author:: Rufus Post (
# === How does it work?
# According to Stevens's Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment
# chapter 13, this is the procedure to make a well-behaved Unix daemon:
# Fork and have the parent exit. This makes the shell or boot script
# think the command is done. Also, the child process is guaranteed not
# to be a process group leader (a prerequisite for setsid next)
# Call setsid to create a new session. This does three things:
# * The process becomes a session leader of a new session
# * The process becomes the process group leader of a new process group
# * The process has no controlling terminal
# Optionally fork again and have the parent exit. This guarantes that
# the daemon is not a session leader nor can it acquire a controlling
# terminal (under SVR4)
# grandparent - the current process
# \_ parent - exits immediately
# \_ simple daemon - writes out its pid to file
# Change the current working directory to / to avoid interfering with
# mounting and unmounting. By default don't bother to chdir("/") here
# because we might to run inside APP_ROOT.
# Set file mode creation mask to 000 to allow creation of files with any
# required permission later. By default umask is whatever was set by the
# parent process at startup and can be set in and config_file,
# so making it 0000 and potentially exposing sensitive log data can be
# bad policy.
# Close unneeded file descriptors inherited from the parent (there is no
# controlling terminal anyway): stdout, stderr, and stdin.
# Nowadays there is a file to track the PID which is used heavily by
# Linux distribution boot scripts. Be sure to write out the PID of the
# grandchild, either the return value of the second fork (step 3) or the
# value of getpid() after step 3.
class SimpleDaemon
# In the directory where you want your daemon add a git submodule to
# your project and create a daemon launcher script:
# #!/usr/bin/env ruby
# require 'simple_daemon'
# $0 = "my daemon"
# SimpleDaemon.daemonize! ARGV[0], ARGV[1], ARGV[2]
# loop do
# sleep 5
# puts "tick"
# sleep 5
# puts "tock"
# end
# make your script executable and run:
# $ chmod +x launcher
# $ launcher tmp/ log/daemon.stdout.log log/daemon.stderr.log
# check that it is running by with the following:
# $ ps aux | grep "my daemon"
def self.daemonize! pidfile, out = '/dev/null', err = '/dev/null', safe = true
raise 'First fork failed' if (pid = fork) == -1
exit unless pid.nil?
raise 'Second fork failed' if (pid = fork) == -1
exit unless pid.nil?
kill pidfile
write, pidfile
unless safe
Dir.chdir '/'
File.umask 0000
redirect out, err
# Attempts to write the pid of the forked process to the pid file.
# Kills process if write unsuccesfull.
def self.write pid, pidfile pidfile, "w" do |f|
f.write pid
$stdout.puts "Daemon running with pid: #{pid}"
rescue ::Exception => e
raise "While writing the PID to file, unexpected #{e.class}: #{e}"
# Try and read the existing pid from the pid file and signal HUP to
# process.
def self.kill pidfile
opid = open(pidfile).read.strip.to_i
Process.kill "HUP", opid
rescue TypeError
$stdout.puts "#{pidfile} was empty: TypeError"
rescue Errno::ENOENT
$stdout.puts "#{pidfile} did not exist: Errno::ENOENT"
rescue Errno::ESRCH
$stdout.puts "The process #{opid} did not exist: Errno::ESRCH"
rescue Errno::EPERM
raise "Lack of privileges to manage the process #{opid}: Errno::EPERM"
rescue ::Exception => e
raise "While signaling the PID, unexpected #{e.class}: #{e}"
# Redirect file descriptors inherited from the parent.
def self.redirect out, err
$stdin.reopen '/dev/null'
$stdout.reopen, "a")
$stderr.reopen, "a")
$stdout.sync = $stderr.sync = true
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