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Last active June 8, 2016 23:43
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Frontend IV questions


  1. How did you get into frontend web dev?
  2. Why do you like it vs other engineering roles?
  3. What developer tools do you use?
  4. When do you just libraries/frameworks? which? Why?
  5. How do you test your code?
  6. How do you debug a problem? What if no error?
  7. Where do you find new information? How do you stay updated with the always evolving web tech?
  8. What is MVC and how do you use it? Do you use any MVC frameworks?
  9. Talk about your process when implementing a new feature for a client. Meeting with the customer, gathering requiremenents, UI, acceptance criteria, etc.


  1. What are some HTML best practices that you follow?
  2. Strict vs. quirks modes
  3. Block vs. inline elements
  4. The box model and how padding, margin, and border are related
  5. What is a doctype and how does html5 change that?
  6. HTML vs. XHTML
  7. How do you organize your CSS? When do you use id vs class names? Why should you refarin from using id for css?


  1. What is unobtrusive js?
  2. What is progressive enhancement? How do you do it?
  3. Why do a lot of engineers consider it bad practice to include js in <head>?
  4. What are some things that can slow down the loading of a web page?
  5. How do you organize large javascript applications?
  6. What is the XMLHttpRequest object (Ajax)?
  7. What is JSON? Why is it useful? How is it nor really Ajax? When shouldn’t you use it?
  8. What is the jsonp technique and what is it good for?
  9. What is the difference between undefined value and null value?
  10. What is the difference between == and ===?
  11. How do you create a classical Class in javascript (pre and post ES6)?
  12. Would you describe the difference between window.onload and onDocumentReady?
  13. When should you use typeof varName === 'undefined' vs varName === null?
  14. How is scope/namespacing achieved with js (pre and post ES6)?
  15. What is the main problem with the Prototype library?
  16. Difference between: function Person(){}, var person = Person(), and var person = new Person()?
  17. What's the difference between .call and .apply?
  18. What's the difference between .map and .forEach?
  19. Explain Function.prototype.bind.
  20. Explain the difference between mutable and immutable objects.
  • What is an example of an immutable object in JavaScript?
  • What are the pros and cons of immutability?
  • How can you achieve immutability in your own code?
  1. Explain the difference between synchronous and asynchronous functions.
  2. What is event loop?
  3. What is the difference between call stack and task queue?


  1. A div with an id of 'slideshow' contains five images, the first of which is shown and the others are hidden using a display style of none. Using Javascript, create a simple slideshow that cycles through the images, displaying each image for three seconds at a time, looping back to the first image when the end is reached.
  2. Write a function that takes a string as a parameter and returns another string with the contents reversed
  3. Create a for loop that iterates up to 100 while outputting "fizz" at multiples of 3, "buzz" at multiples of 5 and "fizzbuzz" at multiples of 3 and 5
  4. Make this work
add(1, 4); // 5
add(1)(4); // 5
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