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Forked from TheByKotik/sbpp_checker.sp
Created November 9, 2019 15:40
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// *************************************************************************
// This file is part of SourceBans++.
// Copyright (C) 2014-2016 SourceBans++ Dev Team <>
// SourceBans++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, per version 3 of the License.
// SourceBans++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with SourceBans++. If not, see <>.
// This file is based off work(s) covered by the following copyright(s):
// SourceBans Checker 1.0.2
// Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Nicholas Hastings
// Licensed under GNU GPL version 3, or later.
// Page: <>
// *************************************************************************
#pragma semicolon 1
#pragma newdecls required
static const char PREFIX[] = "\x04[SourceBans++]\x01 ";
static const char LISTBANS_USAGE[] = "sm_listbans <#userid|name> - Lists a user's prior bans from Sourcebans";
static const char LISTCOMMS_USAGE[] = "sm_listcomms <#userid|name> - Lists a user's prior comms from Sourcebans";
Database g_DB;
char g_DatabasePrefix[10] = "sb";
bool g_bConnecting; /* One connecting per time. */
char g_szLastError[256]; /* To prevent spam same error. */
public Plugin myinfo = {
name = "SourceBans++: Bans Checker",
author = "psychonic, Ca$h Munny, SourceBans++ Dev Team",
description = "Notifies admins of prior bans from Sourcebans upon player connect.",
version = "1.7.0",
url = ""
public void OnPluginStart()
RegAdminCmd("sm_listbans", sm_list_Handler, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, LISTBANS_USAGE);
RegAdminCmd("sm_listcomms", sm_list_Handler, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, LISTCOMMS_USAGE);
RegAdminCmd("sb_reload", sb_reload_Handler, ADMFLAG_CONFIG, "Reload sourcebans config and ban reason menu options.");
public void OnMapStart()
public void OnClientAuthorized(int iClient,
const char[] szAuth)
if (!g_DB)
else if (szAuth[0] != 'B' && szAuth[9] != 'L')
/* Do not check bots nor check player with lan steamid. */
char szIP[30], szQuery[320 + sizeof g_DatabasePrefix * 2 + sizeof szIP];
GetClientIP(iClient, szIP, sizeof szIP);
FormatEx(szQuery, sizeof szQuery, "SELECT COUNT(bid) FROM %s_bans WHERE ((type = 0 AND authid REGEXP '^STEAM_[0-9]:%s$') OR (type = 1 AND ip = '%s')) UNION SELECT COUNT(bid) FROM %s_comms WHERE authid REGEXP '^STEAM_[0-9]:%s$'", g_DatabasePrefix, szAuth[8], szIP, g_DatabasePrefix, szAuth[8]);
g_DB.Query(DB_OnClientAuthorized_Callback, szQuery, GetClientUserId(iClient), DBPrio_Low);
stock Action sm_list_Handler(int iClient, int iArgs)
char szBuf[30];
GetCmdArg(0, szBuf, sizeof szBuf);
bool bBans = StrEqual("sm_listbans", szBuf, false);
if (iArgs < 1)
ReplyToCommand(iClient, bBans ? LISTBANS_USAGE : LISTBANS_USAGE);
else if (!g_DB)
ReplyToCommand(iClient, "Plugin not connected to database. Try later.");
char szTarget[64];
GetCmdArg(1, szTarget, sizeof szTarget);
int iTarget = FindTarget(iClient, szTarget, true, true);
if (iTarget != -1)
char szAuth[32];
if (GetClientAuthId(iTarget, AuthId_Steam2, szAuth, sizeof szAuth) && szAuth[0] != 'B' && szAuth[9] != 'L')
char szQuery[1024], szTargetName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
GetClientName(iTarget, szTargetName, sizeof szTargetName);
if (bBans)
GetClientIP(iTarget, szBuf, sizeof szBuf);
FormatEx(szQuery, sizeof szQuery, "SELECT created, %s_admins.user, ends, length, reason, RemoveType FROM %s_bans LEFT JOIN %s_admins ON %s_bans.aid = %s_admins.aid WHERE ((type = 0 AND %s_bans.authid REGEXP '^STEAM_[0-9]:%s$') OR (type = 1 AND ip = '%s')) AND ((length > '0' AND ends > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) OR RemoveType IS NOT NULL)", g_DatabasePrefix, g_DatabasePrefix, g_DatabasePrefix, g_DatabasePrefix, g_DatabasePrefix, g_DatabasePrefix, szAuth[8], szBuf);
FormatEx(szQuery, sizeof szQuery, "SELECT created, %s_admins.user, ends, length, reason, RemoveType, type FROM %s_comms LEFT JOIN %s_admins ON %s_comms.aid = %s_admins.aid WHERE %s_comms.authid REGEXP '^STEAM_[0-9]:%s$' AND ((length > '0' AND ends > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) OR RemoveType IS NOT NULL)", g_DatabasePrefix, g_DatabasePrefix, g_DatabasePrefix, g_DatabasePrefix, g_DatabasePrefix, g_DatabasePrefix, szAuth[8]);
DataPack hPack = new DataPack();
hPack.WriteCell(!iClient ? 0 : GetClientUserId(iClient));
g_DB.Query(DB_list_Callback, szQuery, hPack, DBPrio_Low);
if (iClient)
ReplyToCommand(iClient, "\x04%s\x01 Look for %N's %s results in console.", PREFIX, iTarget, bBans ? "ban" : "comm");
ReplyToCommand(iClient, "%sNote: if you are using this command through an rcon tool, you will not see results.", PREFIX);
ReplyToCommand(iClient, "Error: Could not retrieve %N's steam id.", iTarget);
ReplyToCommand(iClient, "Error: Could not find a target matching '%s'.", szTarget);
return Plugin_Handled;
stock Action sb_reload_Handler(int iClient, int iArgs)
if (!g_DB || g_szLastError[0])
return Plugin_Handled;
stock void PrintToAdmins(const char[] szFormat, any...)
char szMsg[256];
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; ++i)
if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && CheckCommandAccess(i, "sm_listsourcebans", ADMFLAG_GENERIC))
VFormat(szMsg, sizeof szMsg, szFormat, 2);
PrintToChat(i, szMsg);
stock void ReadConfig()
SMCParser smc = new SMCParser();
smc.OnKeyValue = ReadConfig_KeyValue;
BuildPath(Path_SM, szBuf, sizeof szBuf, "configs/sourcebans/sourcebans.cfg");
if (FileExists(szBuf))
SMCError err = smc.ParseFile(szBuf);
if (err != SMCError_Okay)
LogError(smc.GetErrorString(err, szBuf, sizeof szBuf) ? szBuf : "Unknown config parse error.");
LogError("Can't find '%s'. Check it to exists and use `sb_reload` command (or change map) to reparse config.", szBuf);
stock SMCResult ReadConfig_KeyValue(SMCParser smc,
const char[] szKey,
const char[] szValue, bool key_quotes, bool value_quotes)
if (!strcmp("DatabasePrefix", szKey, false))
if (!szValue[0])
g_DatabasePrefix = "sb";
strcopy(g_DatabasePrefix, sizeof g_DatabasePrefix, szValue);
return SMCParse_Continue;
stock void DB_Connect()
if (!g_bConnecting)
Database.Connect(DB_Connect_Callback, "sourcebans");
g_bConnecting = true;
stock void DB_Connect_Callback(Database db,
const char[] szError, any aData)
if (!db)
g_DB = db;
if (g_szLastError[0])
g_szLastError[0] = '\0';
g_bConnecting = false;
stock void DB_OnClientAuthorized_Callback(Database db, DBResultSet results,
const char[] szError, int iUserid)
if (results)
int iClient = GetClientOfUserId(iUserid);
if (iClient && results && results.FetchRow())
int iBanCount = results.FetchInt(0), iCommCount;
if (results.FetchRow())
iCommCount = results.FetchInt(0);
if (iBanCount && iCommCount)
PrintToAdmins("%s%t", PREFIX, "Ban and Comm Warning", iClient, iBanCount, ((iBanCount > 1 || iBanCount == 0) ? "s" : ""), iCommCount, ((iCommCount > 1 || iCommCount == 0) ? "s" : ""));
else if (iCommCount)
PrintToAdmins("%s%t", PREFIX, "Comm Warning", iClient, iCommCount, ((iCommCount > 1 || iCommCount == 0) ? "s" : ""));
else if (iBanCount)
PrintToAdmins("%s%t", PREFIX, "Ban Warning", iClient, iBanCount, ((iBanCount > 1 || iBanCount == 0) ? "s" : ""));
stock void DB_list_Callback(Database db, DBResultSet results,
const char[] szError, DataPack hPack)
int iClient = hPack.ReadCell();
ReplySource rsOld = SetCmdReplySource(SM_REPLY_TO_CONSOLE);
if (!iClient || (iClient = GetClientOfUserId(iClient)))
bool bBans = hPack.ReadCell();
char szTargetName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
hPack.ReadString(szTargetName, sizeof szTargetName);
if (results)
if (results.RowCount)
char szStartDate[11], szBannedBy[11], szLength[11], szEndDate[11], szRemoveType[2], szCommType[2];
int iLen, iLength, iReasonSize = bBans ? 28 : 23, i;
char[] szReason = new char[iReasonSize];
ReplyToCommand(iClient, "%sListing %ss for %s", PREFIX, bBans ? "ban" : "comm", szTargetName);
ReplyToCommand(iClient, "Ban Date Banned By Length End Date %sR Reason", bBans ? "" : "T ");
ReplyToCommand(iClient, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
while (results.FetchRow())
szStartDate = "<Unknown> ", szBannedBy = "<Unknown> ", szLength = "N/A ", szEndDate = "N/A ", szRemoveType = " ", szCommType = " ";
if (!results.IsFieldNull(0))
FormatTime(szStartDate, sizeof szStartDate, "%Y-%m-%d", results.FetchInt(0));
if (!results.IsFieldNull(1))
results.FetchString(1, szBannedBy, sizeof szBannedBy);
iLen = results.FetchSize(1);
if (iLen > sizeof szBannedBy - 1)
for (i = 2; i < 5; ++i)
szBannedBy[sizeof szBannedBy - i] = '.';
for (i = iLen; i < sizeof szBannedBy - 1; ++i)
szBannedBy[i] = ' ';
iLength = results.FetchInt(3); /* NOT NULL */
if (!iLength)
szLength = "Permanent ";
else if (iLength == -1)
szLength = "Session ";
iLen = IntToString(iLength, szLength, sizeof szLength);
if (iLen < sizeof szLength - 1)
szLength[iLen] = ' ';
} /* change the '\0' to a ' '. the original \0 at the end will still be there */
if (!results.IsFieldNull(2))
FormatTime(szEndDate, sizeof szEndDate, "%Y-%m-%d", results.FetchInt(2));
results.FetchString(4, szReason, iReasonSize); /* NOT NULL */
iLen = results.FetchSize(4);
if (iLen > iReasonSize - 1)
for (i = 2; i < 5; ++i)
szReason[iReasonSize - i] = '.';
for (i = iLen; i < iReasonSize - 1; ++i)
szReason[i] = ' ';
if (!results.IsFieldNull(5))
results.FetchString(5, szRemoveType, sizeof szRemoveType);
if (bBans)
ReplyToCommand(iClient, "%s %s %s %s %s %s", szStartDate, szBannedBy, szLength, szEndDate, szRemoveType, szReason);
results.FetchString(6, szCommType, sizeof szCommType); /* NOT NULL */
if (szCommType[0] == '1')
szCommType = "M";
else if (szCommType[0] == '2')
szCommType = "G";
ReplyToCommand(iClient, "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s", szStartDate, szBannedBy, szLength, szEndDate, szCommType, szRemoveType, szReason);
ReplyToCommand(iClient, "%sNo %ss found for %s.", PREFIX, bBans ? "ban" : "comm", szTargetName);
ReplyToCommand(iClient, "%sDB error while retrieving %ss for %s:\n%s", PREFIX, bBans ? "ban" : "comm", szTargetName, szError);
delete hPack;
stock void DB_HandleError(const char[] szError)
if (!StrEqual(g_szLastError, szError, false))
strcopy(g_szLastError, sizeof g_szLastError, szError);
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