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myndzi/day23.js Secret

Last active December 23, 2018 22:15
'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
const data = fs.readFileSync('./input.txt')
.map(v => {
let match = v.match(/pos=<(-?\d+),(-?\d+),(-?\d+)>, r=(-?\d+)/);
return {
x: parseInt(match[1], 10),
y: parseInt(match[2], 10),
z: parseInt(match[3], 10),
r: parseInt(match[4], 10),
let strongest = null, max = -Infinity;
let minx = Infinity, maxx = -Infinity,
miny = Infinity, maxy = -Infinity,
minz = Infinity, maxz = -Infinity;
data.forEach(nb => {
minx = Math.min(nb.x, minx);
maxx = Math.max(nb.x, maxx);
miny = Math.min(nb.x, miny);
maxy = Math.max(nb.x, maxy);
minz = Math.min(nb.x, minz);
maxz = Math.max(nb.x, maxz);
if (nb.r > max) {
max = nb.r;
strongest = nb;
const mhd = (a, b) =>
Math.abs(a.x - b.x) + Math.abs(a.y - b.y) + Math.abs(a.z - b.z);
let a = data.filter(v => mhd(v, strongest) <= strongest.r);
console.log('part 1:', a.length);
const countBots = (point) =>
data.reduce((botsInRange, bot) =>
botsInRange + (mhd(bot, point) <= bot.r ? 1 : 0)
, 0);
const inRangeOfVolume = (vol, bot) => {
let cost = 0;
if (bot.x > vol.xmax) {
cost += bot.x - vol.xmax;
} else if (bot.x < vol.xmin) {
cost += vol.xmin - bot.x;
if (bot.y > vol.ymax) {
cost += bot.y - vol.ymax;
} else if (bot.y < vol.ymin) {
cost += vol.ymin - bot.y;
if (bot.z > vol.zmax) {
cost += bot.z - vol.zmax;
} else if (bot.z < vol.zmin) {
cost += vol.zmin - bot.z;
return cost <= bot.r;
const nearestPoint = (vol, bot) => {
let nx = (bot.x > vol.xmax ? vol.xmax : bot.x < vol.xmin ? vol.xmin : bot.x),
ny = (bot.y > vol.ymax ? vol.ymax : bot.y < vol.ymin ? vol.ymin : bot.y),
nz = (bot.z > vol.zmax ? vol.zmax : bot.z < vol.zmin ? vol.zmin : bot.z);
return {x: nx, y: ny, z: nz};
const botsInRange = (vol) => {
let set = new Set();
for (let nb of data) {
if (inRangeOfVolume(vol, nb)) { set.add(nb); }
return set;
const setEquals = (a, b) => {
if (a.size !== b.size) { return false; }
for (const item of a) { if (!b.has(item)) return false; }
return true;
let vol = {
xmin: Math.min(minx, miny, minz),
xmax: Math.max(maxx, maxy, maxz),
ymin: Math.min(minx, miny, minz),
ymax: Math.max(maxx, maxy, maxz),
zmin: Math.min(minx, miny, minz),
zmax: Math.max(maxx, maxy, maxz),
const subdivide = vol => {
if (vol.xmin === vol.xmax && vol.ymin === vol.ymax && vol.zmin === vol.zmax) {
return {xmin: vol.xmin, xmax: vol.xmax, ymin: vol.ymin, ymax: vol.ymax, zmin: vol.zmin, zmax: vol.zmax};
let xmid = Math.floor((vol.xmax - vol.xmin) / 2 + vol.xmin),
ymid = Math.floor((vol.ymax - vol.ymin) / 2 + vol.ymin),
zmid = Math.floor((vol.zmax - vol.zmin) / 2 + vol.zmin);
// sometimes this function will get called with a volume that's a line, or a plane
// this will generate duplicate volumes, but they don't matter significantly
return [
{ xmin: vol.xmin, xmax: xmid, ymin: vol.ymin, ymax: ymid, zmin: vol.zmin, zmax: zmid },
{ xmin: xmid + 1, xmax: vol.xmax, ymin: vol.ymin, ymax: ymid, zmin: vol.zmin, zmax: zmid },
{ xmin: vol.xmin, xmax: xmid, ymin: ymid + 1, ymax: vol.ymax, zmin: vol.zmin, zmax: zmid },
{ xmin: xmid + 1, xmax: vol.xmax, ymin: ymid + 1, ymax: vol.ymax, zmin: vol.zmin, zmax: zmid },
{ xmin: vol.xmin, xmax: xmid, ymin: vol.ymin, ymax: ymid, zmin: zmid + 1, zmax: vol.zmax },
{ xmin: xmid + 1, xmax: vol.xmax, ymin: vol.ymin, ymax: ymid, zmin: zmid + 1, zmax: vol.zmax },
{ xmin: vol.xmin, xmax: xmid, ymin: ymid + 1, ymax: vol.ymax, zmin: zmid + 1, zmax: vol.zmax },
{ xmin: xmid + 1, xmax: vol.xmax, ymin: ymid + 1, ymax: vol.ymax, zmin: zmid + 1, zmax: vol.zmax },
let origin = {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0};
let vols = [ vol ];
vol.inRange = botsInRange(vol);
let best = null, bestP = null, bestD = Infinity;
const findBest = (v1, v2) =>
v1.inRange.size > v2.inRange.size ? v1 :
v2.inRange.size > v1.inRange.size ? v2 :
nearestPoint(v1, origin) < nearestPoint(v2, origin) ? v1 :
nearestPoint(v2, origin) < nearestPoint(v1, origin) ? v2 :
v1; // arbitrary
outer: while (vols.length) {
let v;
while (vols.length) {
v = vols.pop();
// we haven't refined this volume to a single point, subdivide it more
if (
v.xmax - v.xmin > 0 ||
v.ymax - v.ymin > 0 ||
v.zmax - v.zmin > 0
) { break; }
// we have a single point; is it better than our current best?
best = best ? findBest(best, v) : v;
bestP = nearestPoint(best, origin);
bestD = mhd(bestP, origin);
// if we have a new best, we can discard all candidates whose
// upper bound of bot count is lower than the new best
if (best === v) {
vols = vols.filter(v2 =>
v2.inRange.size >= best.inRange.size &&
mhd(nearestPoint(v2, origin), origin) <= bestD
// pop a new candidate volume, or end our loop
continue outer;
let newVols = [ ];
// split a volume into 8 sub-volumes and annotate with bot counts
subdivide(v).forEach(v => {
v.inRange = botsInRange(v);
// nothing can reach this volume, discard it
if (v.inRange.size === 0) { return; }
// this volume's best case count of bots that can reach it is worse than our current best, discard it
if (best && v.inRange.size < best.inRange.size) { return; }
// this volume's closest point to the origin is worse than our current best, discard it
if (best && mhd(nearestPoint(v, origin), origin) > bestD) { return; }
// add the new volumes to the queue
Array.prototype.push.apply(vols, newVols);
// sort the queue so that the volumes with the most bots that can reach them are
// at the end; this ensures that each iteration we work with the most promising volume
vols.sort((a, b) => a.inRange.size - b.inRange.size);
console.log(best.inRange.size, bestD);
'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
const data = fs.readFileSync('./input.txt')
.map(v => {
let match = v.match(/pos=<(-?\d+),(-?\d+),(-?\d+)>, r=(-?\d+)/);
return {
x: parseInt(match[1], 10),
y: parseInt(match[2], 10),
z: parseInt(match[3], 10),
r: parseInt(match[4], 10),
let strongest = null, max = -Infinity;
let minx = Infinity, maxx = -Infinity,
miny = Infinity, maxy = -Infinity,
minz = Infinity, maxz = -Infinity;
data.forEach(nb => {
minx = Math.min(nb.x, minx);
maxx = Math.max(nb.x, maxx);
miny = Math.min(nb.x, miny);
maxy = Math.max(nb.x, maxy);
minz = Math.min(nb.x, minz);
maxz = Math.max(nb.x, maxz);
if (nb.r > max) {
max = nb.r;
strongest = nb;
const mhd = (a, b) =>
Math.abs(a.x - b.x) + Math.abs(a.y - b.y) + Math.abs(a.z - b.z);
let a = data.filter(v => mhd(v, strongest) <= strongest.r);
console.log('part 1:', a.length);
const countBots = bot => {
let count = 0;
data.forEach(nb => {
if (mhd(bot, nb) <= nb.r) count++;
return count;
const inRangeOfVolume = (vol, bot) => {
let cost = 0;
if (bot.x > vol.xmax) {
cost += bot.x - vol.xmax;
} else if (bot.x < vol.xmin) {
cost += vol.xmin - bot.x;
if (bot.y > vol.ymax) {
cost += bot.y - vol.ymax;
} else if (bot.y < vol.ymin) {
cost += vol.ymin - bot.y;
if (bot.z > vol.zmax) {
cost += bot.z - vol.zmax;
} else if (bot.z < vol.zmin) {
cost += vol.zmin - bot.z;
return cost <= bot.r;
const inRangeOfVolumeWorstCase = (vol, bot) => {
let cost = 0;
if (bot.x < vol.xmin) {
cost += vol.xmax - bot.x;
} else if (bot.x > vol.xmax) {
cost += bot.x - vol.xmin;
} else {
cost += Math.max(bot.x - vol.xmin, vol.xmax - bot.x);
if (bot.y < vol.ymin) {
cost += vol.ymax - bot.y;
} else if (bot.y > vol.ymax) {
cost += bot.y - vol.ymin;
} else {
cost += Math.max(bot.y - vol.ymin, vol.ymax - bot.y);
if (bot.z < vol.zmin) {
cost += vol.zmax - bot.z;
} else if (bot.z > vol.zmax) {
cost += bot.z - vol.zmin;
} else {
cost += Math.max(bot.z - vol.zmin, vol.zmax - bot.z);
return cost;
const nearestPoint = (vol, bot) => {
let nx = (bot.x > vol.xmax ? vol.xmax : bot.x < vol.xmin ? vol.xmin : bot.x),
ny = (bot.y > vol.ymax ? vol.ymax : bot.y < vol.ymin ? vol.ymin : bot.y),
nz = (bot.z > vol.zmax ? vol.zmax : bot.z < vol.zmin ? vol.zmin : bot.z);
return {x: nx, y: ny, z: nz};
const botsInRange = (vol) => {
let set = new Set();
for (let nb of data) {
if (inRangeOfVolume(vol, nb)) { set.add(nb); }
return set;
const countBotsReachVolume = (vol) => {
let count = 0;
for (let nb of data) {
if (inRangeOfVolume(vol, nb)) count++;
return count;
const setEquals = (a, b) => {
if (a.size !== b.size) { return false; }
for (const item of a) { if (!b.has(item)) return false; }
return true;
let vol = {
xmin: Math.min(minx, miny, minz),
xmax: Math.max(maxx, maxy, maxz),
ymin: Math.min(minx, miny, minz),
ymax: Math.max(maxx, maxy, maxz),
zmin: Math.min(minx, miny, minz),
zmax: Math.max(maxx, maxy, maxz),
const subdivide = vol => {
if (vol.xmin === vol.xmax && vol.ymin === vol.ymax && vol.zmin === vol.zmax) {
return null;
let xmid = Math.floor((vol.xmax - vol.xmin) / 2 + vol.xmin),
ymid = Math.floor((vol.ymax - vol.ymin) / 2 + vol.ymin),
zmid = Math.floor((vol.zmax - vol.zmin) / 2 + vol.zmin);
return [
{ xmin: vol.xmin, xmax: xmid, ymin: vol.ymin, ymax: ymid, zmin: vol.zmin, zmax: zmid },
{ xmin: xmid + 1, xmax: vol.xmax, ymin: vol.ymin, ymax: ymid, zmin: vol.zmin, zmax: zmid },
{ xmin: vol.xmin, xmax: xmid, ymin: ymid + 1, ymax: vol.ymax, zmin: vol.zmin, zmax: zmid },
{ xmin: xmid + 1, xmax: vol.xmax, ymin: ymid + 1, ymax: vol.ymax, zmin: vol.zmin, zmax: zmid },
{ xmin: vol.xmin, xmax: xmid, ymin: vol.ymin, ymax: ymid, zmin: zmid + 1, zmax: vol.zmax },
{ xmin: xmid + 1, xmax: vol.xmax, ymin: vol.ymin, ymax: ymid, zmin: zmid + 1, zmax: vol.zmax },
{ xmin: vol.xmin, xmax: xmid, ymin: ymid + 1, ymax: vol.ymax, zmin: zmid + 1, zmax: vol.zmax },
{ xmin: xmid + 1, xmax: vol.xmax, ymin: ymid + 1, ymax: vol.ymax, zmin: zmid + 1, zmax: vol.zmax },
let origin = {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0};
let vols = [ vol ];
while (
vols.length > 1 ||
vols[0].xmin !== vols[0].xmax ||
vols[0].ymin !== vols[0].ymax ||
vols[0].zmin !== vols[0].zmax
) {
let best = -Infinity;
let newVols = [ ], sets = new Map();
vols.reduce((acc, cur) =>
, [ ]).forEach(v => {
v.inRange = botsInRange(v);
let c = v.inRange.size;
if (c > best) {
best = c;
newVols = [ v ];
} else if (c === best) {
newVols.forEach(nv => {
for (let bestSet of sets.keys()) {
if (!setEquals(nv.inRange, bestSet)) { continue; }
let d1 = mhd(nearestPoint(nv, origin), origin),
d2 = mhd(nearestPoint(sets.get(bestSet), origin), origin);
if (d1 < d2) {
sets.set(bestSet, nv);
sets.set(nv.inRange, nv);
vols = [...sets.values()];
let np = nearestPoint(vols[0], origin);
console.log(mhd(np, origin), vols[0].inRange.size, np);
// hack solution:
// arrived at these constants with a greedy algorithm on random points
// where i reduced the ranges based on previous output until they seemed
// not to get any better. then i plugged those numbers in below and made
// sure shrinking didn't get any closer (by adding the second set of while
// loops and comparing results in the terminal)
let bestCount = 910, b = {
x: 22639062,
y: 27293111,
z: 45608839
let c = countBots(b);
while (countBots(Object.assign({}, b, {x: b.x - 1})) === 910) b.x--;
while (countBots(Object.assign({}, b, {y: b.y - 1})) === 910) b.y--;
while (countBots(Object.assign({}, b, {z: b.z - 1})) === 910) b.z--;
while (countBots(Object.assign({}, b, {x: b.x - 1})) === 910) b.x--;
while (countBots(Object.assign({}, b, {y: b.y - 1})) === 910) b.y--;
while (countBots(Object.assign({}, b, {z: b.z - 1})) === 910) b.z--;
console.log(mhd({x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}, b), bestCount, b);
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