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myndzi/12.js Secret

Last active December 12, 2018 19:32
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'use strict';
const Deque = require('double-ended-queue');
const fs = require('fs');
const data = fs.readFileSync('./input.txt')
const state = data[0].replace('initial state: ', '').split('').map(v => v === '#' ? 1 : 0);
const rules = data.slice(2)
.map(v => {
const matches = v.match(/^(.{5}) => (.)/);
return {
match: matches[1].split('').map(v => v === '#' ? 1 : 0),
output: matches[2] === '#' ? 1 : 0,
// lookup table for whether a sequence lives
let liveTbl = [ ];
rules.forEach(r => {
let num = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
num = (num << 1) + r.match[i];
liveTbl[num] = r.output;
// array of plant indices
let plants = [ ];
state.forEach((v, idx) => {
if (v) { plants.push(idx); }
// pretty print for the 20 generations case
function print(d) {
let str = '', idx = 0, numPlants = d.length;
for (let i = -20; i <= 120; i++) {
if (i < d.get(idx) || idx >= numPlants) { str += '.'; }
else { str += '#'; idx++; }
// sum of 0th generation
// global variable gets modified in `generation`
let sum = plants.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur, 0);
// count number of elapsed generations so we can math at
// the end without having to figure it out from the for
// loop value
let gen = 0;
// progress a generation; consumes `d` and fills `newD`
function generation(d, newD) {
if (newD.length) {
console.log('newD should always be empty');
let idx = 0, falseCount = 4, lastIdx = d.peekBack() + 2;
let window = 1;
do {
if (d.length && falseCount === 4) {
// fast forward
//console.log('fast forwarding');
window = 1;
idx = d.shift();
// remove this id from the sum
sum -= idx;
// offset idx to two before the fast-forward
idx -= 2;
falseCount = 0;
} else {
if (liveTbl[window]) {
// add plant id to sum
sum += idx;
// advance once
window <<= 1;
if (d.peekFront() === idx + 3) {
falseCount = 0;
// remove this plant from the sum
sum -= d.shift();
} else {
window &= 31;
} while (idx <= lastIdx);
// initial deques
let a = new Deque(plants), b = new Deque(a.length), t;
// calculate deltas at each generation until things
// converge to a fixed rate of increase
let prevSum = sum, delta = NaN, prevDelta = NaN, sameCount = 0;
let numGenerations = 50000000000;
for (let i = 0; i < numGenerations; i++) {
// swap back and forth between a and b directly
// instead of with a temp variable
generation(a, b);
prevDelta = delta;
delta = sum - prevSum;
prevSum = sum;
// swap our deques
t = a; a = b; b = t;
// see if we've converged to constant growth
if (delta === prevDelta) {
} else {
sameCount = 0;
// skip ahead if so
if (sameCount > 100) {
let remaining = (numGenerations - gen);
sum += delta * remaining;
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Hey, can u tell me how to use that Deque thing?

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