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Forked from mwdhouse/
Created November 26, 2013 20:56
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#include <v8.h>
#include <node.h>
#include <node_buffer.h>
#include <node_version.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <exception>
#include <exiv2/image.hpp>
#include <exiv2/exif.hpp>
#include <exiv2/preview.hpp>
using namespace node;
using namespace v8;
// Create a map of strings for passing them back and forth between the V8 and
// worker threads.
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> tag_map_t;
uv_async_t g_async;
// Base structure for passing data to and from our libuv workers.
struct Baton {
uv_work_t request;
Persistent<Function> cb;
std::string fileName;
std::string exifException;
tag_map_t *tags;
Baton(Local<String> fn_, Handle<Function> cb_) {
uv_ref((uv_handle_t *) & g_async);
#endif = this;
cb = Persistent<Function>::New(cb_);
fileName = std::string(*String::AsciiValue(fn_));
exifException = std::string();
tags = new tag_map_t();
virtual ~Baton() {
uv_unref((uv_handle_t *) & g_async);
delete tags;
// Holds a preview image when we copy it from the worker to V8.
struct Preview {
std::string mimeType;
uint32_t height;
uint32_t width;
char* data;
size_t size;
Preview(std::string type_, uint32_t height_, uint32_t width_, const char *data_, size_t size_)
: mimeType(type_), height(height_), width(width_), size(size_)
data = new char[size_];
memcpy(data, data_, size_);
virtual ~Preview() {
delete[] data;
struct GetPreviewBaton : Baton {
Preview **previews;
size_t size;
GetPreviewBaton(Local<String> fn_, Handle<Function> cb_)
: Baton(fn_, cb_), previews(0), size(0)
virtual ~GetPreviewBaton() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
delete previews[i];
delete previews;
* Create a Buffer object from raw data.
* Based on code from:
static Local<Object> makeBuffer(char* data, size_t size) {
HandleScope scope;
// It ends up being kind of a pain to convert a slow buffer into a fast
// one since the fast part is implemented in JavaScript.
Local<Buffer> slowBuffer = Buffer::New(data, size);
// First get the Buffer from global scope...
Local<Object> global = Context::GetCurrent()->Global();
Local<Value> bv = global->Get(String::NewSymbol("Buffer"));
Local<Function> b = Local<Function>::Cast(bv);
// Buffer() with the slow buffer, its size and the starting offset...
Handle<Value> argv[3] = { slowBuffer->handle_, Integer::New(size), Integer::New(0) };
Local<Object> fastBuffer = b->NewInstance(3, argv);
// ...and get a fast buffer that we can return.
return scope.Close(fastBuffer);
static void GetImageTagsWorker(uv_work_t* req);
static void AfterGetImageTags(uv_work_t* req, int status);
static void SetImageTagsWorker(uv_work_t *req);
static void AfterSetImageTags(uv_work_t* req, int status);
static void RemoveImageTagsWorker(uv_work_t *req);
static void AfterRemoveImageTags(uv_work_t* req, int status);
static void GetImagePreviewsWorker(uv_work_t* req);
static void AfterGetImagePreviews(uv_work_t* req, int status);
static Handle<Value> GetImageTags(const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
/* Usage arguments */
if (args.Length() <= (1) || !args[1]->IsFunction())
return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("Usage: <filename> <callback function>")));
// Set up our thread data struct, pass off to the libuv thread pool.
Baton *thread_data = new Baton(Local<String>::Cast(args[0]), Local<Function>::Cast(args[1]));
int status = uv_queue_work(uv_default_loop(), &thread_data->request, GetImageTagsWorker, (uv_after_work_cb)AfterGetImageTags);
assert(status == 0);
return Undefined();
static void GetImageTagsWorker(uv_work_t* req) {
Baton *thread_data = static_cast<Baton *> (req->data);
try {
Exiv2::Image::AutoPtr image = Exiv2::ImageFactory::open(thread_data->fileName);
assert(image.get() != 0);
Exiv2::ExifData &exifData = image->exifData();
if (exifData.empty() == false) {
Exiv2::ExifData::const_iterator end = exifData.end();
for (Exiv2::ExifData::const_iterator i = exifData.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
thread_data->tags->insert(std::pair<std::string, std::string> (i->key(), i->value().toString()));
Exiv2::IptcData &iptcData = image->iptcData();
if (iptcData.empty() == false) {
Exiv2::IptcData::const_iterator end = iptcData.end();
for (Exiv2::IptcData::const_iterator i = iptcData.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
thread_data->tags->insert(std::pair<std::string, std::string> (i->key(), i->value().toString()));
Exiv2::XmpData &xmpData = image->xmpData();
if (xmpData.empty() == false) {
Exiv2::XmpData::const_iterator end = xmpData.end();
for (Exiv2::XmpData::const_iterator i = xmpData.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
thread_data->tags->insert(std::pair<std::string, std::string> (i->key(), i->value().toString()));
} catch (std::exception& e) {
/* Thread complete callback.. */
static void AfterGetImageTags(uv_work_t* req, int status) {
HandleScope scope;
Baton *thread_data = static_cast<Baton *> (req->data);
Local<Value> argv[2] = { Local<Value>::New(Null()), Local<Value>::New(Null()) };
if (!thread_data->exifException.empty()){
argv[0] = Local<String>::New(String::New(thread_data->exifException.c_str()));
} else if (!thread_data->tags->empty()) {
Local<Object> tags = Object::New();
// Copy the tags out.
for (tag_map_t::iterator i = thread_data->tags->begin(); i != thread_data->tags->end(); ++i) {
tags->Set(String::New(i->first.c_str()), String::New(i->second.c_str()), ReadOnly);
argv[1] = tags;
// Pass the argv array object to our callback function.
TryCatch try_catch;
thread_data->cb->Call(Context::GetCurrent()->Global(), 2, argv);
if (try_catch.HasCaught()) {
delete thread_data;
/* Set Image Tag support.. */
static Handle<Value> RemoveImageTags(const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
/* Usage arguments */
if (args.Length() <= 2 || !args[2]->IsFunction())
return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("Usage: <filename> <tags> <callback function>")));
// Set up our thread data struct, pass off to the libuv thread pool.
Baton *thread_data = new Baton(Local<String>::Cast(args[0]), Local<Function>::Cast(args[2]));
Local<Array> keys = Local<Array>::Cast(args[1]);
//Just make keys with empty values
for (unsigned i = 0; i < keys->Length(); i++) {
Handle<v8::Value> key = keys->Get(i);
thread_data->tags->insert(std::pair<std::string, std::string> (
int status = uv_queue_work(uv_default_loop(), &thread_data->request, RemoveImageTagsWorker, (uv_after_work_cb)AfterRemoveImageTags);
assert(status == 0);
return Undefined();
static void RemoveImageTagsWorker(uv_work_t *req) {
Baton *thread_data = static_cast<Baton*> (req->data);
try {
Exiv2::Image::AutoPtr image = Exiv2::ImageFactory::open(thread_data->fileName);
assert(image.get() != 0);
// Load the metadata into their respective objects
Exiv2::ExifData &exifData = image->exifData();
Exiv2::IptcData &iptcData = image->iptcData();
Exiv2::XmpData &xmpData = image->xmpData();
// Go through the provided tags
for (tag_map_t::iterator i = thread_data->tags->begin(); i != thread_data->tags->end(); ++i) {
if (i->, 5, "Exif.") == 0) {
// If found, remove
Exiv2::ExifData::iterator pos = exifData.findKey(Exiv2::ExifKey(i->first));
if (pos != exifData.end()) {
} else if (i->, 5, "Iptc.") == 0) {
Exiv2::IptcData::iterator pos = iptcData.findKey(Exiv2::IptcKey(i->first));
if (pos != iptcData.end()) {
} else if (i->, 4, "Xmp.") == 0) {
Exiv2::XmpData::iterator pos = xmpData.findKey(Exiv2::XmpKey(i->first));
if (pos != xmpData.end()) {
} else {
//std::cerr << "skipping unknown tag " << i->first << std::endl;
// Write the tag data the image file.
} catch (std::exception& e) {
/* Thread complete callback.. */
static void AfterRemoveImageTags(uv_work_t* req, int status) {
HandleScope scope;
Baton *thread_data = static_cast<Baton*> (req->data);
// Create an argument array for any errors.
Local<Value> argv[1] = { Local<Value>::New(Null()) };
if (!thread_data->exifException.empty()) {
argv[0] = Local<String>::New(String::New(thread_data->exifException.c_str()));
// Pass the argv array object to our callback function.
TryCatch try_catch;
thread_data->cb->Call(Context::GetCurrent()->Global(), 1, argv);
if (try_catch.HasCaught()) {
delete thread_data;
/* Set Image Tag support.. */
static Handle<Value> SetImageTags(const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
/* Usage arguments */
if (args.Length() <= 2 || !args[2]->IsFunction())
return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("Usage: <filename> <tags> <callback function>")));
// Set up our thread data struct, pass off to the libuv thread pool.
Baton *thread_data = new Baton(Local<String>::Cast(args[0]), Local<Function>::Cast(args[2]));
Local<Object> tags = Local<Object>::Cast(args[1]);
Local<Array> keys = tags->GetPropertyNames();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < keys->Length(); i++) {
Handle<v8::Value> key = keys->Get(i);
thread_data->tags->insert(std::pair<std::string, std::string> (
int status = uv_queue_work(uv_default_loop(), &thread_data->request, SetImageTagsWorker, (uv_after_work_cb)AfterSetImageTags);
assert(status == 0);
return Undefined();
static void SetImageTagsWorker(uv_work_t *req) {
Baton *thread_data = static_cast<Baton*> (req->data);
try {
Exiv2::Image::AutoPtr image = Exiv2::ImageFactory::open(thread_data->fileName);
assert(image.get() != 0);
Exiv2::ExifData &exifData = image->exifData();
Exiv2::IptcData &iptcData = image->iptcData();
Exiv2::XmpData &xmpData = image->xmpData();
// Assign the tags.
for (tag_map_t::iterator i = thread_data->tags->begin(); i != thread_data->tags->end(); ++i) {
if (i->, 5, "Exif.") == 0) {
} else if (i->, 5, "Iptc.") == 0) {
} else if (i->, 4, "Xmp.") == 0) {
} else {
//std::cerr << "skipping unknown tag " << i->first << std::endl;
// Write the tag data the image file.
} catch (std::exception& e) {
/* Thread complete callback.. */
static void AfterSetImageTags(uv_work_t* req, int status) {
HandleScope scope;
Baton *thread_data = static_cast<Baton*> (req->data);
// Create an argument array for any errors.
Local<Value> argv[1] = { Local<Value>::New(Null()) };
if (!thread_data->exifException.empty()) {
argv[0] = Local<String>::New(String::New(thread_data->exifException.c_str()));
// Pass the argv array object to our callback function.
TryCatch try_catch;
thread_data->cb->Call(Context::GetCurrent()->Global(), 1, argv);
if (try_catch.HasCaught()) {
delete thread_data;
// Fetch preview images
static Handle<Value> GetImagePreviews(const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
// Usage arguments
if (args.Length() <= (1) || !args[1]->IsFunction())
return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("Usage: <filename> <callback function>")));
// Set up our thread data struct, pass off to the libuv thread pool.
GetPreviewBaton *thread_data = new GetPreviewBaton(Local<String>::Cast(args[0]), Local<Function>::Cast(args[1]));
int status = uv_queue_work(uv_default_loop(), &thread_data->request, GetImagePreviewsWorker, (uv_after_work_cb)AfterGetImagePreviews);
assert(status == 0);
return Undefined();
// Extract the previews and copy them into the baton.
static void GetImagePreviewsWorker(uv_work_t *req) {
GetPreviewBaton *thread_data = static_cast<GetPreviewBaton*> (req->data);
try {
Exiv2::Image::AutoPtr image = Exiv2::ImageFactory::open(thread_data->fileName);
assert(image.get() != 0);
Exiv2::PreviewManager manager(*image);
Exiv2::PreviewPropertiesList list = manager.getPreviewProperties();
// Make sure we're not reusing a baton with memory allocated.
assert(thread_data->previews == 0);
assert(thread_data->size == 0);
thread_data->size = list.size();
thread_data->previews = new Preview*[thread_data->size];
int i = 0;
for (Exiv2::PreviewPropertiesList::iterator pos = list.begin(); pos != list.end(); pos++) {
Exiv2::PreviewImage image = manager.getPreviewImage(*pos);
thread_data->previews[i++] = new Preview(pos->mimeType_, pos->height_,
pos->width_, (char*) image.pData(), pos->size_);
} catch (std::exception& e) {
// Convert the previews from the baton into V8 objects and fire the callback.
static void AfterGetImagePreviews(uv_work_t* req, int status) {
HandleScope scope;
GetPreviewBaton *thread_data = static_cast<GetPreviewBaton*> (req->data);
Local<Value> argv[2] = { Local<Value>::New(Null()), Local<Value>::New(Null()) };
if (!thread_data->exifException.empty()){
argv[0] = Local<String>::New(String::New(thread_data->exifException.c_str()));
} else {
// Convert the data into V8 values.
Local<Array> previews = Array::New(thread_data->size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < thread_data->size; ++i) {
Preview *p = thread_data->previews[i];
Local<Object> preview = Object::New();
preview->Set(String::New("mimeType"), String::New(p->mimeType.c_str()));
preview->Set(String::New("height"), Number::New(p->height));
preview->Set(String::New("width"), Number::New(p->width));
preview->Set(String::New("data"), makeBuffer(p->data, p->size));
previews->Set(i, preview);
argv[1] = previews;
// Pass the argv array object to our callback function.
TryCatch try_catch;
thread_data->cb->Call(Context::GetCurrent()->Global(), 2, argv);
if (try_catch.HasCaught()) {
delete thread_data;
void InitAll(Handle<Object> target) {
target->Set(String::NewSymbol("getImageTags"), FunctionTemplate::New(GetImageTags)->GetFunction());
target->Set(String::NewSymbol("removeImageTags"), FunctionTemplate::New(RemoveImageTags)->GetFunction());
target->Set(String::NewSymbol("setImageTags"), FunctionTemplate::New(SetImageTags)->GetFunction());
target->Set(String::NewSymbol("getImagePreviews"), FunctionTemplate::New(GetImagePreviews)->GetFunction());
NODE_MODULE(exiv2, InitAll)
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