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Created November 13, 2023 04:09
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Bluespec SystemVerilog grammar
intLiteral ::= ’0 | ’1
| sizedIntLiteral
| unsizedIntLiteral
sizedIntLiteral ::= bitWidth baseLiteral
unsizedIntLiteral ::= [ sign ] baseLiteral
| [ sign ] decNum
baseLiteral ::= (’d | ’D) decDigitsUnderscore
| (’h | ’H) hexDigitsUnderscore
| (’o | ’O) octDigitsUnderscore
| (’b | ’B) binDigitsUnderscore
decNum ::= decDigits [ decDigitsUnderscore ]
bitWidth ::= decDigits
sign ::= + | -
decDigits ::= { 0...9 }
decDigitsUnderscore ::= { 0...9, _ }
hexDigitsUnderscore ::= { 0...9, a...f, A...F, _ }
octDigitsUnderscore ::= { 0...7, _ }
binDigitsUnderscore ::= { 0,1, _ }
realLiteral ::= decNum[ .decDigitsUnderscore ] exp [ sign ] decDigitsUnderscore
| decNum.decDigitsUnderscore
exp ::= e | E
stringLiteral ::= " · · · string characters · · · "
compilerDirective ::= ‘include "filename"
| ‘include <filename>
| ‘include macroInvocation
| ‘line lineNumber "filename" level
| ‘define macroName [ ( macroFormals ) ]
| macroInvocation
| ‘undef macroName
| ‘resetall
| ‘ifdef macroName
| ‘ifndef macroName
| ‘elsif macroName
| ‘else
| ‘endif
lineNumber ::= decLiteral
level ::= 0 | 1 | 2
macroName ::= identifier
macroFormals ::= identifier { , identifier }
macroInvocation ::= ‘macroName [ ( macroActuals ) ]
macroActuals ::= substText { , substText }
package ::= package packageIde ;
{ exportDecl }
{ importDecl }
{ packageStmt }
endpackage [ : packageIde ]
exportDecl ::= export exportItem { , exportItem } ;
exportItem ::= identifier [ (..) ]
| Identifier [ (..) ]
| packageIde :: *
importDecl ::= import importItem { , importItem } ;
importItem ::= packageIde :: *
packageStmt ::= moduleDef
| interfaceDecl
| typeDef
| varDecl | varAssign
| functionDef
| typeclassDef
| typeclassInstanceDef
| externModuleImport
packageIde ::= Identifier
type ::= typePrimary
| typePrimary ( type { , type } ) Function type
typePrimary ::= typeIde [ # ( type { , type } ) ]
| typeNat
| bit [ typeNat : typeNat ]
typeIde ::= Identifier
typeNat ::= decDigits
exprPrimary ::= valueof ( type )
| valueOf ( type )
interfaceDecl ::= [ attributeInstances ]
interface typeDefType ;
{ interfaceMemberDecl }
endinterface [ : typeIde ]
typeDefType ::= typeIde [ typeFormals ]
typeFormals ::= # ( typeFormal { , typeFormal })
typeFormal ::= [ numeric ] type typeIde
interfaceMemberDecl ::= methodProto | subinterfaceDecl
methodProto ::= [ attributeInstances ]
method type identifier ( [ methodProtoFormals ] ) ;
methodProtoFormals ::= methodProtoFormal { , methodProtoFormal }
methodProtoFormal ::= [ attributeInstances ] type identifier
subinterfaceDecl ::= [ attributeInstances ]
interface typeDefType;
moduleDef ::= [ attributeInstances ]
{ moduleStmt }
endmodule [ : identifier ]
moduleProto ::= module [ [ type ] ] identifier
[ moduleFormalParams ] ( [ moduleFormalArgs ] ) [ provisos ];
moduleFormalParams ::= # (moduleFormalParam { , moduleFormalParam })
moduleFormalParam ::= [ attributeInstances ] [ parameter ] type identifier
moduleFormalArgs ::= [ attributeInstances ] type
| [ attributeInstances ] type identifier
{ , [ attributeInstances ] type identifier }
moduleStmt ::= moduleInst
| methodDef
| subinterfaceDef
| rule
| varDo | varDeclDo
| functionCall
| systemTaskStmt
| ( expression )
| returnStmt
| varDecl | varAssign
| functionDef
| moduleDef
| <module>BeginEndStmt
| <module>If | <module>Case
| <module>For | <module>While
moduleInst ::= [ attributeInstances ]
type identifier <- moduleApp ;
| [ attributeInstances ]
type identifier ( ) ;
moduleApp2 identifier( [ moduleActualArgs ] ) ;
moduleApp ::= identifier
( [ moduleActualParamArg { , moduleActualParamArg } ] )
moduleActualParamArg ::= expression
| clocked_by expression
| reset_by expression
moduleApp2 ::= identifier [ # ( moduleActualParam { , moduleActualParam } ) ]
moduleActualParam ::= expression
moduleActualArgs ::= moduleActualArg { , moduleActualArg }
moduleActualArg ::= expression
| clocked_by expression
| reset_by expression
methodDef ::= method [ type ] identifier ( methodFormals ) [ implicitCond ] ;
endmethod [ : identifier ]
| method Action identifier ( methodFormals ) [ implicitCond ] ;
{ actionStmt }
endmethod [ : identifier ]
| method ActionValue #( type ) identifier ( methodFormals ) [ implicitCond ; ]
{ actionValueStmt }
endmethod [ : identifier ]
| method [ type ] identifier ( methodFormals ) [ implicitCond ] = expression ;
methodFormals ::= methodFormal { , methodFormal }
methodFormal ::= [ type ] identifier
implicitCond ::= if ( condPredicate )
condPredicate ::= exprOrCondPattern { &&& exprOrCondPattern }
exprOrCondPattern ::= expression
| expression matches pattern
subinterfaceDef ::= interface Identifier identifier ;
{ interfaceStmt }
endinterface [ : identifier ]
| interface [ type ] identifier = expression ;
interfaceStmt ::= methodDef
| subinterfaceDef
| expressionStmt
expressionStmt ::= varDecl | varAssign
| functionDef
| moduleDef
| <expression>BeginEndStmt
| <expression>If | <expression>Case
| <expression>For | <expression>While
rule ::= [ attributeInstances ]
rule identifier [ ruleCond ] ;
endrule [ : identifier ]
ruleCond ::= ( condPredicate )
ruleBody ::= { actionStmt }
typeDef ::= typedefSynonym
| typedefEnum
| typedefStruct
| typedefTaggedUnion
typedefSynonym ::= typedef type typeDefType ;
typedefEnum ::= typedef enum { typedefEnumElements } Identifier [ derives ] ;
typedefEnumElements ::= typedefEnumElement { , typedefEnumElement }
typedefEnumElement ::= Identifier [ = intLiteral ]
| Identifier[intLiteral] [ = intLiteral ]
| Identifier[intLiteral:intLiteral] [ = intLiteral ]
typedefStruct ::= typedef struct {
{ structMember }
} typeDefType [ derives ] ;
typedefTaggedUnion ::= typedef union tagged {
{ unionMember }
} typeDefType [ derives ] ;
structMember ::= type identifier ;
| subUnion identifier ;
unionMember ::= type Identifier ;
| subStruct Identifier ;
| subUnion Identifier ;
| void Identifier ;
subStruct ::= struct {
{ structMember }
subUnion ::= union tagged {
{ unionMember }
provisos ::= provisos ( proviso { , proviso } )
proviso ::= Identifier #(type { , type } )
typeclassDef ::= typeclass typeclassIde typeFormals [ provisos ]
[ typedepends ] ;
{ overloadedDef }
endtypeclass [ : typeclassIde ]
typeclassIde ::= Identifier
typedepends ::= dependencies ( typedepend { , typedepend } )
typedepend ::= typelist determines typelist
typelist ::= typeIde
| ( typeIde { , typeIde } )
overloadedDef ::= functionProto
| varDecl
typeclassInstanceDef ::= instance typeclassIde # ( type { , type } ) [ provisos ] ;
{ varAssign ; | functionDef | moduleDef }
endinstance [ : typeclassIde ]
derives ::= deriving ( typeclassIde { , typeclassIde } )
varDecl ::= type varInit { , varInit } ;
varInit ::= identifier [ arrayDims ] [ = expression ]
arrayDims ::= [ expression ] { [ expression ] }
varAssign ::= lValue = expression ;
| match pattern = expression ;
lValue ::= identifier
| lValue . identifier
| lValue [ expression ]
| lValue [ expression : expression ]
varDecl ::= let identifier = expression ;
| let identifier <- expression ;
regWrite ::= lValue <= expression
| ( expression ) <= expression
| lValue arrayIndexes <= expression
| lValue [ expression : expression ] <= expression
| lValue . identifier <= expression
arrayIndexes ::= [ expression ] { [ expression ] }
<ctxt>BeginEndStmt ::= begin [ : identifier ]
{ <ctxt>Stmt }
end [ : identifier ]
<ctxt>If ::= if ( condPredicate )
[ else
<ctxt>Stmt ]
<ctxt>Case ::= case ( expression )
{ <ctxt>CaseItem }
[ <ctxt>DefaultItem ]
| case ( expression ) matches
{ <ctxt>CasePatItem }
[ <ctxt>DefaultItem ]
<ctxt>CaseItem ::= expression { , expression } : <ctxt>Stmt
<ctxt>DefaultItem ::= default [ : ] <ctxt>Stmt
<ctxt>While ::= while ( expression )
<ctxt>For ::= for ( forInit ; forTest ; forIncr )
forInit ::= forOldInit | forNewInit
forOldInit ::= simpleVarAssign { , simpleVarAssign }
simpleVarAssign ::= identifier = expression
forNewInit ::= type identifier = expression { , simpleVarDeclAssign }
simpleVarDeclAssign ::= [ type ] identifier = expression
forTest ::= expression
forIncr ::= varIncr { , varIncr }
varIncr ::= identifier = expression
functionDef ::= [ attributeInstances ]
endfunction [ : identifier ]
functionProto ::= function type identifier ( [ functionFormals ] ) [ provisos ] ;
| function type identifier ( [ functionFormals ] ) [ provisos ] = expression ;
functionFormals ::= functionFormal { , functionFormal }
functionFormal ::= type identifier
functionBody ::= actionBlock
| actionValueBlock
| { functionBodyStmt }
functionBodyStmt ::= returnStmt
| varDecl | varAssign
| functionDef
| moduleDef
| <functionBody>BeginEndStmt
| <functionBody>If | <functionBody>Case
| <functionBody>For | <functionBody>While
returnStmt ::= return expression ;
expression ::= condExpr
| operatorExpr
| exprPrimary
exprPrimary ::= identifier
| intLiteral
| realLiteral
| stringLiteral
| systemFunctionCall
| ( expression )
| ?
| bitConcat | bitSelect
| beginEndExpr
| actionBlock
| actionValueBlock
| functionCall
| methodCall
| typeAssertion
| structExpr
| exprPrimary . identifier
| taggedUnionExpr
| interfaceExpr
| rulesExpr
| seqFsmStmt | parFsmStmt
condExpr ::= condPredicate ? expression : expression
operatorExpr ::= unop expression
| expression binop expression
bitConcat ::= { expression { , expression } }
bitSelect ::= exprPrimary [ expression [ : expression ] ]
beginEndExpr ::= begin [ : identifier ]
{ expressionStmt }
end [ : identifier ]
actionBlock ::= action [ : identifier ]
{ actionStmt }
endaction [ : identifier ]
actionStmt ::= regWrite
| varDo | varDeclDo
| functionCall
| systemTaskStmt
| ( expression )
| actionBlock
| varDecl | varAssign
| functionDef
| moduleDef
| <action>BeginEndStmt
| <action>If | <action>Case
| <action>For | <action>While
actionValueBlock ::= actionvalue [ : identifier ]
{ actionValueStmt }
endactionvalue [ : identifier ]
actionValueStmt ::= regWrite
| varDo | varDeclDo
| functionCall
| systemTaskStmt
| ( expression )
| returnStmt
| varDecl | varAssign
| functionDef
| moduleDef
| <actionValue>BeginEndStmt
| <actionValue>If | <actionValue>Case
| <actionValue>For | <actionValue>While
varDeclDo ::= type identifier <- expression ;
varDo ::= identifier <- expression ;
functionCall ::= exprPrimary [ ( [ expression { , expression } ] ) ]
methodCall ::= exprPrimary . identifier [ ( [ expression { , expression } ] ) ]
typeAssertion ::= type ’ bitConcat
| type ’ ( expression )
structExpr ::= Identifier { memberBind { , memberBind } }
memberBind ::= identifier : expression
taggedUnionExpr ::= tagged Identifier { memberBind { , memberBind } }
| tagged Identifier exprPrimary
interfaceExpr ::= interface Identifier ;
{ interfaceStmt }
endinterface [ : Identifier ]
rulesExpr ::= [ attributeInstances ]
rules [ : identifier ]
endrules [ : identifier ]
rulesStmt ::= rule | expressionStmt
pattern ::= . identifier Pattern variable
| .* Wildcard
| constantPattern Constant
| taggedUnionPattern Tagged union
| structPattern Struct
| tuplePattern Tuple
constantPattern ::= intLiteral
| realLiteral
| stringLiteral
| Identifier Enum label
taggedUnionPattern ::= tagged Identifier [ pattern ]
structPattern ::= tagged Identifier { identifier : pattern { , identifier : pattern } }
tuplePattern ::= { pattern { , pattern } }
<ctxt>CasePatItem ::= pattern { &&& expression } : <ctxt>Stmt
caseExpr ::= case ( expression ) matches
{ caseExprItem }
caseExprItem ::= pattern [ &&& expression ] : expression
| default [ : ] expression
fsmStmt ::= exprFsmStmt
| seqFsmStmt
| parFsmStmt
| ifFsmStmt
| whileFsmStmt
| repeatFsmStmt
| forFsmStmt
| returnFsmStmt
exprFsmStmt ::= regWrite ;
| expression ;
seqFsmStmt ::= seq fsmStmt { fsmStmt } endseq
parFsmStmt ::= par fsmStmt { fsmStmt } endpar
ifFsmStmt ::= if expression fsmStmt
[ else fsmStmt ]
whileFsmStmt ::= while ( expression )
forFsmStmt ::= for ( fsmStmt ; expression ; fsmStmt )
returnFsmStmt ::= return ;
repeatFsmStmt ::= repeat ( expression )
loopBodyFsmStmt ::= fsmStmt
| break ;
| continue ;
systemTaskStmt ::= systemTaskCall ;
| displayTaskName ( [ expression [ , expression ] ] );
| $fclose ( fileIdentifier ) ;
| fileTaskName ( fileIdentifier , [ expression [ , expression ] ] ) ;
| stringTaskName ( ifcIdentifier , [ expression [ , expression ] ] ) ;
| $ungetc ( expression, fileIdentifier ) ;
| $fflush ( [ fileIdentifier ] ) ;
| $finish [ ( expression ) ] ;
| $stop [ ( expression ) ] ;
| $finish [ ( expression ) ] ;
| $stop [ ( expression ) ] ;
| $dumpvars | $dumpon | $dumpoff ;
displayTaskName ::= $display | $displayb | $displayo | $displayh
| $write | $writeb | $writeo | $writeh
systemTaskCall ::= $format ( [ expression [ , expression ] ] )
| $fopen ( fileName [ , fileType ] )
| stringAVTaskName ( [ expression [ , expression ] ] )
| $fgetc ( fileIdentifier )
| $realtobits ( expression )
| $bitstoreal ( expression )
| $test$plusargs ( expression )
fileTaskName ::= $fdisplay | $fdisplayb | $fdisplayo | $fdisplayh
| $fwrite | $fwriteb | $fwriteo | $fwriteh
stringTaskName ::= $swrite | $swriteb | $swriteo | $swriteh | $sformat
stringAVTaskName ::= $swriteAV | $swritebAV | $swriteoAV | $swritehAV | $sformatAV
systemFunctionCall ::= $time | $stime
attributeInstances ::= attributeInstance
{ attributeInstance }
attributeInstance ::= (* attrSpec { , attrSpec } *)
attrSpec ::= attrName [ = expression ]
attrName ::= identifier |Identifier
externModuleImport ::= import "BVI" [ identifier = ] moduleProto
{ moduleStmt }
{ importBVIStmt }
endmodule [ : identifier ]
importBVIStmt ::= parameterBVIStmt
| methodBVIStmt
| portBVIStmt
| inputClockBVIStmt
| defaultClockBVIStmt
| outputClockBVIStmt
| inputResetBVIStmt
| defaultResetBVIStmt
| noResetBVIStmt
| outputResetBVIStmt
| ancestorBVIStmt
| sameFamilyBVIStmt
| scheduleBVIStmt
| pathBVIStmt
| interfaceBVIStmt
| inoutBVIStmt
parameterBVIStmt ::= parameter identifier = expression ;
methodBVIStmt ::= method [ portId ] identifer [ ( [ portId { , portId } ] ) ]
[ enable (portId ) ] [ ready ( portId) ]
[ clocked_by ( clockId) ] [ reset_by ( resetId) ] ;
portBVIStmt ::= port identifier [ clocked_by ( clockId ) ]
[ reset_by ( resetId ) ] = expression ;
inputClockBVIStmt ::= input_clock [ identifier ] ( [ portsDef ] ) = expression ;
| input_clock [ identifier ] ( [ portsDef ] ) <- expression ;
portsDef ::= portId [ , [ attributeInstances ] portId ]
portId ::= identifier
defaultClockBVIStmt ::= default_clock identifier ;
| default_clock [ identifier ] [ ( portsDef ) ] [ = expression ] ;
outputClockBVIStmt ::= output_clock identifier ( [ portsDef ] ) ;
inputResetBVIStmt ::= input_reset [ identifier ] [ ( portId ) ] [ clocked_by ( clockId ) ] = expression ;
| input_reset [ identifier ] [ ( portId ) ] [ clocked_by ( clockId ) ] <- expression ;
clockId ::= identifier
defaultResetBVIStmt ::= default_reset identifier ;
| default_reset [ identifier ] [ ( portId ) ] [ clocked_by ( clockId ) ] [ = expression ] ;
| default_reset [ identifier ] [ ( portId ) ] [ clocked_by ( clockId ) ] [ <- expression ] ;
outputResetBVIStmt ::= output_reset identifier [ ( portId ) ] [ clocked_by ( clockId ) ];
ancestorBVIStmt ::= ancestor ( clockId , clockId ) ;
sameFamilyBVIStmt ::= same_family ( clockId , clockId ) ;
scheduleBVIStmt ::= schedule ( identifier { , identifier } ) operatorId
( identifier { , identifier } );
operatorId ::= CF
| SB
| C
pathBVIStmt ::= path ( portId, portId ) ;
interfaceBVIStmt ::= interface typeDefType ;
{ interfaceBVIMembDecl }
endinterface [ : typeIde ]
interfaceBVIMembDecl ::= methodBVIStmt
| interfaceBVIStmt ;
inoutBVIStmt ::= inout portId [ clocked_by ( clockId ) ]
[ reset_by ( resetId ) ] = expression ;
inoutBVIStmt ::= ifc_inout identifier (inoutId ) [ clocked_by ( clockId ) ]
[ reset_by ( resetId ) ] ;
externCImport ::= import "BDPI" [ identifier = ] function type
identifier ( [ CFuncArgs ] ) [ provisos ] ;
CFuncArgs ::= CFuncArg { , CFuncArg }
CFuncArg ::= type [ identifier ]
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