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Last active June 7, 2021 21:53
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Lightning Talk proposal for ReactiveConf 2017 #ReactiveConf

Porting Prezi to Elm in 99 lines of code

Elm is a statically-typed functional programming language. Its compiler produces safe JavaScript which is guaranteed to be free of runtime exceptions. Moreover Elm is packed with a bunch of powerful abstractions which let us build visual and reactive Web applications in a few lines of code.

As an example, I show the implementation of a simple framework for building Prezi-like presentations. It's just 99 lines of code!

What?? 😲 Just 99 LOC?!

Yes! Even including code for a small example presentation.

Source code can be found here:

But there is more!

Create your own Prezi-like presentation with this slim litte Web tool written in Elm!

I made my presentation for Elm Europe 2017 with it. Run it yourself! (works best in Chrome)

Please star! 💜

... so this proposal makes it into the Lightning Talks session at ReactiveConf 2017!

And please pay attention to the little preview below!

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