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defmodule MyMacros do
defmacro my_macro() do
module = __CALLER__.module
Module.get_attribute(module, :foo) |> IO.inspect(label: "outside quote")
quote do
Module.get_attribute(unquote(module), :foo) |> IO.inspect(label: "with unquoted module")
Module.get_attribute(__MODULE__, :foo) |> IO.inspect(label: "with __MODULE__")
myronmarston /
Created November 5, 2015 23:26 — forked from pnc/
Using Erlang observer/appmon remotely

Using OTP's observer (appmon replacement) remotely

$ ssh remote-host "epmd -names"
epmd: up and running on port 4369 with data:
name some_node at port 58769

Note the running on port for epmd itself and the port of the node you're interested in debugging. Reconnect to the remote host with these ports forwarded:

$ ssh -L 4369:localhost:4369 -L 58769:localhost:58769 remote-host
RSpec.configure do |rspec|
if ENV["CI"]
rspec.before(:example, :focus) do
raise "Do not commit examples tagged with :focus"
rspec.filter_run_when_matching :focus
alias Experimental.GenStage
defmodule WorkerPool.Worker do
@type subscription_options :: Keyword.t
@type producer :: pid | {pid, subscription_options}
@doc """
Starts a worker, subscribed to the provided job producers.
@spec start_link([producer], Keyword.t) :: {:ok, pid}
@doc """
Will ensure the processes with the test does not complete until the process with the
provided pid has exited. This is necessary when writing multiple tests that start the
same named process. See for more info.
This accepts either `{:ok, pid}` or just `pid` so that you can use it in a pipeline
after a `start_link` call.
def synchronize_death_on_exit({:ok, pid}) when is_pid(pid), do: synchronize_death_on_exit(pid)
def synchronize_death_on_exit(pid) when is_pid(pid) do
myronmarston / registry.ex
Last active September 23, 2016 17:35
Example of handling errors when using `GenServer.reply/2`
defmodule Registry do
# ...
def handle_call({:execute_against_shard, campaign_id, fun}, from, state) do
{shard_process, state} = find_or_create_shard(campaign_id, state)
ShardProcess.execute_and_reply(shard_process, fun, from)
{:noreply, state}
# ...

TL; DR: "mock" and "stub" were the common terminology when RSpec's API was first created but we've realized that using them to create fake objects causes confusion and that double is a much better term.

I wasn't around when RSpec's original APIs were created, so this is a bit of guess work, but here's my understanding.

When RSpec's mocking API was first created, the two common terms used for what we now commonly call "test doubles" were mocks and

require 'rspec/core/rake_task' do |t|
t.rspec_opts = "--out tmp/specs_task.out"
task :specs => :specs_prep do
results ="tmp/specs_task.out")
# do something with results
RSpec.configure do |config|
# Either put conditional logic in the hook...
config.around(:example) do |ex|
unless ex.metadata[:slow]
puts "Not tagged slow"
myronmarston / slash_vs_plus_string.rb
Last active May 20, 2016 00:27
Comparing perf of using `\` vs `+` for multiline strings
require 'benchmark/ips'
require 'allocation_stats'
def access_slashed_string
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis molestie " \
"elementum urna, a accumsan nunc euismod et. Aliquam porttitor, leo in " \
"aliquet aliquam, magna quam venenatis nulla, vel sagittis nisi nisi et " \
"nulla. Nulla quis facilisis turpis, vel blandit risus. Maecenas ut ante " \
"quis velit pretium pharetra ac rhoncus massa. Nulla quam dui, placerat " \
"eget quam vel, ultricies eleifend sem."