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Created March 7, 2019 17:28
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Create a mutating configmap


Steps to reproduce a changing configmap mounted as a volume to see the effects on a running pod.


  1. Create the initial config map:
    kubectl create configmap my-cm --from-file configmap.txt --dry-run --output yaml | \
       grep -v creationTimestamp | \
       kubectl apply -f -
    Note: Above removes the creation timestamp so that subsequent applies don't trigger a change to the configmap.
  2. Launch a simple pod with the configmap mounted as a volume:
    kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
  3. Shell into the pod (may have to wait for it to come up):
    kubectl exec -it my-pod -- /bin/sh
  4. Monitor the contents of the configmap file:
    while $(true); do echo $(date) $(md5sum /etc/my-cm-volume/configmap.txt); sleep 1; done
  5. Mutate the contents of the file.
  6. Apply the configmap again (redo step 1).
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