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Interview Sample Question

Interview Sample Question

    1. why is not all memory free when Python exits?
    1. write the output of below code:
   var1 = lambda q: q * 5
   var2 = lambda q: q * 3
   x = 2
   x = var1(x)
   x = var1(x)
   x = var1(x)

Ans: 150

    1. write the output of below code:
class A(object):
  val = 1
class B(A):

class C(A):

print(A.val, B.val, c.val)
B.val = 20
print(A.val, B.val, c.val)
A.Val = 30
print(A.val, B.val, c.val)

Ans: 1 1 1 1 20 1 30 20 30

    1. Write a Python snippet to find unique element in a list.
    1. write a Python programto reverse all words in a file and write reversed word into another file.
    1. What are Exception Handling ? How do you achieve in python?
    1. Brief explain the following:
    • Inheritance
    • init method
    • String slice
    • String Concation
    • super
    1. Write a python program for below problem:
dict1 = {'fgx23': 23, 'dx22a': 2, 'dsw23': 10, 'as15': 17, 'fk112': 25}
dict2 = {'dx22a': 9, 'dsw23': 1, 'fgx23', 20, 'fk112': 12}

How to add the numbers(value) that have same code(key) in both dictionary? Example: dict1 has key 'dx22a' with value 2 and the dict2 has same 'dx22a' with value 9 the result should be in dict3 with key 'dx22a' with value 11. outputformat:

dict3 = {'fgx23': 43, 'dx2a': 11, 'dsw23': 11, ....etc}
    1. Write a python script that recursivly walks all sub directories and search all files with exentension *jpg, *.jpeg append them into the list Ans:
import os
sub = []
for dirs in os.walk('.'):
    for j in (dirs[2]):
        if j.lower().split('.')[1] in ('jpg','jpeg'):

    1. Explain enumarator , zip and generator funtion in python.
    1. Write a python list comprehension which generate a list of numbers which are odd and divisble by 3 for range n. Ans:
result = [i for i in range(n) if not i%2 == 0 and i%3 == 0] # n can be any positive integers
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