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Last active April 17, 2024 05:05
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SGX EPC cgroups for Kubernetes
1. Prepare the kernel
git clone --depth 1 -b sgx_cg_upstream_v12 linux-epc-cgroups
Added config:
2. Boot the VM and check SGX cgroups
host:$ qemu-system-x86_64 \
-object memory-backend-epc,id=mem1,size=64M,prealloc=on \
-M sgx-epc.0.memdev=mem1 \
-drive file=jammy.raw,if=virtio,aio=threads,format=raw,index=0,media=disk \
-kernel ./arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage \
guest:$ grep sgx_epc /sys/fs/cgroup/misc.capacity
sgx_epc 67108864
3. Setup (a single node) K8S cluster w/ containerd 1.7 and SGX EPC NRI plugin on Ubuntu 22.04
$ dpkg -l |grep containerd
ii containerd 1.7.2-0ubuntu1~22.04.1 amd64 daemon to control runC
# NB: config.toml: enable nri (disable = false), systemdCgroup = true
$ grep -A7 nri\.v1 /etc/containerd/config.toml
disable = false
disable_connections = false
plugin_config_path = "/etc/nri/conf.d"
plugin_path = "/opt/nri/plugins"
plugin_registration_timeout = "5s"
plugin_request_timeout = "2s"
socket_path = "/var/run/nri/nri.sock"
$ sudo ls /var/run/nri/
$ git clone -b PR-2023-050
$ cd intel-device-plugins-for-kubernetes
$ make intel-deviceplugin-operator
$ docker save intel/intel-deviceplugin-operator:devel > op.tar
$ sudo ctr -n i import op.tar
$ kubectl apply -k deployments/operator/default/
$ kubectl apply -f deployments/operator/samples/deviceplugin_v1_sgxdeviceplugin.yaml
4. Run
Use and run
watch -n 1 "./kube-cgroups -n 'sgxplugin-*' -f '(misc|memory).(max|current)'" -p 'sgx-epc-*'
(with the targeted namespace (-n) and podname filter (-p))
Run a pod requesting "65536"
5. e2e test framework
$ git clone -b PR-2023-050
$ cd intel-device-plugins-for-kubernetes
$ make stress-ng-gramine intel-sgx-admissionwebhook
$ docker save intel/intel-sgx-admissionwebhook:devel > wh.tar
$ sudo ctr -n i import wh.tar
$ docker save intel/stress-ng-gramine:devel > gr.tar
$ sudo ctr -n i import gr.tar
$ go test -v ./test/e2e/... -ginkgo.v -ginkgo.focus "Device:sgx.*App:sgx-epc-cgroup"
NB: The e2e test framework expects cert-manager is deployed in the cluster
NB: The e2e test framework deletes all but kube-system and cert-manager namespaces before running the tests so do not run in a cluster with something important deployed!
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@mythi I sent you my notes that I wrote as I went through the steps. This guide is great. Some improvements I can think of is including notes for installing cert-manager and NFD -- I did not know this as I had never used intel-device-plugin before this. Thanks!

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