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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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  • Save mythmon/11166016 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mythmon/11166016 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is some crazy ideas about Monte modules. I don't think you're going to like this. (the numbers are just to control the Gist's order)
# This is a file that doesn't define any modules, and has one thing that is a
# main function. Clearly this is meant to run in the IO scope, and the IO scope
# by default will execute a function named main in the file it executes.
fn main():
# addModules is a configuration step that is only available in IO scope.
# It could be in a separate configuration, or inline as it is here. It
# defines modules, the sums they should match (or the special value
# `M.linker.any`, which allows for any content), and the file path that
# module can be found in.
["cards", sha1sum`fe35e3eca6d189fed3755633fd1679b961d9ed3b`, "./"],
["deck", sha1sum`a677f1c766ee89673e5adbdb89b314b76a6f68f4`, "./"],
["hand", M.linker.any, "./"],
# I'll explain this elsewhere.
def {makeDeck} := require("deck")
def {makeHand} := require("hand")
traceln("Let's play blackjack!")
def deck := makeDeck()
def hand := makeHand([deck.draw() for _ in 1..2])
traceln("My hand is: ")
for card in
trace(`${card.pretty}, `)
traceln("It's score is ${hand.score})
# This file defines the "hand" module, which does not export any names.
module("hand", {})
# This is a syntax I made up that plucks the names on the left out of the thing
# on the right and creates slots with those names. It has a similar use when
# defining exports too, seen in and
def {suits, ranks} := require("cards")
def {makeDeck} := require("deck")
fn makeHand(cards):
to cards():
return card
to score():
# I'd love some sort of clean reduce syntax, but I can't think of one.
var sum := 0
for card in cards:
sum += card.rank.value
return sum
# This file defines the "cards" module, which does export some things. Here we
# see the return of these funny braces simpson is going to hate. Used as a
# literal here, they form an object with methods that return the contents by
# name.
module("cards", {
# I really should invent a name for this brace thing. These next few lines
# create an object named "suits", which has 4 getter methods, one for each suit.
def makeSuit(name):
return object `$name`:
to name():
return name
def suits := {
# The above is similar to the below, but easier to type.
# def _suitsMaker():
# def hearats := makeSuit("hearats")
# def spades := makeSuit("spades")
# def diamonds := makeSuit("diamonds")
# def clubs := makeSuit("clubs")
# return object suits:
# to hearts:
# return hearts
# to spades:
# return spades
# to diamonds:
# return diamonds
# to clubs:
# return clubs
# More of the same,
def makeRank(name, value):
return object `$name`:
to name:
return name
to value:
return value
def ranks := {
makeRank("ace", 1),
makeRank("two", 2),
makeRank("three", 3),
makeRank("four", 4),
makeRank("five", 5),
makeRank("six", 6),
makeRank("seven", 7),
makeRank("eight", 8),
makeRank("nine", 9),
makeRank("ten", 10),
makeRank("jack", 11),
makeRank("queen", 12),
makeRank("king", 13),
fn makeCard(rank, suit):
return object card:
to rank():
return rank
to suit():
return suit
to prettyPrint():
return `${name(rank)} of ${name(suit)}`
to op__cmp(other):
def rankCmp :=, other.rank)
def suitCmp :=, other.suit)
if rankCmp.aboveZero:
return 1
else if rankCmp.belowZero:
return -1
else if suitCmp.aboveZero:
return 1
else if suitCmp.belowZero:
return -1
return 0
# I don't think there is anything new in this file that wasn't described earlier.
module("deck", {
def {suits, ranks, makeCard} := require("cards")
def {product} := require("itertools")
def makeDeck():
def cards := [].diverge()
for [rank, suit] in product(ranks, suits):
cards.push(makeCard(rank, suit))
return object deck:
to draw():
return cards.pop()
to add(c):
to shuffle():
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