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Created October 13, 2012 12:49
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sbml simulation with groovy
/* settings */
def filename = './mapk.xml'
def duration = 4000.0
def dt = 0.1
def doc = new XmlParser().parse(filename)
def model = doc.model[0]
def species = [:]
def parameters = [:]
def reactions = [:]
def speciesIdList = null
model.listOfSpecies[0].species.each { species[it.@id] = new Double(it.@initialAmount) }
speciesIdList = species.keySet()
model.listOfReactions[0].reaction.each { re ->
re.kineticLaw[0].listOfParameters?.getAt(0).parameter.each { p ->
parameters[p.@id] = new Double(p.@value)
def reactants = re.listOfReactants[0].speciesReference*.@species
def products = re.listOfProducts[0].speciesReference*.@species
def math = { node ->
def name =
switch (name) {
case "ci":
def key = node.value()[0]
if (parameters[key] != null)
return [new Tuple("constant", parameters[key])]
return [new Tuple("species", key)]
case "cn":
return [new Tuple("constant", new Double(node.value()[0]))]
case ["plus", "minus", "times", "divide", "power"]:
return [new Tuple("operator", name)]
case "apply":
def op = call(node.children()[0])
def list = call(node.children()[1])
(2..<node.children().size()).each { list +=[it]) + op }
return list
assert false
reactions[re.@id] = [reactants: reactants, products: products, math: math]
print "# time"
speciesIdList.each { print " ${it}" }
println ''
def opmap = [
plus: { r, l -> r + l },
minus: { r, l -> r - l },
times: { r, l -> r * l },
divide: { r, l -> r / l },
power: { r, l -> r ** l }
for (t = 0.0; t <= duration; t += dt) {
reactions.each { id, info ->
def stack = []
info.math.each { tuple ->
def type = tuple.first()
switch (type) {
case "operator":
def left = stack.pop()
def right = stack.pop()
stack += opmap[tuple.last()](right, left)
case "species":
stack += species[tuple.last()]
case "constant":
stack += tuple.last()
assert false
def diff = stack.pop() * dt
info.reactants.each { species_next[it] -= diff }
info.products.each { species_next[it] += diff }
species = species_next
print t
speciesIdList.each { print " ${species[it]}" }
println ''
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