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Created September 2, 2011 04:21
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Save mythz/1187913 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generate a weighted sequence of numbers with an optional multiplier
# Generate a sequence of numbers:
# - ordered with the highest values
# - has a sum of 1
# - has an optional multiplier to alter the decreasing rate
sequence = (n,m=0) ->
f = (p,multiplier) -> p * p + multiplier
s = ""
max = n * n
sum = 0
sum += f(p,m) for p in [1..n]
total = 0
for p in [1..n]
r = n - p + 1
a = f(r,m) / sum
total += a
s += ", " if s
s += a.toFixed 4
"#{s}\nfor n: #{n}, m: #{m}, total: #{total}\n"
print = (rest...) -> console.log rest...
print sequence 3 # 0.6429, 0.2857, 0.0714
print sequence 5, -0.5 # 0.4667, 0.2952, 0.1619, 0.0667, 0.0095
print sequence 5, 0 # 0.4545, 0.2909, 0.1636, 0.0727, 0.0182
print sequence 5, 1.5 # 0.4240, 0.2800, 0.1680, 0.0880, 0.0400
print sequence 5, 2 # 0.4154, 0.2769, 0.1692, 0.0923, 0.0462
open System
let sequence n normalizer =
let f p normalizer = p * p + normalizer
let sum =
|> (fun p -> f p normalizer)
|> Seq.sum
let seq =
|> (fun p -> f (n - p + 1.0) normalizer / sum)
let sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder()
|> (fun i -> Math.Round(i,2).ToString())
|> Seq.iter (fun i -> sb.Append((if sb.Length > 0 then ", " else "") + i) |> ignore)
let total = seq |> Seq.sum
sprintf "%A\nfor n: %f, normalizer: %f, total %f" sb n normalizer total
printfn "%s" (sequence 3.0 0.0)
printfn "%s" (sequence 5.0 -0.5)
printfn "%s" (sequence 5.0 0.0)
printfn "%s" (sequence 5.0 1.5)
printfn "%s" (sequence 5.0 2.0)
#JavaScript output
var print, sequence;
var __slice = Array.prototype.slice;
sequence = function(n, m) {
var a, f, max, p, r, s, sum, total;
if (m == null) {
m = 0;
f = function(p, multiplier) {
return p * p + multiplier;
s = "";
max = n * n;
sum = 0;
for (p = 1; 1 <= n ? p <= n : p >= n; 1 <= n ? p++ : p--) {
sum += f(p, m);
total = 0;
for (p = 1; 1 <= n ? p <= n : p >= n; 1 <= n ? p++ : p--) {
r = n - p + 1;
a = f(r, m) / sum;
total += a;
if (s) {
s += ", ";
s += a.toFixed(4);
return "" + s + "\nfor n: " + n + ", m: " + m + ", total: " + total + "\n";
print = function() {
var rest;
rest = 1 <= arguments.length ?, 0) : [];
return console.log.apply(console, rest);
print(sequence(5, -0.5));
print(sequence(5, 0));
print(sequence(5, 1.5));
print(sequence(5, 2));
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